/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico

sunday night edition

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tfw no gf

so wassup

finna maybe get in on some COURTSHIP DATING haha

don't really care about my ancestors

This is an American cartoon.

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cheap bic ive been using for the last year is dying


>06/24/19(Mon)01:01:44 No.107478057
>cheap bic ive been using for the last year is dying
Cheap Bih I’ve Been Using For The Last Year Is Dying

I really appreciate watching a big dry log dropping from a girls anus. the way it crowns, suddenly opening up and the turd begins to emerge, mmm. when it starts coming out, oh my, it continues coming out until it breaks off due to the weight of the poo. then of course the closing of the anus, truly magic. I imagine it must be like watching a woman give birth, a magical, natural experience to behold.

because you don't know what you are?

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Many people are just plebs born to plebs back into eternity (not me tho OBVIOUSLY)

>got new license photo
>face is noticeably fatter
>hairline is much patchier

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imagine falling through time

I guess so

Better than being the guy handing over an ID that shows how poorly you’ve aged in the last couple of years lol

>go to Jow Forums
>question anything Trump does
>get called an NPC
A bit ironic

Stop being so antisemitic

imagine all /cum/posters (with the obvious exceptions) disappeared

would that be great

wish i could sing again

ice cream machine better not be broken

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Burnt the roof of my mouth on some very hot pidser and the skin is peeling :(

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What happened?

I haven't left the house in over two weeks

how do you get your food

i have a refuelable torch lighter i got like a decade when i thought i would be cool to get into smoking cigars, never really got into it though. still works though and im thinking it might be of use when i finally get the balls to try to smoke this dmt.

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thanks for reminding me to renew my license

moved to an apartment with thin doors

we promise to get you out of your timeshare agreement or we'll give your money a whack

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I stocked up the last time I left. Could easily go another week, but I'm out of tobacco, so I'll get some things tomorrow.

are you rural and do you smoke cigarettes in your house


why does this trigggers men so much

I lost 40 pounds before I renewed my license. I keep my old one in my wallet to remind myself of how chubby I was.

>why does this trigggers men so much
Because we have morals.

>I haven't left the house in over two weeks

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Yeah, I live out a ways. It's smokeless tobacco.

being fat is immoral?

Actually, yes. Being fat IS immoral.

youre no one to talk about morallity my dude

fkn nice

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I am a paragon of moral integrity.

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whatever you say pedo

anime is immoral


Pedophilia is a mental illness. I don't suffer from any mental illnesses.

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if only...

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pedophilia is a social construct

whatever you say pedo

do all the candidates that plan to pay off student loans also plan to do so for all students loan (e.g. sallie mae) or just government loans?

Pedophilia is used as a designation for a biological deviancy.

ate a cake and a glass of milk
i failed my diet once again

its means whatever you want it to be.
it can mean being attracted to 17 yo girls.

>its means whatever you want it to be.
No, it has a very specific meaning and you are wrong when you use it for anything else.

anime is a social construct

Rootless cosmopolitans have always been shit all the way into prehistory

that's actually hebephilia. pedophilia is under before puberty

its meaning is what the majority of people use it for.

literally only pedos go ACKCHUYUALLY on this LOL

That isn't so, but the majority of people use it correctly anyway.

You can't compare an 17 year old to an 8 year old

i just did, PEDO FREAK

and the majority of people use it for to related to underage(under 18)

That isn't Hebephilia. Hebephilia would be attraction to something like 11-15, or tanner stages 3 and 4. Over 15 would be attraction to post-pubescents and so Ephebophilia, which is no different than being attracted to a woman in her 20s.

All sex is statutory rape because all women are children at heart

Except it’s illegal and you’re going to jail for this eventually hahaha

seem to be a bit manic...

Okay friend, let me explain something to you since you seem to be new here. Hebephilia is NOT the same thing as pedophilIa. I'm sick and tired of you trolls popping up everywhere and spreading BLATANT misinformation. In many countries hebephilia is considered normal and healthy . Human beings have a natural attraction to girls who are going through puberty. Being attracted to girls who are pre-pubescent is fucking sick and disgusting, but only in the US does there seem to be an unwarranted taboo around a healthy and normal condition. My head hurts. I'm just trying to get my real life back.

I'm getting real tired of canadians

Just got into the thread, is someone defending pedophilia? what a fucking loser lmao

why haven't you filtered mexican tranny yet?

Attraction is thoughts in the mind, there is no such thing as a thought crime in the US.

That said I am only attracted to females capable of producing eggs to be fertilized.

>umm wtf??? this tranny spic is disrupting MY safe space, better just filter him

same reason i laugh at reality tv

I've never liked this pasta. It has nothing to do with geography or popular opinion: Hebephilia is objectively biologically valid, and not comparable to a mental illness like Pedophilia.

it would be easier for me to get a gf(bf)(trans women are women) than a bf(bf)

*forces you to sign an oath of allegiance to Israel in order to receive government contracts or even FEMA assistance after a natural disaster*


what a surprise ale is a pedo

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I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as pedophilia, is in fact, hebephilia, or as I've recently taken to calling it, ephebophilia. Pedophilia is not merely the attraction to anyone under 18, but rather a totally separate disorder (not a legal term) listed as a sexual-psychological disorder categorized under paraphilias, a group of sexual-psychological disorders in the DSM-IV and considered a disorder under the standards of the American Psychological Association. Many people could be considered ephebophiles despite the fact that they themselves may not know the term, much less what it means. Through a peculiar turn of events, ephebophilia and hebephilia became grouped under the very general and inconclusive cultural term "pedophilia," and the majority of people using the term are unaware that they are referring to non-paraphilic sexual preferences that are unmentioned in the DSM-IV and occur relatively harmlessly in a great deal of the population. There really is a pedophilia, and these people may be referring to it, but nevertheless it is a small part of what is labeled under "pedophilia." Pedophilia is labeled as a paraphilia because it is by nature unhealthy. Paraphilias are all unhealthy and destructive to relationships, but are restricted to the definitions set forth in the DSM. Pedophilia is simply grouped with the non pathologized conditions of hebephilia and hebephilia because they share a few similar traits. In reality, pedophilia separate from both and should be treated as such, and many people described as pedophiles would be better described as hebephiles or ephebophiles.

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What does “Iberian” mean on an ancestry test? Like just the general area? What’s it specifically mean? Is it Portuguese or Spanish?

>tranny trying to justify being a pedo

the word pedophilia did not exist 300 years ago.

/cum/ didnt exist 300 years ago.

Thoughts on girls with hairy armpits?

It means there isn’t a substantial genetic difference between Iberian populations (at least at the degree of precision that you paid for) so that’s the most they can tell you

western Europe, specifically Spain and Portugal

>Thoughts on girls with hairy armpits?
[Tanishi] Trap-Shiki Hunting (COMIC HOTMILK 2016-07) [English]

when i get paid in a week i am going to get my torso hair removed by laser

/cum/ is a social construct
(and social media)

woah /cum/'s intelligence is lower than i expected

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The internet!

kinda want to shave the hair on my legs but its probably gonna grow back in like 5 days


the second half of this song is good

I am the smartest person here.