The real shape of the world

So it turns out the world map projection we grew up with is a filthy LIE. It enlarges northern hemisphere countries to make them look dominant. Eg in the usual world map Russia looks several times as big as Africa whereas in reality Africa (11.7 million square miles) is a lot bigger then Russia (6.6 m sq miles).

Why was this lie perpetrated for so long and even endures today? Africa is not very far behind Asia in size which makes me appreciate the problems it faces a bit more.

Attached: russia.jpg (650x457, 112K)

Delet this thread

>So it turns out the world map projection we grew up with
Speak for yourself. We had actual geography lessons and learned about the distortions in mercantor projections.

>bong education

propose a better projection then

Nobody lied to you. I learned about the Mercator projection and how it's wrong in elementary school

>this thread
has summer come so soon?


But you still see Mercator and nothing else ever used.

Because its convenient for its purpose, which is locating things on a map. Not to accurately compare the size of countries or plot routes.

ever look at a globe tard
go ahead make a 1:1 size and shape projection of a globe on a flat surface

>shrinking whites

Attached: Worlds_animate.gif (480x480, 366K)

I'm White now

>they don't teach britbongs the different map projections in elementary school
As bad as amerimutts. Shame.

there were multiple map projections at my school we also had the one with the gaps in the ocean

how will russians EVER recover

>just now learning this 2019
and they say american education is bad

Is this better?

Attached: 7.Peirce_quincuncial_projection[1].jpg (720x720, 205K)

A lot worse.

North America is 1/3 bigger than the turd known as South ''America'' yet in that shitty map it appears bigger, it is almost as big as Africa yet africa is over 3 times bigger than North America in that map.

I think you may be retarded

Africa 30,370,000km2
North America 24,709,000km2

on that map africa looks as if it was 90.000.000km2

I'll just leave this right here.

Attached: nki71us[1].jpg (1280x640, 113K)

whites compensanting small penis again