How do I stop being a severely depressed piece of shit? Anime and video games help with my depression but I've grown too accustomed to them and now I'm in a state of perpetual depression. Shitposting on 4channel doesn't make it go away, it probably makes it even worse but I can't leave because you fuckers are my only friends. So, please, help me get over my depression Jow Forums bros, I don't usually namefag outside of /balk/ but I'll be doing it for this thread for the purpose of recognising me. Please help by giving me your honest opinions, I'm thankful for all the years together with you guys.
How do I stop being a severely depressed piece of shit...
go to a doctor or therapist, retard
Stop watching anime and have sex
You're mentally ill just accept it and wait for your sweet death.
i hate to be that guy but,
go outside
go to sleep before midnight
dont look at porn
it really does help
Just cut your Internet off and interact with outsiders lmao
Have a new hobby
Go outside
Walk a mile every day
Talk with people
Stop fapping
Get a good job
Stop watching porn
Pick up writing
Pick up reading
Put down your phone (literally into a different room)
Travel and go outside
have sex
Stop browsing google street view all day
Face your problems the way your great ancestor did, games and anime are just a temporary sedative to your brain, it's not different from drugs
Meat only diet. It has helped to improve my mood.
Create goals in life for example getting a better job, saving money for something fun etc.
you can't, you man up and realize we are all doomed
>nb4 gets sacrificed to sun god
We have to imagine Sisyphus happy ;)
1.- I am not a disgusting ast*k
2.- Those savages mostly sacrificed women
I understand not fapping and consuming pornography helps, I've quit since a while back. Going outside for the weekends still doesn't help my depression, I have no real friends. I know a few people who have nothing in common with me except anime and video games but I consider conversating about such topics to be beyond shallow. Since I was little I always dreamt of being an astronaut-explorer who surveys different planets and retreating back on some alien backwater planet to grow crops until the day I die. Such endeavors are unfortunately beyond my capabilities so I find myself numb and with the help of anime and video games I've slowly slipt into depersonalisation which is such a tiring fucking state.
I wish I could, but I'm unworthy.
Such goals provide no satisfaction for me, which is the core issue here. Others might be content living their day to day lives but I can't be satisfied with that and yet I find myself sorely inadequate to tackle the challenges that lie up ahead.
You’re a product of modernity, having experienced no conflict or struggle, you fail to appreciate the miracle of living. We all do. What helped me is living in nature for one year. I’m much happier now
What a spoiled little bitch, grow up
hey, you on discord?
And when the hourglass has run out, the hourglass of temporality, when the noise of secular life has grown silent and its restless or ineffectual activism has come to an end, when everything around you is still, as it is in eternity, then eternity asks you and every individual in these millions and millions about only one thing: whether you have lived in despair or not.
I'll be honest with you: you might not want to hear this but anime and videogames are sinking you even deeper into depression. Same goes for shitposting on here. I'm kinda suffering from mild depression and I'm trying to limit my exposure to this website and spend time with real people outside, but trust me it's a hell of a hard task
>I wish I could, but I'm unworthy.
Who's to say that? You can't assume that because there are too many factors to assume that. It's like saying everything will go right for me and there's nothing I can do about it. You can at least be satisfied you tried your best. As long as you do your best, that's all we can ask.
No one can understand you, you won't find a solution here.
Stay in nature, read and do sports. Internet and TV help you to not think at your problems, but you need to think about them or they'll never go away.
Wtf is going on in that picture
Looks like a boiler explosion.