Are Japanese women the closest thing to Goddesses on this planet?
Are Japanese women the closest thing to Goddesses on this planet?
She's ugly as fuck.
well, that girl in the pic isn't certainly a goddess
you both have awful taste, fuck you
This is the cringiest thread I have ever seen here and that is saying a lot you damn faggot.
Asian women are ugly, alien mongoloids.
They look like aliens
They have slant eyes , flat face and no chest.
'ate when yellow fever dreamers worship their idea of what reality is
user that's an uggo
Try being a bit more selective with your cherrypicking
for me, she is 10/10
t. asian
Yeah, dude, nvm all these incels/roasties. Always nice to see fellow men of taste among the copious amounts of soy on this board.
I'm not sure about that but they can be really fucking cute
>"Japan woman"
>"I've never held any type of communication with any Japanese woman but you know"
I'm sorry for you but i know that pic related is a 8/10 in the UK so i understand why your standards would be so low
>Teeth are more yellow than her skin
why do you all hate Japanese women so much
r/asianmasculinity incels, roasties from other races, sour graped-betas, people brainwashed by propaganda against female Asian beauty, etc
Its not the looks. Its the fact that you can start "marriage INC" they are trustworthy in a sense. Not in the sense of not cheating on you because cheating is normal and happens mutually to both partners. In the sense that you can plan your life together over a longer period of time. The japanese have a laidback culture. Been married 10years now. It just keeps getting better and better. I can see why someone would regard this as being the pinnacle of marriage. There is never any nagging but there is a good deal of passion and a structured way of seeing things. Like a relationship is a business with love.
Bad example pic OP
in b4 the swede and austrian come in for their daily duels
but she is beautiful
But you are chinless.
I am not chinless
Yes you are. I've never seen you and I know exactly what you look and sound like.
No offense, you kind of sound like an incel who couldn't score an Asian cutie.
I actually look like the top one I have a wide jaw and small nose
You dont "score" asian women, chinlet. You order them online. Or you find them working in cheap brothels.
gotta get a gook gf
>literal goblins in charge of determining beauty
Do i really need to post normal japanese girls to ruin your dream ?
do it
chinlet btfo
Found a picture of you.
Really putting that mouthbreather IQ to work. I'm sure you'll marry a gook pornstar any day now.
I'm sure you'll overcome your insecurities someday user
i think the avg korean girl is better looking but good looking japanese girls are the best looking women in the world.
>You go to Japan and unawarely do the :O face to your coffee on starbucks
I don't coffee
>Not in the sense of not cheating on you because cheating is normal and happens mutually to both partners.
Le scandcuck
Women are only as good as the men who subjugate them.
japanese men are based it is true
Funny how you say "I don't coffee", but you didn't say "I don't :O face"
I don't do the soyboy face either because I am self-conscious about my teeth
I already know brits have 50% of their teeth missing, its not about the teeth, its about the chin.
You have no chin so you do :O face so you can feign a chin on pictures of you and your coffees
I dunno wtf you are on about, you're crazy
I'd rather get a vietgf than a filthy inbred island monkey
I love Japanese women
Very redpilled post. Viet girls are great.
image boards attract Asian diaspora losers who hate that they must compete (often unsuccesfully) with other races of men for Asian women
>Are Japanese women the closest thing to Goddesses on this planet?