
Cкoпјe ќe гo нaпpaвaм кaкo Блaгoeвгpaд edition


Attached: Grafit.jpg (1620x1080, 230K)

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A young ripe 18 year old Macedonian girl came to passport office in Blagoevgrad in Bulgaria
"My grandfather was Bulgarian, give me EU passport" she demanded
The bulgarian official checked the records.
"Hmm, there doesnt seem to be anything about him here, but I am sure we can figure something out, wink wink" as he unzipped his pants
The macedonian girl was taken aback, and blushed.
"But you can't, i have a boyfriend in Skopje!"
The Bulgarian caressed her on the thigh and lifted up her short skirt
"We will worry about that later."

A young ripe 18 year old Macedonian girl came for vacations in Vlora, Albania.
"I am a macedonian tourist, give me a room in this five star hotel and a discount" she demanded
The albanian hotel manager checked her out.
"Hmm, it appears that the rooms are fully booked , but I am sure we can figure something out, wink wink" as he unzipped his pants
The macedonian girl was taken aback, and blushed.
"But you can't, i have a boyfriend in Skopje!"
The Albanian caressed her on the thigh and lifted up her short skirt
"We will worry about that later."

Damn, Turkgaria looks like this?!

Attached: 1562237771768.png (961x788, 168K)


nigger either come up with a new pasta or stop spamming the same thing over and over again

Attached: 1548558883603.png (974x778, 127K)

A young ripe 45 year old Macedonian politician game to EU conference in Brussels in Belgium
"We changed our name give me EU membership" he demanded
The brussels official checked the history records
"Hmm, there doesn't seem to be anything about macedonia here, but i am sure we can figure something out wink wink" as he unzipped his pants
The macedonian politician was taken aback, and blushed
"But you can't, i have an albanian party in my my parliament!"
The EU official caressed him on the debts and slipped him a quota for immigrant numbers
"We will worry about that later"

oh god i love formerly fyrom gets cucked stories
please post more
