What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
Cuba with colors red and blue changed
america's flag
lets get real puerto rico's government it not competent enough to become independent, the only reason they aren't a state right now is because they keep screwing that up too.
Puerto Rico
Cuba if it was under America's control
God damn it why can't America annex Cuba already
Colony of darkies
>Cuba going from being poor Caribbean island to being poor Caribbean island
ugh what could have been
It's always the european posters, isn't it?
Puerto Rico is unironically leaps beyond most latin american countries due to our relationship with you guys.
Ricky Martin's daddy dick
A mixed feeling of sunset, chill, poor people, dance, alcohol and fresh food, santeria, musicians, great local intellectuals and poets, great non local writers in love with it, very kind and smiling tanned people, big cheecks, bikes and old cars, malecon, moros y blancos, embargo, politics, an abandoned beautiful place that will keep changing fast and faster in a bad way
reggaeton subhumans
Looks like an American flag for the poor.
Fixed Ohio flag
im puertorican and this is true.
I hate that shit music.
Captain America
Looks like a rip off of the American flag
Bad music and qt mulatas
that's because you are incels
no thats cause you like listening to the same old beat like a retard.
Puerto Rico is huewhite
I know but i still associate you with africans for some reason
The colony that stayed in the fold despite being so different from us.
I was shitposting. I also LARP as a BLACK BVLL nationalist here sometimes
boxeo, reggatoen, peleas de gallos, nueva york, playas, mujeres lindas, un acento dificil a entender.
Puerto Rico is not Cuba.
Your other colonies are pretty similar to us culturally except for speaking English (especially for Guam, the only other former spanish colony besides us)
las peleas de gallos estan comun en puerto rico o es un meme? Como son? Has estado?
Third world shithole
Just like the rest of the country ;)
Daddy Yankee
spic brothers with dominicans
A better way to put it would be "might as well be its own country"
Slave of America.
That doesn't really matter when you are still crap vs any other state. No offense.
I wish. In that case they'd actually produce something.
we should try to sell your shitty island
but nobody would buy it
have sex incel
Son comunes, especialmente en las zonas rurales, he tenido algunos tíos y primos que han participado en esas actividades. Solía ser el pasatiempo favorito de la isla hace dos siglos y tuvo más popularidad que los juegos de toros (que nunca lograrón establecerse muy bien en latinoamérica excepto en méxico).
Debido a la industrialización a la isla y el acceso a cualquier tipo de producto y nuevas actividades que se pueden hacer actualmente, la popularidad de la industria ha disminuido entre los jovenes, actualmente la mayoría de los participantes son mayores de edad o jovenes que se han críado en las zonas rurales. En las ciudades más pobladas como San Juan y Ponce, es un poco más controversial, pero la mayoría de las personas lo critican solamente por haber tenido marchas y protestas cuando creen que hay otros asuntos más importante que la ilegalización de las peleas de gallos.
Apples and oranges, the other US colonies are the same.
You wrote the biggest post in this whole thread just to be sarcastic about the similar shape of cuban and puertorican flags?
dale mas gasolinaaaaaa
Yes quite.
I have worked with a Puertorican, I think about him unironically
>In terms of market share, as of 2014, Puerto Rico produces sixteen of the top twenty selling drugs in the mainland United States.
Funny, it was you guys that actively seeked to gain us in the Spanish American war and went as far as landing US troops here. It wasn't an extra island that was handed out to you by the spanish (who desperately wanted to keep at least one island).
Wow. Can you be sarcastic on Scatalunya too?
me parece como una experience muy interesante. Como un deporte muy antiguo.
Creo que me gustaria conocer puerto rico (pues la carribean en general, pero puerto rico me parece que como el opcion mejor)
No se, problamente he romanticido la cultura un poco, pero cuando pienso en puerto rico, pienso en gente jugando domino en la esquinas, comida caribena abundante en todos lugares, un estilo de vido mas lento que en las ciudads grandes de america del norte. Personas mas amiable y abierto que nosotros gringos, obviamente, puerto rico tiene un reputacion para crecer muchas mujeres bonitas tambien. Y por supuesto el clima y playas me parece muy bonita.
Si, creo que un dia me voy por tu isla. Pero probalemente la idea en mi cabeza y la realidad sobre puerto rico no es igual jajaja.
explain how "unironically" you think about him user.
brown women with colored eyes
Non of those companies are Perto Rican.
Thay only use 3º world shitholes for their cheap labor.
All the good R&D jobs are in white, high IQ, countries
>All the good R&D jobs are in white, high IQ, countries
Lmao what are you talking about the best thing your country can export are cheap shoes, you don't even have a pharmaceutical industry.
What's your problem?
That's what I think about when think of Puerto Rico. He worked for Domino's and had fun about the pizza meme
We do and we test our drugs on french subhumans:
Los lugares que recomendaría visitar son San Juan, Ponce, Vieques y Culebra, las últimas dos tienen muchos turistas que hablan inglés, pero San Juan y Ponce tienen una experiencia más autentica de la cultura puertorriqueña mientras las otras dos son más similares a las Islas Vírgenes
The point is, there are Puerto Rican workers, and they do willingly help produce products for the US. If you're talking about a native manufacturing company, that isn't fair to demand for us when the American ones have built a monopoly over here and the companies that we used to have during the spanish colonial period got screwed shortly after due to a hurricane in 1899 and the US starting to put US imposed companies here specifically to make a profit out of us.
Aw shit, but Adam Smith told you to specialize in wine production!
Most cringe group of latinos around. Not 1 redeeming quality.
>cringier than brazillian and mexican posters
>Not 1 redeeming quality.
daddy yankee
Gommunism and United States.
>Daddy Yankee
>Best thing we have to offer
Not really
Absolutely nothing.