This is how YOU train the AI

Most people dont even realise they train AI with the CAPTCHA.

Everyone runs into this once in a while on the internet sites. It is short for : Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart.

Google bought CAPTCHA 10 years ago and at first it gave letters which were twisted to forms not well recognized by machines and even worse recognized by humans. Things got better some years ago when we got fire hydrants instead of letters.

Humans are exceptionally good analyzing photographs so now we really can beat the machines, the scrambled letters was worse.

Besides google AI already reads these letters much better than humans but not the photographs. This is why even this day everyone is training Google AI by telling it what is a fire hydrant and what isnt.

Attached: captcha.jpg (463x597, 89K)

This Captcha thing is the biggest botnet that has existed so far, the most blatant one at least.

Western people are so deluded and this is not imageboard exclusive.

Attached: 1482864291004.png (895x909, 65K)

I always make the fifth one a fail and it still verified.

Attached: 62558523_2502324783335790_2236597978804518912_n.jpg (700x525, 64K)

at least CAPTCHA is not on our bank network sites (yet)

Based AI, can't wait until it's intelligent enough to recognize and wipe out hum*noid filth

you mean every fifth captcha or every fifth selected picture inside the captcha?

they use it for combat drones in the US military. look up project maven.

you have killed people indirectly just by using Jow Forums

Attached: wojak ears.png (645x773, 20K)

AI is compiling ear faggotry high res images with satellite captcha and will rod of God your house h*manoid

all CAPTCHA asks from me is

-fire hydrant
-shop entrances (convenience stores)
-traffic signs

why does it never ask to identify if there is a person in an image? they could be well hidden behind the bushes etc. for it to be a blatant military use AI

the latter

Does anyone have that Webm with the kike dabbing and the captchas being solved?

One way how to recognize people is to teach the neural networks to recognize literally everything but humans. And then simply shoot whatever isnt recognizable.

just got this one

Attached: 1537319084772.png (500x706, 464K)

that's weird mines are always a set of three pictures

its for automated vehicles not drones lol

shit I think we are in trouble now

>"Why yes, I do want our future overlord AI to govern us. Why else would I prefer this captcha over the last one?"

Attached: 1561469108389.jpg (200x200, 6K)


I got "mountains and hills" a while ago.

it asks about chimneys

this is a dead givaway for drones

Attached: wojak husk ears2.png (633x758, 39K)

because all of these areas in the images contain population. Which is more important than recognising individual faces.

Based obtuse retard.


based & redpilled

I'm confused, people didn't realize this? It was super obvious that google just uses you to test/train their ai or to classify images.