Jow Forums
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International #1075
What's the shitter, discount version of your country?
Jow Forums posters you recognize
I think it's really funny how these "people" love to ride on the med = creators of civilization meme so much...
A country with just over 1% of the world's population has managed to cause 100% of the world wars
Arabs can't be whit-
Thoughts on Louisiana French?
Do japanese men do anything to combat these thots or are they just free to do whatever?
This is typical Norwegian girl
Bruh look at this dudes
Modern egyptians have roots with ancient egyptians
Sverigetråden - Kommunistupplagan
White or Asian girls?
A soldier of the delegation of Jair Bolsonaro, arrested at the Seville airport with 39 kilos of cocaine in his suitcase
There are wh*te womyn browsing Jow Forums RIGHT NOW
Post the biggest braphogs from your cunt
/fr/ - Le francofil
Anyone else here hate the Japanese and their weird mentality and behavior?
When these lines cross, will the world end?
It's weird to think there are millions of young men that spend most of their free time talking about right wing...
America is so big
/deutsch/ isst /mämmi/
Is your country gonna get wrecked by climate change?
Risk Thread: Yurop Deluxe
ITT: your average countryman's face right now
I just finished my masters degree
What city in the US
Do Euros really not have ACs? They just suffer in the heat? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Is it degenerate for a man to wear dresses when no one is looking?
The subhuman indios from the blue an purple states ruin mexico, they should secede and join guatemala
/ita/ - il filo
Shut the fuck up
I'm friends with a German guy who dates a Turkish guy, from what I details I managed to get out of him...
1. cunt
First they larp as mongols then they larp as blacks, why cant they just be proud of what they really are?
What's worse, the Israeli summer, or the Nordic winter?
I wish we had cute princesses like Spain
What happens when you put this sticker on your car in your country?
Thanks a lot, political correctness!
Is there anything that Americans think isn't socialism?
Fucken snakes
You bring this home to your parents
I want a Japanese gf
I'm at the turn of my mid-20s, take much care of my hygiene, diet and activity levels...
/luso/ Fio Hetero e Feminista
Get's drunk from Listerine
Typical scene on amerimutt tv
Why are wh*Te people like this?
When did you realize Utah was the best state?
Threads hating people based on their skin color
Why are German southern states better than those in the north?
Sverigetråden - >Falla av upplagan
What does this expression mean in your country?
This is how YOU train the AI
Ask a bored Portuguese girl anything (except nudes or body parts)
Non-Anglos willingly communicate in a foreign language on this board
Are there still big differences between east and west Germany?
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Kills 50 million native americans in less than 100 years
Never forget, nazi cucks
How do I get an Asian gf?
How can we have Nordic cooperation if Finns can't speak a Nordic language?
Talk to mum on phone
Why i can't get a gf
/fr/ - Le francofil
He fell for the Texas meme
Tfw I'm subconsciously on step 6
ITT: Jow Forums in 1867
Negro is trying to join my tribe
What do you dip your fish fingers in?
Southern euro “men” kiss each other as a greeting
Bulgaria is dying...
What's your favorite German kingdom?
Tits or Waist or Ass
Blackpill me on slavic gfs
Do americans really look like this?
"aah, it's good to be home"
Why is balding so common for white males?
How come you haven't got a gf yet, Jow Forums?
/ita/ - il filo
Planet of the Afrikanz edition
Will I pass as a local in your country?
This is what German women look like, send help pls
WTF is wrong with American children?
Why do some anglos say 'kelts' while others say 'selts' ?
Hey look it's that white boi I've told you bout
/cum/ + friends
Your country’s opinion on this masterpiece called Neon Genesis Evangelion
Russian village is dying
Is California a paradise on earth?
Is it true people in Danmark have oral exams to test their oral skills?
This triggers the europoor
Why turks and arabs hate each other?
Explain why don't you have a slavic angel gf right now
This is my room temperature
Why are INDVIANS classified as BLACK
ITT: countries with ancient pyramids
My hero
Why are people so mean?
Take a shit
Innocent Soviets
Does your country have a future?
So user, did you convert to Islam yet like you said you would?
/fr/ - le francofil
Wake up
/ita/ - il filo
How do you feel about black people in general, Jow Forums? How about black in your country in particular?
How do you feel about -boos of your country?
Does your country use a lot of vegetable oils in home cooking? What about in native cuisine restaurant cooking?
Is it true that there is a campaign in Russia to replace ethnic Russians with Ch*nese "people"
Fifty thousand people used to live here… Now it's a thot town
Be londoner
Kurva anyátok
Now, seriously, jokes aside
Do Americans really?
Summarise your country's history in one picture
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Novo fio /luso/
Italians on suicide watch
It's 52°C
What the fuck
Are soy products popular in country? you cant even find them here
How do I lower my house temperature
German police confiscate 4,200 litres of alcohol from far-right festival
Japans hate speech rallies against Koreans rise sharply
Should I sleep on a tatami mat and futon?
Do euros seriously not have air conditioning?
Hungarians are the most depressed nation in the EU. 10...
/2Sicilie/ - il filo
2019 I am forgotten
My biggest fear of North and South Korea uniting is that South Korea will wipe out the historical towns and turn them...
What the FUCK is wrong with wh*Tes
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Welcome to America, virgin freak
/deutsch/ deutsch /deutsch/ deutsch
This is why Galicia is the best part of Spain
Why are most extroverted countries so shit?
American food crisis begins now
Can Jews forgive the Holocaust?
Ukrainian refugees in Sweden
Werstern Europeans be like "Mum, dad! I am 18 it's time for to start my independent life...
Hell in Europe
Am I the only one in here who hates lgbt?
Spanish anons be like: "look at my cute soft butt!"
Jow Forums hair
/sag/ South Asian General
/fr/ - Le francofil
How can wh*te women even compete?
39°C in Paris today
Find a flaw
What’s it like to now know how we feel?
1. Country 2. Do you love your neighbour country
Sverigetråden - Stormiga lunchupplagan
We're so lucky for having Portugal as our neighbour
I am beautiful, right?
Why Do We Need Women?
Describe your ideal Jow Forums bf
Yikes have sex cringe incel virgin freak
This is how an average boy in Slovenia looks like
This country has a great history and stable economy and is the sports power
Go to Dubai
27 years old
/flag/ + /extraflags/
I suffer in the Phil-
Should I buy a razer laptOp for 3000USD?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2209.99
/mena/ /مينا/
Why can not all countries beat Japanese great video games?
White niggas be like
This meme is fucking shit. Euroshits jealous of us again because we have more rights and good ass food...
Do you have good internet connection in your country?
Post ugly buildings from your cunt
How old are you?
Why are white genes so weak? they are hapas (korean dad-finn mom) but they look pure asian
Am I the only one in here who hates all asians?
Heute einfach nur /deutsch/
Why white people look at me like this?
Europoors are literally being burned alive right now
/v4/ threadddddd
How could Ataturk be based if he gave women the right to vote?
Kurva anyátok
Why do they love somalians so much?
Why do americans(north and south) here always argue about how white they are?
Why don't East Asian martial arts work in real life?
Reasons to love USA
Greenland, wtf?
Does your country have Value added tax/ UBI?
I'm finally doing it guys
Is this type of customer service tolerated in your country?
Somali niggas be like *signs up for Duolingo Swedish course*
Why are black people this?
I wish I was never born, life sucks
You wake up as a woman in China
I just closed all my blinds
Europeans, which type of Americans do you get along with best...
Im a white brazilian
Your nation of origin
Afghanistan is safer than New Orleans
What are your favorite European cities for nightlife?
What do you call each of these things in your language?
One chance at life
Why are Japs so much more soulless and insectoid than their Korean neighbors?
Where do you draw the line between Meds and Nords?
Every European I've met here has said that Americans and Europeans are super different. How are we so different?
/cum/ + friends
Learning about a nations most important cultural resource
Ask a bored Australian-Chinese girl anything (Except for nudes I won't post them)
Do you want an American girlfriend?
Comfy hapa cringe thread
Minorities of Jow Forums, how are you treated in whatever country you're in?
What does she mean by this?
Why is Canada the faggiest country in the world?
Please provide 2 professional and 2 personal references (not relatives)
I can't finish my pizza
Korean study thread
Riding my bike through the Japanese countryside is majestic...
United Arab Emirates: 12% Emirati
Why are they allowed to be racist?
Are some countries evil?
Why are white women always so jealous of Latinas ?
Blyat, Ivan, we are out of vodka money!
White women are whores, therefore I made a meme to enforce the superiority of WMAF
Why is American mental healthcare so bad?
How much of a mutt are you?
My lips go numb every time I eat lettuce
This Ukrainian woman who lives in South Korea says that she is 4/10 in Ukraine...
Are blue eyes common in ur country?
Finnish marketfood
This is the most famous man in the world...
Roasted euros
What do you think of Colombian posters?
Is it true this guy died in hospital?
EPPIC ..........RAP......... BATTLES.........OF HISTORYYYYYYYYYYYY !!!!!
Ask a bored Portuguese girl everything you want (except for nudes, because i will not post them)
Master race
Are we the bad guys?
Fukushima disaster
Be amerimutt
Okay who will win in this scenario
I never knew Germans had their own rappers till I heard of this guy
Which nation has the best cars?
ITT: you get three NUKES
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Wealthy as fuck by world standards, but not quite like the rest of Western Europe
Why do they eat guinea pigs and pigeons? Are they that poor?
Do men actually find this attractive
I just woke up from a terrible nightmare almost crying, I guess I get another night of no sleep...
Post powerful images ITT
Do any brits here have a racial discriminatory note attached to their education record? if so, how has it affected you?
How do brazilians cope with being brazilian?
/lat/ - hilo latANO
Be French
English-Canadian culture
1) you're flag
If not for gommunism, would Eastern Euro countries be first world by today?
/frosch/ besser bekannt als /apu/ ehemals /deutsch/
Why do italian-brazilians look like this while italian-americans looks like arabs?
ITT: you get to rangeban 3 countries
Are Americans mentally ill?
/ita/ - il filo
He's putting white music and rock back on the charts. Based Norwegian. What do Swedes have? a memer youtuber? and a thot
Why is Malaysia so irrelevant on Jow Forums if they have ~400 million people?
Damn, Mexic looks like that
Are there natives in Eastern Europe having names like Tom, Kevin and John?
/fr/ franco
We literally created all European naval based empires and how do you thank us?
What are your opinions on A Tribe Called Quest?
How do you say EL AMERICANO in your language?
/cum/ + friends
Sverigetråden - Tjejsnoppupplagan
There are black women browsing Jow Forums RIGHT NOW
What do Jow Forums lads think of Chernobyl?
What do Europeans think of cars made by this company? Are Fords common in your countries?
What accents do you like on girls? I want a Louisiana gf
I would rather be a ilegal than still living in this hole, oh fuck i hate this place
Is Prince Charles the most /fa/ member of a royal family out there? The king of Spain is /fa/ as fuck...
I'm so fucking sad, Jow Forums
What happens here?
What happens here? Can I come?
How can Europeans even start to COMPETE with the Norwegian music industry?
Is Mexican cuisine the simplest cuisine of all time? It pretty much uses the same ingredients in every dish
Post 5/10s from your country
/balk/ Tataria is Macedonian edition
Myths and stereotype rom your cunt
What are your favourite Asians?
Ireland or France?
1. Your cunt
''No Degree''
What does Jow Forums think of American suburbs?
Why the USA wants to destroy Iran?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why do western nu-males find these attractive?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why yes, I do use the same password for all my accounts, what gave it away?
/fr/ - le francofil
Is your country facing a demographic decline?
Could I pass as a local in your country? How popular are programmers in your cunt?
1. Your cunt?
Tell me a cool fact about your language
I hope you remember to stay hydrated
Race mixing is the cure to all of society's problems
Now that the 2010s are over. Was this the biggest Jow Forums event of the decade?
/ita/ - il filo
Rate your language's difficulty in comparison to English! Let's say that English is 10, Greek is about 17
Are brown girls dateable in your country?
Why are slav girls so qt lads?
Sverigetråden - nattupplagan
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
Sanctions your country
/deutsch/ strafe /brit/
I am half Armenian
Countries with the best contemporary music
Hypothetical question, it is not like you'll ever have the possibility to choose
What's the deal with yellow fever?
Good morning, students. Please stand for the pledge of allegiance
What do thicc Finnish girls smell like?
Omg!i can't believe e-celeb#9794997842 has commited suicide
What is your country's Mexico?
You're cunt
Hilo latino
Whats the fastest way to be a Japanese citizen?
Post common behavior in ur country
You can only post in this thread if you speak a meme language
There's 195 countries in the world and not a single one has legalized drugs. Why...
Germans are so evil they committed a genocide and tried to steal slavic land
1. Your cunt
Alejandro, how do you want your Legionnaires?
Exams went to shit
What race/ethnicity does she look like to you, Jow Forums?
Why is american KFC so shitty and gross??? No good sandwiches like twister, zinger, grander texas, longer or qurrito...
Do you like to sniff your sweaty hairy balls cunt yes or no flag yes
It's the summer! It's the time when annoying scandies come to Greece. (thanks by the way...
I love Italy
One american down, 329,093,109 to go
Yeah, I'm living there, how did you know ?
Do you shave your legs?
Tell a joke from your country
Kurva anyátok
/hebräisch/ früher /jüdisch/ jetzt halt /deutsch/
Mfw an Jow Forums """girl""" (You)s me
/fr/ - le francofil
The next leader of the UK
/Med/ frens forever edition
/ita/ - il filo
I hate living in Israel, I wish I lived in the USA
Why do people on Jow Forums say this region as white? I don't get it
What's the fastest way to become an american citizen Jow Forums ?
Western Europe is anti-Rus
Wow !!! Persians girls are so pretty
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
Here in the North we like to eat simple and fresh food
Why are European boys cuter than American boys?
All four of my great grandparents were Irish, but I need to make 50k euros to move to Ireland and I can't even work...
Why most xenophobic/ethnocentric countries are most successful? e.g Japan, Korea, Israel, 1920s United States...
What conclusions can we draw from this?
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Do americans really
Buy JAS 39 Gripen please
Please buy Torsk from Norway!
/jüdisch/ ehemals /deutsch/
Dinner thread
Are they the africans/arabs of europe?
Do you have jews in your country?
In Japan
If you were a woman would you date a black man?
ITT: Jow Forums in 1755
Can you love your country and hate the people living in it at the same time?
My sole tinder match
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
Why do Europeans worship a Brown Jesus? The very first depictions of Jesus as blonde and blue eyed were made in America...
Why are all Europeans good at English?
What do Georgians think of him?
Doogh, ayran or tan
''goddamnit i can hear that italian dude screaming his lungs out from the 24th floor again''
Studying Abroad
UNESCO is biased
I feel like germanic women are overated
I suffer in Japan
How do you deal with the soul-crushing fact that you will never be Norwegian?
1. country
What the FUCK is their problem?
I’m second generation Analbanian immigrant, Italian citizenship...
Jow Forums is considered the 9th most visited porn site in the world
Steam Summer Sale is scheduled to start today lads. What's Jow Forums buying?
2019... I am forgotten
The fuck are "Napoleonic Tariffs"?
Is Homosexuality encouraged in your cunt?
Why aren’t you letting hispanics flood into your country and demographically take it over...
Smug arrogant cunts
/ita/ - il filo
How do you deal with the existential dread? What are your goals in life and what do you want to pursue...
Should white women be genocided?
/fr/ - le francofil
White woman like Black man
/cum/ + /fr/iends
Served, Jow Forums?
Shittest country FUCK france and fuck french people
Why Caucasian girl is so cute????(*´∀`)
Why yes, I am an incel who despises women, how could you tell?
Hey you foreign boy!
ITT: Jow Forums in 1830
Everyone in thread speaking English
Do Korean women like such Japanese men?
Russians in 2050
/lang/ - Language Learning General
He doesn't live on an island
Your country
The biggest NEET you'll ever know
What Norwegians think about this?
Did you know that Americans say "lasagna noodles"?
Is black and asians the weirdest combo?
You can choose to move anywhere in the world
Why is it so hard to eat breakfast
Why yes I just ate a 3 years old frozen salmon, how could you tell?
/dixie/ - Southern US and Friends
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why did Amerilards invade a country that fought for its freedom against her colonial oppressor?
ITT we post Jow Forumsernational women and guess if they're thots. I'll start
What ethnicity is this?
Found a hot Russian in Sweden, didn't think there were any good looking Russian females
Why do they get a free pass for ww2?
Vocaroo thread
Can purebred adult Slavic males naturally have blond hair and blue eyes...
Brown people ruined Jow Forums
On this day 28 years ago, Slovenia became an independent country
Slavs are ugl-
Would non-white Jow Forumsitical warriors like mexicans, brazilians...
1) You are cunt
Sverigetråden - Indo-Germanska upplagan
Kms? Nah bro, at least not until Cyberpunk 2077 and TES6 come out. After that, we'll see
/ita/ - il filo
How cute :з
Do white women really this fat ?
Post interesting maps, population of the USA over time
1.ur cunt
Ahahahah lol!
1. Your'e cunt
Explain this, America
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Resurrection when
Imagine not eating rice and beans during lunch and dinner everyday
What the FUCK is their problem?
Honestly, what's the difference?
What are you guys up to right now?
What are your favorite parts of Europe for nightlife?
Changing my last name
Suffering exists in f*rst world
I got a match
Post your cunt balkanized
What kinda country you want, Hans?
Do people in your cunt ride bikes?
Qur'an came our hundreds and hundreds of years after the bible and supposedly from god
Wtf is wrong with japs why do they make stuff like this?
Arr rook the sa-
Is it hard to have sex in your cunt?
Incel? Oh no, we are finished with that 4chanreddit buzzword. Now our new buzzwords are "you're not cute" and "tranny"
Why is Japan so fucking racist?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2209.69
/brit/ + /friends/
How different are they from the rest of Germany?
Greenlad admitted i could beat him up no worries
1 cunt
1. Country
Kurva anyátok
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Germans are so evil they committed a genocide and tried to steal slavic land
¿Well, Jow Forums?
Mid or i feed
What the fuck is his problem?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Ur cunt
The military entered my campus and began shooting and students
These are 8/10s in the USA
China acts like a late 19th century colonial and industrial power but with 21st century technology...
Tell me about America
DNA tests
Beautiful white girl in JAV
Culture Pals /cp/
Is this picture anglo-russian propaganda?
For me, it's Natalia Poklonskaya
The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
Only good countries in latin america, the rest are cultureless mongrel shitholes
Ayyy alá
/v4/ + ugly people
How are you preparing for the Asian century?
What are the most right wing and left wing cities in your country?
User.. you do you really say all those mean things about brazil ?
Error: You are banned
They found his body
There is one gook on this board posting about japan which has nothing to do with cultural stuff...
Cinema Appreciation
Right wing people from your country
I fucking love being a first worlder and living rent free in thirdoid minds (like that coping kaguya flip avatarfag)
There are now instagram accounts to warn when Immigration officers are around so illegals can run away
Jow Forums relationships
/lat/ + /esp/ + /southerncone/ = /hisp/
White people fascinate me
/tr/ - anasını arvadını siktimin t*RRRko köpekleri edition
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Dad bought this shirt for me today as a gift
Do third worlders realize they can become white through eugenics?
Do americans really do this?
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
I love them
Jow Forums hair
This is a map of Europe which classified by Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Japan
Tfw bad genetics (half-chinese) to grow a decent beard
Blackpipo food
Why do White women who do porn (or are in the sex industry) in the West have so many non-White partners?
Will white beauty standards be replaced by Latino beauty standards now that America (the capitalist capital of the...
Why do people of 3rd world origin hate dogs so much?
CHINA 2040
Why is a america a third world shithole?
Returning to the Old World?
Are euros jealous of us?
My name is literally John Benjamin Kennedy
Okay, this is epic
The most powerful Finn that I know of
One thing I never understood is the American party culture. At least hiw it is shown in the movies...
Wanna hear a joke Jow Forums
Canada has never lost a war
East europe girls are traditional
We must be strong friends
American man rapes, stabs and then beats a Chinese student to death before decapitating her
Is 75% White considered White in your cunt ??
What are some arrogant, know-it-all countries?
Protectionist bastards
What do you call this in your country?
Hilo /lat/ANO
Lf - EU
This is a 10/10 in american
Grug think your country no have culture because grug never look your culture up durrr
Levantines are underrated
I'm not enough mexican
I suffer in Finland
You guys ever notice how rare it is to see UK flag participating in regular threads?
/Nacktschicht/ und /deutsch/
Porn map USA
Why yes, im not white how could you tell?
Is this still true?
Every day. Every day, dozens of cuteboys accidentally erp with smelly fujoshis on Jow Forums. It could happen to you...
Which country makes the best cars?
Is she single?
What nation is this gentleman from?
/fr/ - le francofil
Do you remember this interactive game show called Hugo?
Why don't danish and norwegian women get the same reputation about beauty that Swedish get? Aren't they very similar?
Post the most american picture you have
Post a fighting game character from your country. If you can't, your country is bullshit
You're Cunt
Why is Down Syndrome so prevalent in Finland?
Begone European Dialects
Vocaroo thread
How's the job market in your country? 6 months after grad and I'm still jobless...
I'm glad I'm Argentinian and not from THAT country of race-obsessed shitskins who are desperate to be seen as white...
The third most powerful man in the world is French. How do you feel about that ?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What is Tinder like in your area/region?
Why are wh*Toids so suicidy?
/ita/ il filo
*blocks your path*
Yuros be like oh no I walked 20 mins in one direction now I'm in another country
Is it going to survive Russian embargo?
You're a cunt
What do you call this type of man in ur cunt?
Mfw cute danish Jow Forumsposters reply to my thread
Poland and Polish people
Is Portugal like Russia?
You can only post here if you live in a disctatorship
Yt ppl b lk "no t sn 2 spcy"
Post zoomer songs from you're cunt
Asian Americans
My arab friend told me this is the best clothes to wear during the incoming heat wave...
Your country
/flag/ - /extraflags/
/spätschicht/ vormals /deutsch/
Would dating this be acceptable in your country?
Summarize your life so far
Here is the real redpill. Bosnians/Croats/Serbs are our Mexicans. They are the low skilled labour force...
Kurva anyátok
A question
Grug meet far away grugs on tribe board
Xinjiang, the safest place in China
/fr/ - le francofil
/ita/ il filo
1: Your country
How come that only Argentina is the only civilized country in the Americas? Is it because of Peronism...
Welcome to the Med paradise bro ;)
Tfw average life expectancy for men in my family is 51 years
At least you're not a manlet
Stop being racist
How is pre-marital sex seen in your cunt?
ITT: you guys keep me company while I pull an all-nighter and try to finish my assignment. Also, AMA I guess
Why do Germans ban so many video games?
I went out and it's really hot
Am I white? Some American tourists said that I looked like an Arab, even tho I am 100% balkan
I'm a zoomer, what was it like experiencing 9/11 as it happened
ITT: Jow Forums in 1920
Why Nordics seem unable to build an empire Jow Forums
Wtf you can't eat insects
What are some hated foreign species in in your country?
Say the first three things that come into your mind when you see the country above you. I'll start with germany:
Do americans have no understanding of how corrupt their government is and how this is a problem for the common man?
What happens in Utah?
>ywn live in Medieval Europe
Itt: perfect europe maps
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Your cunt
Mexico-Brazil friendship thread
Race mixing and interracial marriage must be outlawed
Bread in can
Why are Western people so obsessed with appearance, fashion and money?
/v4/ + friends
Do you hate wasps on your country
How do we stop racism once and for all?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship