Do serbs really?

do serbs really?

Attached: 1517354282628.png (2036x1068, 1018K)

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You get us wrong, it wasn’t me, it was the bread that killed my grandpapa!

we had a tradition of throwing an elderly person outside the house in the winter until it freezes to death

serbs are subhumans

A lot of cultures have senicide
>In some places corn mush was put on the head of the victim to make it seem as if the corn, not the family, was the killer

Attached: Children-Corn-featured.jpg (970x545, 57K)

We are so subhuman this doesn't surprise me.

Poland is really filled with subhumans. What'd you call it?


>a lot of cultures did this
More like """ cultures"""
this is pure cope by barbarian subhumans.

Sure, it will seem like it was the corn, really smart move there villagers