ever look at a globe tard
go ahead make a 1:1 size and shape projection of a globe on a flat surface
The real shape of the world
Kayden Bell
Benjamin Evans
>shrinking whites
Gavin Rogers
I'm White now
Ryan Allen
>they don't teach britbongs the different map projections in elementary school
As bad as amerimutts. Shame.
Elijah Peterson
there were multiple map projections at my school we also had the one with the gaps in the ocean
Nicholas Johnson
how will russians EVER recover
Evan Sanders
>just now learning this 2019
and they say american education is bad
Anthony Smith
Is this better?
Caleb Ross
A lot worse.
North America is 1/3 bigger than the turd known as South ''America'' yet in that shitty map it appears bigger, it is almost as big as Africa yet africa is over 3 times bigger than North America in that map.
Eli Morris
I think you may be retarded