Do you hate wasps on your country

Do you hate wasps on your country.

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I love watching paper wasps build their nests.

I don't pity insects. I stomp them and feel nothing.

White Anglo Saxons ProtestanS? Yeah, fuck them.

In early Spring, i have a ritual where i tour my property and kill every single on of em, i repeat every weak till they stop trying to nest on my land

I like them, but sadly I've developed a phobia for them during the last few years

I'm fine with them as long as they don't acknowledge me, but if one starts to follow me I run

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how the fuck can someone be white and anglo?

how i feel about danes

I thought the term was "White And South Protestant"

That's the only kind of white.

is there black Anglo Saxon?

Wasps are the niggers of the insect world.
stomp em
blaze em
gas em
simple as.

How I feel about east Asians and leafs

No, but there is the Normans

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fuck them nigger of the insects

>one day minding my business while visiting America
>walk past a shrubbery
>suddenly feel like someone has poured hot coffee all over my ankle
>look down to see a wasp flying away, probably with a shit-eating grin on its face as it ponders which smug wasp girl to attach to its post as it blogs about how it stung someone on waspchan
>leg is burning and swollen for like the next hour and a half
It's been 8 years and I'm still mad


Fuck wasps and FUCK wasps

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Niggers of the insects, worse than stinkbugs, mosquitos and flies. Probably only tie with venomous and other unnerving spiders.

>visiting America
That's where your mistake began, but yeah fuck wasps

I got tons of brown recluse spiders where i live, scorpions and plenty of tarantulas.
They don't phase me whatsoever, but these flying niggers? They put me in a panic always, they're relentless.

It was originally "Wealthy Anglo-Saxon Protestant", which makes more sense

Naw I don't. African wasps are cool

Fuck. I fucking hate them. Their nests are disgusting. Every time I'm in my beach house in they're flying about, terrifying people. Fuck them.

as the uncle Joel once said:
"nuke 'em. nuke 'em all"

Check out this idiot.


I don't. I have them breeding in the roof every year.

They breed just next to me room every summer.
Somehow the existence of them scares the mosquitoes away in the area so I'll see it as a win-win-situation, even though hearing the sound of them still can be quite annoying.

No. I capture them with a glass and a piece of cardboard and release them outside

I do not hate them in fact I admire the wasp, however I will not risk a sting so I will kill them if they come too close.

The wasp understands this I think, it knows that while we will never be friends we can respect each other from afar.

They frighten me so i don't wish to speak ill of them even anonymously

I make rape on them

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wasps? no .. why they not doing anything bad around here..


>mfw hornet nest somewhere near my garden this year
>barely any flies and wasps around now

Based. Once you get over the fact hornets seem scary they are actually amazing to have around. They kill all other insects but don't seem to like human food. Also they are not aggressive at all, kinda like large, loud, powerful bees.

they are yummy and have a lot of protein. one of my childhood memories is coming home from school and having my black child-slave bring me wasps

I take their fucking heads and mount them on spikes to warn other wasps from coming into my house


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