Jow Forums is unironically going to shoot up a bunch of antifa protestors

>Jow Forums is unironically going to shoot up a bunch of antifa protestors

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yeah i mean antifa is kind of pathetic, you'd think after Charlottesville they'd arm up

So antifa is shooting at the soldiers?

Fuck that's pathetic

Well done on swallowing up the media narrative of what went down at Charlottesville faggot, it was antifa and only that were armed and damaging property/cars etc

i don't trust stormniggers one second not to chimp out like that brainlet in the car

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>white supremacists

pfffffff just what the fuck goes on inside americans brains

>White supremacists
Since when? They hated slavs and cosidered meds inferior. They were German supremacists

Oh Chris Cuomo

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