Im getting fucking tired of this cancerous boomer mentality my parents have

Im getting fucking tired of this cancerous boomer mentality my parents have

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Soon, the boomer die off is gonna be fucking wild.

thought almost 99% of sand people were product of rape and never get to know their parents

stfu Turkiod rape abomination I spit on you

Piss them off by apostasising from islam

Are your parents cousins?


there's no difference between a turkoid and a sandmonkey. just use the broader term of sandnigger.
But I am right, that's how you 'people' reproduce, by rape. a vile disgusting race should have a vile disgusting way of reproducing too don't you agree.

You should be thankfull because thats how your bloodline started najaiz ulaad

I mean be honest, no one will know, I am right. That's how most sand people come into existence.