What kind of pests do you have to deal with in your house?

What kind of pests do you have to deal with in your house?

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Haitians, Colombians and Venezuelans

>Brazil cuts down lizards homes
>Gets bothered when lizards move into their homes.

lizards > roaches


What kind if house do you live in?

High altitude living so no pests. Sometimes the ocasional butterfly but that's it (once per year or so)

>complaining about cute lizards

This ones get in a few times a year

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Mice, spiders, ants, other random shit insects. House is an old farmhouse built in the late 1800s so everything gets in.


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Hello mr. lizards

Hate these fuckers. Worst looking animal ever

i don't think there's anything more gross than these nasty fucks, good thing they're tiny

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Geckos, lizards. Fucking damn shit that poops everywhere. Can anyone suggest a way to trap them?


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Never seen that thing in my life. What is it btw?

Fish. Deep sea fish

It's called a blobfish.

Wasps and other bugs mostly. Lots of invasive plants though.

and when you kill them, you can feel that awful smell... hate those bastards

What the fuck, bro. :(

based as a motherfucker