I am 100% straight.
This shithole is filled with them.
Am I the only one in here who hates lgbt?
welcome back
Blow them up Ahmed
yes you are the only one go back to Jow Forums creep
Couldn't care less about them except when they shill their ideology on this board and then it becomes quite cringe
Something in common with your Arab friends aye?
hate gays
hate J*ws a lot more though
He's not alone, we stand united against LGBT scum
Btw this wasn't a joke comment, get some grenades since you live in Israel and throw them into a parade
>hating gays
that's so muslim
I'm gay myself and I hate 99% of feminine gays. They see themselves as victims 24 hours per day
Enjoy your own shit, Jew.
based kike
Gays exist since cavemen times lel
Wahhhh wahhhh people like things I don't like waaaahhhhh!!!
Grow a pair, even a cocksucking faggot is more of a man than you.
this, homophobics are the real faggots
t. cocksucking faggot
Bruh da Pepe chart oh my god he got it
Your fault, but yes, nothing worse than faggots and LGBTQPZHIV+ and their normalization of everything that is wrong.
They are still beaten up in here no matter how many libshits cry about it, the ew church is also cancer letting faggots to e mourned in cathedrals and churches like Zeffirelli.
I'm straight too and they can do whatever they want. What are you afraid of?
>homophobics are the real faggots
youre a joo tho
>normalisation of everything that is wrong
Good to know you decide what is normal and abnormal.
Rangeban shitaly
no. tho i don't really hate them personally, but i despise how they rub their own preferences under everyone else's nose. just stick your dick in what you want in your own home and don't drag it on the street.
I don't like them either.
Guess aids, bugchasing, cruising and kindergarren tranny culture is normal and healthy. Faggots can only think of sex and nothing more to fill life.
>b-but muh funneh people and vibrant gay scene xddd le funneh flaming faggot reactions the americanization brought us
They are no better since they still support this filth.
*dabba su pasolini e froci vari morti di aids ottenuto volontariamente*
*sputa sull'ennesimo frocio pestato nel bus o in centro*
I hate them too. We should round them up and rape them all.
Hi Ahmed. Palestine is not a real country.
I don't hate lgbt. The more faggots around, the more free girls I can pick up.
I'm bi and I hate LGBT stuff too. Gay people are already well accepted into western society and there's really no need to push it further here, in fact I find gayprides and others similar events demeaning since it show all gays as horny faggots who base their whole life around being gay. People identifying as anything else than gay, bi or straight should also get therapy, most are just repressed fags.
I hate them more, back then when they're still hiding in their closet, I couldn't care less about their shit, but now they're trying to shill it in our judiciary system, so now I care.
>I hate them too. We should round them up and rape them all.
so you could pose as one and get buttfucc. nice try adolf
All of you countries owe your civilisation to fags. Sorry sweeties.
Pretty much this. I'm bi as well and I only hate people who make LGBT stuff sexual or fetishistic. Most just want to be normal though.
The worst offender are all the autogynephiliac men who mask their fetish with being trans and abuse the current trans acceptance movement shit to live out their sick fetish. It also makes the lives of normal trans people harder because those usually just want to live a normal live without wanting to let people know they are trans. Now being associated with fetishistic freaks who point out their "transsexuality" any time they can cause it turns them on. It's disgusting.
No, you're not alone.
>Being gay? No problem.
>The personality that 99% of gay guys have? Hate it.
Oh fuck ultra based
Although I'd say it's more like 70% but maybe it depends on the country
>people like things I don't like so I must kill them
i'm gay myself and i've only ever met one gay guy i've liked, pretty good friends with him. literally every other one i've met are either annoying fem retards or just bad people.
Maybe it depends on the country, who knows
Chances are also you've met a cool gay dude some time but didn't know that he was gay.
Nah nope. Maybe wypipo. Not us. We send faggots to the lava God.
probably not. i have a gay friend who shares that exact sentiment
Threadly reminder that the "B" in LGBT is heteronormative and should be dropped from the acronym as it implies there are only 2 genders instead of a gender spectrum and is harmful to gender noncomforming non-cis persons.
>but didn't know that he was gay.
i don't know what it is exactly, but you can tell immediately if someone is gay or not. it's like heteros have an inner gay nose that eliminates them from the set of possible mates
Ma vai a cagare e finisci il liceo porcodio
look at this progress, isnt this beatiful and progressive?
And reminder that the "P" in LGBTP is not plus but Pedosexual, which the community condones sex, sexual acts, sexy dancing with underage boys and girls.
>10yo dancing erotically
oh, it's definitely beautiful
Tbh I'm a bit on the fence with trans too. I'm no psychologist so I can't really have that much of a say but just looking at how trans pretty much do a coin flip to decide if they'll live or not and how if 40% kill themselves then the majority of them are probably depressed tell me that these people might need therapy too more than anything.
When do you think he'll kill himself?
The homosexual is nature's disgust.
Hopefully, either way murdered by his pedo father and friends.
This living cancer would only go worse with the time, plusbalready looks soulless and pozzed.
I know this is probably bait but bisexual means that you're attracted to both men and women and not anything "in-between" and that's ok
I don't hate trannies but I would never date one. Maybe a FtM one but only if they don't wanna get surgery.
Non sono io il coprofago della situazione.
eccolo il piddino furente
probably before 18, sometime after puberty hits
Well it's numerous factors that contribute to the high suicide rate, depression and other psychological problems in trans people.
There's some cases of autogynephiliacs who mistook their fetish for being trans and realized later that they just have (or had) a fetish for feminizing themselves. They sometimes realize way too late, so after their body already changed and they fucked their lives over irreversibly, driving them into depression and/or suicide. There's also people who think their depression will be cured if they become girls because they assume girls have it much easier, but that's not true. So even if they pass as girls, live still sucks ass. Contrary to popular believe, being a woman isn't easymode either.
Another factor is that trans people, including "legit" trans people are often harassed (even if they pass), bullied and/or not accepted by their families and such. How that drives people into suicide should be pretty obvious
Then there's also the fact that nature is not "fair" to everyone. Some men or women are just respectively more feminine or masculine looking and make "convincing" transsexuals. But someone is a naturally masculine looking dude they'll never pass as a woman. Some people just can't live with the fact that they can never be who they want to be.
There's also a few other things but I'd say that's the main reasons. The majority definitely needs psychological help, both for deciding whether they really want to transition and helping them with dealing with the (almost guaranteed) mental problems that occur when transitioning. There's a few studies that have proven that the suicide chance is much lower in people who get proper therapy.
Why is this tolerated in western country?
This desu
My brother is gay and hates all the perverted gay pridefags
I have pity for the sick. I hate those who try to normalize them because they are a source of money as they buy a lot like of stupid trash like they're women in a shopping centre or because they vote unidirectionally like the mentally challenged people they are
Pride parades are a disgrace to everyone in the world
The queers have gotten tolerance from people
What more do they fucking want
and people were ridiculed for saying its a slippery slope to even worse degeneracy like pedophilia
>What more do they fucking want
gods forbid
unironically fucking traps isnt considered gay here. as long as you are on top, you are straight. i think we adopted this mentality from greeks.
>I am 100% straight.
You heard him guys, he doesn't fantasize about sucking cock at all.
Based jew.
Our country has a billion problems to be solved, yet they think the biggest one is the government not allowing them to get married.
I wish all these faggots would stop bitching around and mind their business, nobody cares what you're doing inside your bedroom.
t. gay in denial
yes yes
This to be honest. Pride parties are a mistake. "We don't wanna be judged for who we are! t. Judgemental Cunts"
I am attracted to the same sex, but I can't and don't act on it because it's a sin. My doctor won't let me get chemically castrated.
I have no problem with female lesbians and bis, and transwomen or transmen. I hate the fact that I am into other men. I keep having wet dreams every night because I try not to masturbate because it's wrong, and I hate them, it's more or less rape since I can't control it, don't want it, and these wet dreams make me tired the next day and ruin my sleep.
> 100% straight
> My shithole is filled with fags
I only hate Jews
Look into Chinese studies regarding faggotry and oxytocin. You might just need a good warm hug regularly to cure thyself. Or take it as nasal spray if you can find some.
You are not alone. I thought I found a place for my hate against some of these retarded minorities but in reality I found only faggotry.
>I am 100% straight.
Are you trying to convince us? Doesn't sound that convincing 2bh. You sound very confused about your sexuality, otherwise you wouldn't have mentioned that.
Can it be hugs with qt boys?
no, I've been starting to dislike them a lot lately ever since they've been become cheeky just because everyone started tolerating them
I support f*g genocide
I hate the LG but the BT are ok. Lesbains and Gays are closeminded and generally a thousand times more obnoxious about theur sexuality than bisexuals. I'm also okay with mtf trannies because they make my peepee hard, but i disreguard the ftm trannies as lesbians because most are, so I hate them just as much as the lesbians.
I want them all hanged desu
trannies are the worst of the bunch, and no amount of shenanigans excuses they try to pull off will change that
reported Jow Forumsfag :)