Who the fuck would even buy something like this and why?

Who the fuck would even buy something like this and why?

Attached: 1562204903778.png (511x771, 242K)

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Attached: carlos.jpg (210x240, 17K)

Funny part is that she doesn't even pour water on her body, she fills the cup with tap water and it's done.

Betas, whiteknights, male feminists, whatever you wanna call them need to be genocided. They’re the weak stock of men that enable shitty female behavior like this.

/v/tard here, I have no clue who would buy that.
She advertises it for "Gamer boys" or whatever the fuck it was. The Target audience has to be the same people who would pay 1000+ to see naked photos of a person.

Attached: 1549540643355.png (512x512, 9K)

why do incels do this? do they think they somehow get a better chance of having her as a gf if they give her money?

Imagine being so pathetic to actually buy this

Incels don’t do this, numales do this. Incels are self aware losers that hate women. Numales are betas that think being a feminist or a doormat will get them laid

this and those numales are the ones that use the insult "incel"

haven't seen that term thrown around in a while, everyone just says soy boy these days