How popular is cycling in your country? Do you cycle?
How popular is cycling in your country? Do you cycle?
Owen Baker
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Brody Lopez
not very
Jackson Hill
not very
fuck cagers
Landon James
Aaron Cook
I'd consider it semi-popular
I prefer public transit over cycling most of the time but I do ocasionally
fuck cagers 50% cuz some cars are real nice
Jaxson Reed
very popular, the traffic in sweden is pretty much built around people biking
depends on the weather really, now during the summer I bike to my job and sometimes when I'm seeing my friends
Ayden Nguyen
That's how I stay in shape. Did 105 km Saturday and I'm going out on a shorter evening ride soon.
Jack Morris
fuck no
Jonathan Jackson
Bentley Green
Unfortunately popular enough that there's always some idiot on the road pretending he's on Tour de France. I don't ride a bike and I never did