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International #1079
Do Colombians really fuck donkeys?
From todays march on Budapest
How do we make them listen to us and do what we tell them?
I want to make Muscovy great again but KARA BOGAS won't let me
Administration militaire de la Belgique et du Nord de la France Free Corsica La Grande Débâcle The Vichy France...
Be pole
I am Portuguese
What colour is your blanket?
Tfw two days into nofap
School photos of int
Sad about the current state of Italy
I'm so happy I'm a schizoid and I don't have to deal with women's bullshit
Negros latinos, necesito memes en español porque todos los que tengo son en gringo...
Is Chile worth to visit? Is Chile first world? What do they think of Asians? I plan to trip to Chile or Argentina
/deutsch/e Brudi-Ausgabe
Is it true that white people have a blonde complex?
Wtf Brazil not only is the worst poster, but the worst exporter
Do people dye their hair crazy colours in your country?
Fridges thread
How easy is it to get a white gf in your country?
T-thanks germany
Whenever I finger my asshole before cumming...
ITT: we celebrate diversity
Non-Americans, have you ever dated an American girl?
This is NOT up for debate
/fr/ - le francofil
Why are there some people in this board who refer to these creaturas as "Latino"? Only WE Latin Americans are Latino
Finns are less than 0.1% of the world's population
He didn't fly so good
Hilo latino /lat/
Sverigetråden - Juliupplagan
Be american
I told my parents I was moving to Norway on August 3rd, and made an elaborate lie about on online Norwegian bf...
Controversy when Armenian Russian daughters kill abusive father
What are the main differences between Latinx and Españxl when it comes to language?
/Shahar/ thread
In the UK, 1 o'clock is called "Ground O'clock"
Why are americans like this?
Slovenia -> Lower Carniola
Why would any body want to bea nord cuck...
0.02% Finnish
Why do Brits bald so early?
Why are Poles so ugly
Finland, can you please explain yourself?
I had sex with my 12 year old sister. I don't know what to do. My parents are gonna kill me if they find out...
Why do apes like the portuguese and the belgians get have their own country but not us?
Why are Argentine women always so angry?
Haha germans amirite? ROFLcopter soisoisoisoisoisoi
Why don't they speak their own language?
Friendship ended with Europe
Seriously why are Arab women such coal-burners? I thought they were supposed to be super racist...
Imagine if your country had boy scouts, except it was for adults...
This is what Sweden used to be about
You wake up in Europe in the year 1000 AD. What is your first action?
How can barbarians even compete?
How much debt do you have from college/university?
Mural in Belfast, Northern Ireland
1. Your cunt
/ita/ il filo
/fr/ - le francofil
Sister visits Europe
What the FUCK race is this?
American education is the great equalizer of life in the USA
The wh*te man's destiny
I feel like Japan is getting more racist and nationalistic
One of the most notorious stories of such a slaughter was recorded in detail by American and European missionaries in...
Is it true that Americans can't masturbate without lube?
Eyes of Jow Forums thread
Walking around downtown São Paulo the impression you get is that 80% of the people there are high on heavy drugs...
I simply can’t take Islam seriously. The moral obscenity of its prophet, his teachings of violence...
Post examples of your country beating an evil country
Would you rather have been born an am*rilard or been born as you are but without two fingers on each hand and foot?
Why do people hate China again?
Lick ice cream in store
What are your thoughts on Varg Vikernes?
Do Italian men still love Abyssinian women?
Hans, I'm tired of those shitskins. Please, I recognize my unability to deal with such a large amount of Iberians...
One shot at life
Do swedes really
Japanese humiliation
Your height
We're NOT fucking med, I swear, fuck off with this
Wanted to create a fictional South American country since I currently making a animu drawing projects of 1940s Latin...
God hates c*mmiefornia
When I see dirty gooks walking into bad parts of town at night like retards, I never warn them. Chinks are safe...
1)your cunt
Pick one but only one
Daily reminder that tea is superior to coffe
Poland why
Our language is so hard, even native speakers sometimes struggle with it
We're NOT fucking med, I swear, fuck off with this
Hes European
The next Prime Minister of the UK will be a Turk
1 - your flag
Why does having green in your flag automatically makes you a shithole ?
Why Poles do this?
A Jehovah's Witnesses church just opened in my area...
/romance/ thread
Why is it not allowed to call negro "nigger" in America?
He still makes american hate threads in 2019
I am Korean girl and what will happen in Japan and Korea?
What would Europe look like today if krauts didn't keep destroying it?
Tfw no greek bf to wrestle with
ITT: Times your country got "culturally enriched" by the religion of Peace (tm)
I want to emigrate to the US or Canada
/ita/ - il filo
/balk/ mnogo seks edishan
"K-kara b-boga wh-h*toid-d!"
Sverigetråden - Grodupplagan
/luso/ Fio da Sasa
/fr/ - Le francofil
If you get visited by seal, it means good luck and long life
Land borders
Today's Europe Weather
Whats your:
Why yes, I am from Sweden. How did you notice?
Post the oldest learning institution from your cunt
Metric hate general
Should foreign presidents bow to the Japanese Emperor?
Post a country with worse customer service and waiters than France, I'll wait
Europeans, have you ever met a Latina?
Your ethnicity
You can post ITT only if a girl told you "you are handsome"
Do Azeri’s really do this?
Why do americans not celebrate easter?
My girlfriend's ethnicity? White
Are you racist?
Rate the beauty of my kid. I think he's 10/10
Is Tirol the best place to live in mainland Europe?
I suffer in Turkmenistan
1. your count
Are any of you guys genuinely racist?
Why are protestant countries the most degenerate ones...
Your thoughts on Mexicans?
Where do you lie on the normie spectrum?
Tfw no eesti bf
Do the French really do this?
You can travel around Europe for a whole month, with as little as 1000€. I do it every year in summer
I miss this little nigga like you would not believe. Why, why did he have to leave us, he still had time left ;_;
If theres one thing I want to see more of, its Black male Asian female relationships
Thoughts on Norvegian girls?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Non-Americans, have you ever dated an American girl?
Let's play a game:
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2211.dead
What's happening there?
According to the EU statistical office, some of the highest NEET rates in the EU were recorded in 2018 in Bulgaria (20...
The current international language for commerce is English. Most used online as well by all nationalities
Would you rather take away the rights of niggers or women?
Algeria Independence Day 57th edition
Discuss Jow Forums
Are Americans like this guy considered high class in America...
Who was in the wrong?
Latinas are ____
There's men browsing Jow Forums right now that are looking for an Jow Forumsernational bf
I just LOOOOVE traveling, it's so exciting to see so many different cultures, and omg did I mention the FOOD?
How can I even cope?
America is paradise
Why are aussies so fucking sexy? I don’t whether its the accent, the devil-may-care attitude, the wildman spirit...
Why doesn't your cunt have a phonetically correct language?
Can someone from central/south america explain what is going on? Thanks my bean obsessed friends
Are people who says Miami, LA etc are trash just racists, hispanophobes?
7 million people live here
Name rate thread
Kurva anyátok
Do you remember me? Let’s find out!
Why are they so obsessed?
What do you think of American Latinos?
Why are non-mexican criollos so based?
/girls/ #6
I just beat the shit out of my dad and he was like son I did not raise you to resort to violence then I keeped punching...
Which are you Jow Forums??
Than you for boycotting to visiting to Japan, Korea.That is not enough...
Reminder: world peace begins on Jow Forums
What is your pop of choice produced in your cunt
Was christianity the worst thing to ever happen to Europe?
His last name is an occupation
I can’t fathom the fact that anyone can suffer in a first world country
What even happens in this cunt? All I hear about it is EU shit
How common is this phenotype in Germany?
What do you really think of Canadians?
Doctors found a huge mass on my liver and some cysts on my lungs...
Your cunt
Kiss each other on the cheeks
I need to stop doing meth. but its the only time i feel alive
Decide which language I should learn on Duolingo. I used to only study Swedish...
Im a mexican indio and I hate both american and mexican culture, should I move to peru?
Amerimutt gets shot
Why are Mexicans jealous of Asians?
Post successful!
I love you guys so fucking much. I want to hug you, yes you, the Jow Forumsposter reading this right now
How do I get rid of it?
This is the comfiest state in Brazil. Please come visit us =]
Culture Pals /cp/
I don't have a problem with it. Why do racists?
It's decided then
Why do amerimutts lack creativity?
Why are they always so angry?
That sad feeling you will never live in nyc
/flag/ + /extraflags/
/danmarktråden/ 2.0
Whoops dropped this
Ruskies film themselves excavatingWW2 battle sites for equiptment and weapons
Do brazilians really eat monkey soup?
What would you do if a 15yo girl said she was in love with you?
I worked several years at UNESCO. AmA
Yanks will defend this
Do you like Americans?
Faces of Jow Forums Thread
/dixie/ - Southern U.S. and frens
Do brown-eyed "whites" feel not fully white? I mean you're missing the feature that's exclusive to whites...
Your cunt
My favorite radio station in GTA Vice City?
God placed 1.2 billion indians on this earth instead of 1.2 billion swedes. What did he mean by this?
Does Latin America really have the most beautiful women in the world ?
/brit/ and friends
The afterlife, does it exist?
Why do the Spanish dislike Brits so much?
Post maps
Tfw my boss just transferred 150k (around U$40k) to my bank account inadvertently
Draw a country from memory, other user guess it
Do old people do this in your country?
I fucking hate swedes so much
Spain has no moorish genes
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Britain is not comf-
/carib/ + island friends
Watching latino TV, mostly from Brazil and Mexico
Eurotards be like "oh no I've got a fever of 40 degrees, better call an ambulance"
Your cunt
Do they feel Germanic?
/ita/ - il filo
In my opinion
In honor of the 4th of July, let's talk the collapse and balkanization of the USA. What will it look like...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Canada, circa 2100
I like how some americans act as their country isn't brown as fuck and third world with first world economy
How do you fix this
Would you racemix with a French person?
Is Britain the most meme country?
/fr/- le francofil
Want to learn japanese by myself
This is my dinner
*pluc pluc pluc*
The freer the markets, the freer the people
One chance at life
Post your desktop
Euros will never get this feel
Makes certain people butthurt
How international is your music taste?
Why don't japanese women
Why are black men so popular in white countries?
Your country
Do you agree with this list?
As a castizo I just want Spain to accept me
Why are American whites so much chaddier then European whites...
The biscuit falls into the tea
Which country has the best beer, aside from the US?
ITT: rightful borders of your country
Why are americans insane?
This is what Norwegians listens too
Tfw I don't have a senior Korean gf
Explain this, Iran
Paintbucket thread
Thoughts on girls who want to be anime?
I love all people from all countries
/ITA/ - il filo
Jow Forums posters you recognize
Alrtight, Germs. Give it to me! What is she like?
Alright Dutch anons, what’s this store like? Is it nice?
/fug/ - Finno-Ugric general
I sympathize with Jewish people
Based Denmark celebrates the Fourth of July
Etymology of European country names
Sverigetråden - Svullmaxupplagan
This triggers the European
Tinder thread
Why do all relevant countries and region have a badass animal as symbol, but France?
Hello frens, which is the easiest cunt to live and work remotely and not pay many taxes
/lat/ Hilo latino/
Why did they commit Holocaust??
Fellow int bros, answer me please. am i ugly?
Let me see what a 10/10 looks like for you, Jow Forums
Post good food from your country
Europeans, stop killing yourselves, the rest of the world absolutely loves you and needs you...
4th of July Earthquake
Only one shot at life
We have a lot of common history and haven't been apart for that long, in the grand scheme of things. However...
/fr/ - le francofil
Yes indeed. I do fart on American cocks without foreskin to keep them warm. What gave it away?
Fridges of /int
St. Petersburg is great
Earthquake just now in California
Moroccan girls look like that? wtf I love Morocco now
Is phimosis common in your country?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Have any of you visited Africa? If so what was it like, is it like pol says?
Quebecois women
Watching American war movie
Be american
Jews that followed a rolling penny into a church
His """country""" has socialized medicine
Explain me the point of Iraq war. Why did they invade somewhere more relevant instead of ir*q
/v4/ + friends
They could rule the entire world again if they wanted to
Why are germans so hated?
What are public schools like in your country? American here. They're absolute Hell...
Today I met 2 old Japanese tourists at the Central Station in Bonn and they asked "Sumimasen trainu to Corogne kudasai"...
/ita/ - IL FILO
Are you satisfied with your country's rep in Civ 6?
I made Pizza, thoughts?
Are Japanese women the closest thing to Goddesses on this planet?
ASAP ROCKY held for beating up a Swede in Sweden, what's your reaction Jow Forums ?
Why do Italians do this every time?
Int I think something is wrong I'm experiencing headaches and chest pains in the left side of my chest
Zhang btfo
Why do italians trigger nordics so much just by existing?
What do Muslims do when they get depressed?
How do I look from this angle?
Mfw keep seeing Polish delicatessens open up
American education
If you could open your business, what sector it would be?
I guess they were indeed Queens
Have sex
Opinions on Dominican republic and its people
Why do americans celebrate on the 4th instead of the 1st?
Wallonia must be destroyed, fucking garbage piece of cancer on this fucking globe...
How do you call this in your country?
What did he mean by this?
/fr/ - le fil français
Did you know finland has L A E S T A D I A N S?
Who the fuck would even buy something like this and why?
Why are Japanese "people" like that?
Do you consider America an Anglo country?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
I want to ______ a Finnish boy
Itt we sing the US of A anthem one word per post
Could this Hungarian hooker pass as a local in your cunt?
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
1. Your country
Why can’t japs have sex?
1. The flag of the post above yours
Goodbye for all eternity
The American Battle of Independence, ey? That sounds very interesting. I'd love to hear all about it
If they saw the USA today what would they say?
Germans actually drink this nasty concoction of orange soda and cola mixed together
Sverigetråden - Vargupplagan
One shot at life
Leave the white men to me
Was the American revolution a mistake?
Fuck women
Freedom of speech
Post nice pics
Happy 4th of July to my goblino brothers and sisters
Brown eyes are fucking disgusting Would unironically kill myself if I had them. It's beyond disgusting and low
What went wrong?
If you were born in another nation, which nation would you be born in?
How many Italians look like him?
European cuisines rankings 2019 edition
You thoughts on rice?
Which countries do you hate the most?
Modern black Americans, very manly
What are your hobbies, user?
What's your favorite soft drink?
Video named "Watch sheikh X DESTROY atheist Y"
Shoes of Jow Forums
Mutts aren't white
Why do Swedes hate us?
/dixie/ — The Souf and "Friends"
Ever shit yourself in public?
Are French girls the sexiest girls on earth?
Jow Forumsernational criminal thread
Your cunt
/fr/ tiret le francofil
Okay, redpill me about the Russian language
How does your country's future look like?
Who is the real successor to the Roman Empire? what was the last power to legitimately claim it?
Did you know that Russia has S-U-M-M-E-R-S?
Europe weather today
How come brownoids don't think we will purge the minecraft server in a couple of years?
/ita/ il filo
Why do Americans do this?
How are transgenders treated in your country? Does your country grant them rights?
/deutsch/ bester verbündeter ausgabe
Hey guys, it's finally time for our princess Vittoria to find husband
Sverigetråden - pizzaupplagan
There once existed a nation without poverty, homeless, or unemployment. Today that nation is gone. I miss it greatly
From todays march on tel aviv
Who is this racist Israeli guy who keeps spewing hateful remarks all over Jow Forums?
I miss the old USA
How can you quit smoking?
You get to nuke 1 country
Hilo /lat/ANO
Are white men desired in your kunt?
1. Your country
I dont wanna get bullied by muslims in school anymore
Why are Israelis so bigoted?
All Russian women I've talked with over the internet are l*berals hate Russia and want to emigrate
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Do you know Rammstein?
Imagine what feels her father
Do you love Japan?
Prove that you really are Jow Forumsernational
Why do Italians like black women so much?
Disney to cast a Congolese woman in the Snow White live action movie
Independance day
Drawing thread!
Imagine being American
ESL poster beats me in an argument because I don’t know what he’s trying to say but he sounds more confident than me
Literally every white person who was born outside of America is a nigger to me
I´ve made this video walking on my city
Which one of them do you trust the most?
Poland is so goddamn beautiful, and cheap. I want to go back there now. I hate "living" in Finland
It's my country's birthday today. Please be nice
How would Bongs feel about becoming a US State?
For me, it's Baden-Wurttemburg
Question for ameribros: what state is
Why do incels do this?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2211.1
Will only old people stay in Italy?
What made Canada different from the other "13 colonies"?
Dark blue=first world
Hello guys, I need your expert opinion today. Who do you think is the strongest world leader at the moment...
Your're are a cunt
How do we stop white genocide? I don't want my people to disappear
Workers didn't unite
The audacity of firsties to say that they’re suffering in first world
O beautiful for spacious skies
Did Americans deserve it?
I'm an Iranian immigrant and I think racism in Germany is a non-issue
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Why can't black people create their own characters?
Ukrainian guy everyone at my job hates knocked up this Russian girl at my job
We Venezuelans are the best, all other spics can suck my brown dick
Before celebrating Independence day, apologize to Vietnam
Did the Armenian Genocide actually happen?
Why are all of you so short?
What kind of pests do you have to deal with in your house?
Is there such thing as an Estonian or Latvian accent...
Are you an emotional person?
Japanese people look like this?
What does Jow Forums think of American suburbs?
Haha pretty fireworks !! dog bless my irish, scottish, german, french, algerian, mc donalds grease, fecal matter...
What's that sound?
In “Ancient DNA sheds light on the genetic origins of early Iron Age Philistines...
I hate having a mutilated dick so much, man. This country fucking blows
Best Latin American country?
Tfw Brazilaboo
/tv/ is seething right now because a black women got cast as Ariel
Only white losers go for Asian girls, he obviously couldnt get a superior white gf
Kurva anyátok
tfw direct descendant of the house of Muhammed pbuh
If I have light skin but black hair, am I a shitskin?
W-why are Americans so rude?
You wake up in Komodo Island
Tfw goku will never be best frens with the leader of your cunt
1. cunt
Racism in real life
Why don't anglos eat rye?
Is it ethical to call them mutts and make "Do Americans really..." threads on the 4th of July, their birthday?
Mussolini was a pretty endearing guy. Why'd you Italians kill him? Should have just let him retire to the countryside
Why are they always so angry and rude?
He hates other countries unironically
Non-Americans, have you ever dated an American girl?
Why are people like this?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Does the leader of your country trigger mental instability among those who dislike them?
/fr/ - le fil francophone français
Jow Forums seriously needs more positive transgender representation;
Japan is literally the perfect society
ITT curses of the White devil
Is it hard to get a gf in your cuntry?
How does Jow Forums feel about Russia,Europe and America failing to stop China?
Why are so many Latino men built like this?
When did America fall so far behind?
I’m Danish
Korean consumers set to boycott Japanese products
Will they ever be number 1? No matter how I look at it, UK and France are always ahead. I feel bad for them
You get to choose where the United States' new capital should be Jow Forums
Americans be like ALOOOMINAM
Sverigetråden - Italienska?? upplagan
Black woman to play Ariel in live-action little mermaid
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
/ita/ - il filo
It would be real nice if we could have a thread about China lads. Love China
From todays march on Rome
Which country has the worst posters?
If you don't love America then leave
Show me your 10/10, Jow Forums
I sit at home all day in pajamas or underwear and only order take out. Is that normal in your cunt?
When are we going to agree to range ban Sweden? Sweden keeps on creating shit threads to push his ear meme
America is ~40% obese
Claims to hate Arabs and to not be Arab
Hilo latANO
Why are Asian boys so cute?
I am taking my great grandfather back to Greece so he can die in the old village where he was born
100 bottles of beer on the wall, 100 bottle of beer. Take one down, pass it around, 99 bottles of beer on the wall
/nachtschicht/ ehem. /deutsch/
I'm going to see a urologist tomorrow but I am quite afraid of him seeing my tiny 14cm cock (when hard) and only 7cm...
Your cunt?
England: the UK, America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Falklands, colonies throughout Argentina and Chile
Capital of Australia isn't Sydney or Melbourne
Tomorrow I am moving to BRUSSELS
How will you be celebrating America's birthday in your cunt tomorrow?
Do american mother really do this ???
Favourite EU country other than your own?
Dessert thread before I sleep
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
My name is Shohaib
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Why do Japanese nationalists pretend massacres never happened but then stand on street corners shouting that they want...
This piece of land is called "constantinople"
First thing that comes to your mind when you hear Croatia
Tfw no Jow Forums bf
International Hemorrhoids
If every American died tomorrow, how would you react?
What are some really strange cultural practices in your cunt that other cunts don't understand?
How do you say "have sex" in your country?
/fr/ - le francofil
Post comfy hiphop from your cunt
Fuck Europeans
American game journalists warn about Nazis
This terrifies the Pole
Tell us about your ancestors
Why do Germans say that their grandparents were nurses in WW2?
ITT: Jow Forums in 1846
Literally me
Jow Forums is unironically going to shoot up a bunch of antifa protestors
This swedecuck got an Italian QT using a literal dating site
How do i get an Italian qt gf
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
/lang/ - Language Learning General
I suffer in Canada
Goyim be like "it is very important to me that the Jew I worship has the same skin color that I do"
Ever met skinheads in your country
Are there more syrian/egyptian posters here or is it all the same two guys?
Will Islam eventually get WESTERN'D too?
Do you like romania?
So, this picture was the last straw! They killed the Swede, but still didn't invite me...
User, what do you mean only STEM matters and ART studies are ‘trash-tier’? I study art and feel offended
Tfw i see this flag and think its an italian friend but it turns out to be an anglo subhuman
Translator's note: American means Scots-Irish
American girls are obese and ugl-
/zuhmer/ ehemals /boomer/ auch bekannt als /deutsch/
Well can you Jow Forums?
Are diasporas even human?
Do you support China's civilizing mission among the unwashed Muslim hordes of Xinjiang?
Does this happen in your cunt?
Your cunt
Americans be like "good morning, my name is Joe, I like cheeseburgers and Wal-Mart, and I dislike illegal aliens"
/cum/ - CANUSMEX
Both of the kids I know who had playstation 2 instead of xbox are gay junkies now
/fr/ - le fil français et francophone
GTA 6: your cunt edition
Why do our brave ladies make the rest of the world seethe so hard?
What kind of strategy are they playing here?
/lat/: Hilo latino
*dominates your continent*
Lives in Japan and Thailand
1: your country
I like Arabs and Arabic culture
I really hate living in the gap here. If I was born 300km east or south I would be an EU citizen
/ita/ il filo
How popular is cycling in your country? Do you cycle?
Only white losers go for Asian girls, he obviously couldnt get a superior white gf
Which of these countries actually matter?
Im getting fucking tired of this cancerous boomer mentality my parents have
Why does there exist english versions of capital names like
But seriously range ban when?
Are you happy for them? I'm very happy for them
How progressive, tolerant and multicultural is your country?
You are only a real mexican if your ancestors are from the region in red
Why are white Britons so venemously anti-God? Is it because he has abandoned them?
What is your main fetish?
Do you stand with Ethiopian Jews against police violence and discrimination
Does your country love garlic?
/balk/ Fuck Diaspora edition
1. could i get a gf in your country?
*saves your planet*
Diabetes spike in Mexican town where Coca-Cola used as drinking water, currency & religious offering
China is on next level
Are thots/arthoes common in your country? how do you feel about them?
Do serbs really?
Earlier I thought wtf is this meme. But today I saw a kid with this retarded haircut. So it's real
Ordered this food from the local chink on the corner
Being a white Brazilian in a country 90% nug/pardo/mestizo/spic
Are we part of Europe?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship