Germany will go down before the dollar does

But Heiko Maas isn't the Geman foreign minister. (Not that it matters. All nominative power is 100% concentrated in Merkel.)


Oh no, the army of shortbus riders, trannies and traitors's might try to invade the 1st world. I wonder what will happen.

The German economy is very dependent on business with Russia. No doubt all these sanctions have hurt Germany.

These fucking idiots in Washington have weaponized the Dollar. Now it will be used against us.

still not a clue

Holy shit, World War 3 with Germany.

See you on the battlefield bros.

Attached: Screenshot_9.png (680x584, 728K)

Krauts trying to start some bullshit world war, no surprise this time no fucking surrender will be accepted

Id invade the shit out of europe. It needs to be reconquered anyway

>EU wants to stop using USD for non US transactions
>Americans want to start a war

This is the absolute state of Amerimutts.

And by the way it was discussed already for several month. It's not only Germany but also France and other EU countries that called for the exact same thing.

Attached: le_56__face_by_neetsfagging322297-dbv0v9b.png (500x444, 29K)