Is this the pretext to World War 3 Jow Forums?
Is crypto unironically going to replace the dollar?
Is this the pretext to World War 3 Jow Forums?
Is crypto unironically going to replace the dollar?
literally who?
Go back to Jow Forums with your shit
Nice, can't wait to see how Trump is going to (over)react to this.
World War 3 would be the best thing to ever happen to crypto. Just move to a country away from the conflict and you'll be good.
uhh, germany? the only productive country in europe actually keeping the currency alive?
that germany
(((they))) wont like this. ww3 when?
As long we germans have to bow the US jewry an independent Germany will never happen.
Not just Germany, all of Europe needs to get the US out of their countries
Germany will go down before the dollar does
But Heiko Maas isn't the Geman foreign minister. (Not that it matters. All nominative power is 100% concentrated in Merkel.)
Oh no, the army of shortbus riders, trannies and traitors's might try to invade the 1st world. I wonder what will happen.
The German economy is very dependent on business with Russia. No doubt all these sanctions have hurt Germany.
These fucking idiots in Washington have weaponized the Dollar. Now it will be used against us.
still not a clue
Holy shit, World War 3 with Germany.
See you on the battlefield bros.
Krauts trying to start some bullshit world war, no surprise this time no fucking surrender will be accepted
Id invade the shit out of europe. It needs to be reconquered anyway
>EU wants to stop using USD for non US transactions
>Americans want to start a war
This is the absolute state of Amerimutts.
And by the way it was discussed already for several month. It's not only Germany but also France and other EU countries that called for the exact same thing.
As a german I hope the whole world will go down if ww3. If humans did not learn from the past they dont deserve a future.
New Turkmenistan
Good luck.
Sigh, edgy teenagers here talking about adult stuff again...
that one batshit country that always starts wars because they have an inferiority complex? Aren’t they an islamic caliphate now?
>if humans did not learn from the past
So germany starts the war and lost, but you want another war?
Your country and continent are dead anyway
>that one batshit country that always starts wars because they have an inferiority complex?
Im not saying the country is perfect but their economic status is seriously keeping the euro alive, and right now its on its back foot
lol bruh
BUT WHAT IF $1,000,000 only equals 3 Reich Marks????
Woo nazicoin when
>Im not saying the country is perfect but their economic status is seriously keeping the euro alive
What kind of dumb news network is telling you this fairy tail? Fox news?
The euro is in better shape that trumps dollars.
Because we can exploit war to make a profit. Who gives a fuck if poor people die on the battlefield. We need war for population control, anyway, and the poor are expendable resources.
The dollar falling would be the best thing to happen to the U.S-our debt (both national and personal) would be worth less and our balance of trade would equalize.
USA just printed 4.5% economic growth
Meanwhile the eurozone is a decade from being gone
How old are you? The price of a currency is not automatically linked to its health...
Ever heard of deflation? Why do you think it's done? Go get some courses on economy and then go back to discuss with the big boys.
>Is this the pretext to World War 3 Jow Forums?
You're an idiot. WW3 started the day after the elections. If other countries wanted to make it physical, the US would be back-to back-to back WW champs.
>big boys
WW3 doesn't need to happen. When the everything bubble we are in crashes, it is going to cause a global currency crisis. Turkey was just a preview of the start. When this happens none of the central banks will be able to bail out their economies again by print (they will try though). This will be the catalyst that turns bitcoin into the new global standard.
Quite simply, if you are not in crypto when this happens, then you will be fucked.
Oh sorry I meant huge.
The EU is killing themselves, you really have to be a delusional lefty not to see it. The globalists are doing everything to keep Brexit from actually happening because it will embolden everyone else who desperately wants to leave this new bureaucratic nightmare.
You must be a brit. Nobody cares about Brexit except for them. For some reason they think it is a huge risk for the EU.
They are a market of 60 million people. The EU is 500 million people.
Wew, this is pure delusion
You realize at least half the countries would vote to leave the eurozone if given the chance
What if you don't have the fiances to afford bitcoin? From what I've heard they're quite expensive?
Rome Treaty signed in 1957.
Then you die. And that's good; we need to weed out at least 90% of the human population in order to bring the population down to more sustainable numbers .
It's not a bubble. It's the new Roaring Twenties; which is the era we're living in right now. The 2010s is the 1920s all over again.
You're the one deluded
how will the buttcorn network function when half the global telecom system has been destroyed?
>aka New Turkey
kek what a suprise that italy voted no, fucking cuck country, literally euros downfall
even the brit
>implying ((they)) aren't behind this
>to bring back Iran deal
Imagine believing this shit. You probably thought Trump had no chance at all too.
Voted no to what? This is a phone poll... And the result is that Italy support the euro, like the rest of the union.
I live in europe dumbass, I don't rely on fox news. I know very well that is true because all my family and friends and myself are actual europeans.
This thread od unbeliveable. You burgers don't know shit about history, geography, econimics or basically anything.
Just bunch of dumbasses with credit cards and weekly payments.
How can I make money on you?
Yes they're awfully stupid. And they think they know a lot, this is the worst.
Buy what you can or you are fucked.
Kneepads wogboy
So am I dumbfuck and if you believe the EU is popular you are a fucking moron. Protip; media in Europe are worse than faux-news by far.
>if you believe the EU is popular you are a fucking moron
I know it's popular. I try to give you this knowledge but you refuse it... Everything is fake in your opinion.... How can we discuss seriously with you Jow Forumstard, I'm not sure it's possible.
Honestly, both countries are degenerate as fuck. Whites are going to keep fucking each other in the ass and wondering why they're being depopulated.
Malthusian retards get the rope.
>you don't believe my random figures I can't reason with you it is not possible
Sure thing. Europe is popular, brexit is an accident and all popular national votes across the continent have shown support. Nothing to see here, move on.
Its sad really, I'm not even white and I feel sorry for white people. Your leaders have betrayed you
Thanks for your support based chink. You still need to go back.
>all popular national votes across the continent have shown support
For example?
I live there, you can't fool me. Maybe it's good enough for your fellow Americans, but you expect to fool me with your 'knowledge' coming straight out of your ass?
>random figures
These are actual studies made by actual research center, retard.
Just look up Pew research center
They've been misled, but the choice always lied with them in their homes. They made a series of compromises over decades in their own families, and it created this degenerate mess. Slavs understand this.
of course it's not possible, Trump brought a lot of reddit-tier idiots to pol who then went to other boards. they're dumb niggers and ruin every board
hello my foreign fellows, greetings from germany.
this guy is an absolute cuck, google heiko maas, biggest betacuckmanchild .
germany is great at pressing money out of native germans and give it to..well everybody else, even wageslaves get taxed almost 30% .
this guy also literally said "i got into politics because of auschwitz" so beware of ((Him))
>still on the murican spiel not reading the post
>muh research center
I work at a research center. Guess what polls are shitty and politically motivated.
Already told you to move on. You are so right. The EU is popular. No-one voted against it. Referenda are all in EUs favour. Brexit is an anomaly and the brits regret it. gl hf
Wait a minute
>I work at a research center
Sure you do.
Good. Drumpf seriously fucked up by overplaying his hand on Iran.
What the fuck, Iran fucking provides security all over the Middle East against ISILcels and does it for free, without any security assistance from the US. Not to mention letting them strategically dominate the Middle East means they're not trying to buttfuck us in Bahrain and Iraq.
>muh nuclear better deal
No fucktard, Iran will just do business around the US back with European and Asian countries, as it should.
based germanbro, keep fighting the good fight.
>wtf why is DRUMPF doing this to Iran!
>btw it doesn't impact Iran at all
Okay. I'm glad he killed the deal. Iran needs to remain steadfast against the world's degeneracy, not making deals with Satan.
oh shit kek
can't have inferiority complex if you're not inferior
You're inferior in history, culture, food, quality of life...
Everything important in life.
You're superior in nukes and burger making.
that's all it takes to obliterate your country
blow me
you are nothing and you will die if you face us
We are inferior in culture because the age of culture in the West has long since ended with the US and French revolution. We are in the age of civilization now culture is dying in Europe and non-existent in her colonies. But as far as civilization goes the US is the best.
>Americans want
You mean their (((handlers))) want.
based black-pilled Spengler
>nobody else cares
The cope is palpable
WW3? With Germany? They need NATO to fight, period, and if they start a war, NATO blows them up.
Jesus, you faggots are dumb.
Uh oh... We know how this is going to end.
(((They))) are not going to be pleased.
The polls probably asked economic illiterate idiots that only cared about the movability between one euro country to another. The eurozone is a failed system financially. You'll understand once the next recession hits.
Remember how many EU countries had popular anti-leftist candidates in their recent elections?
Keep doubling down on the identity politics and see where that gets you. Globalization doesn't work if you have to force half the world to participate. It just breeds bitterness and resentment.
Also, political polls are pretty fucking useless for the most part unless you are incredibly diligent about having a proper sample size.