This swedecuck got an Italian QT using a literal dating site

This swedecuck got an Italian QT using a literal dating site

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if i had any brain, i would have been making youtube videos for zoomers instead of going to uni

Manlets have a hard time here so he prolly got cucked in his place by our demanding girls.

>This handsome and famous millionaire got an Italian QT using a literal dating site

Before he was famous

Wait he met his gf through a dating site?
Which one?.

The Italian looks like shit

And so shall we

I mean, he is a pretty conventionally attractive guy with a decent sense of humor.

she ugly af, look at her fucking nose

I think he answered this in a Q and A a while back

His GF

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I mean he is skinny and she is skinny so they match. But I would prefer a bit more meat on my Italian

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She is super shy too
She speaks like literal anime waifu

Unlike other YouTubers, he has never has relationship drama or cheating scandals

Cool, let me go watch all of them to know the actual answer.

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>t. fatty

so am i :'(

They met by marzia messaging Felix on facebook

Marzia had a long video about it on her youtube but she deleted all videos so it's gone
this is the only part that got saved from what i could find

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No just strong


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