Your cunt

>Your cunt
>Do oyu celebrate 4th of July? If so, how?

1. Hungary
2. I ordered a burger and I am listening to the star spangled banenr

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I tipped the mailman this morning

God bless

God bless

I'm gonna eat tacos tonight

do you have any fireworks?

I celebrated by having two dominos pizza for my birthday yesterday

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Took the car instead of bike this morning

I'll buy some McDonald's for lunch today

I'm doing a barbecue

God Bless the USA for forcing globalisation

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Come to think of it, I had KFC for lunch

>It's the 4th of July already

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Leftover Pizza for breakfast and Lunch
Will eat mexican tonight with my gf :)

Does america have traditions aside from eating fast Food and gun culture? I cant think of any...

dominating the world? defeating you in wars?

We shoot fireworks at night on the 4th of July and pretend we give a shit about the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. Some people also fly Confederate flags because nothing is more American than treason.

i hear drag queens teaching kids in libraries is also a thing there

Also backyard barbecue.

They also have parties where they roll around with their cars and destroy their tires

Betray Spain after we free them from the Anglo, also shart in the mart

Nah, I don't think they even sell it anywhere besides during December