I made Pizza, thoughts?

I made Pizza, thoughts?
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Attached: IMG_20190704_181631.jpg (3840x2160, 957K)

wheres the cheese?

It needs more cheese and probably wouldn't hurt to keep it in the oven a bit longer.

How does it taste?

that pizza looks done pekka

hello fren
cheese is clearly there and doesn't seem a bad one; i just find it a bit yeast missing, either you didn't use yeast enough or didn't work it enough. you gotta work the dough hard and add a lot of water. also, the salame doesn't look italianish but fair enough for a pepperoni version.
overall bretty gud user, bravo!

Brewer’s yeast

I used Mozzarella and not too much because otherwise water will gather in the middle of the pizza and that's not really good. It's done though, dough was hard and tasty.

I used 150g of wheatflour (?) and around 3g of dry yeast. How much would you add in this case? (also around 90-100ml of water, otherwise the dough will get too sticky). Salami is some cheap stuff from Lidl because I'm a broke student lmao.

That's a sad-looking dough

maybe try with fresh beer yeast, comes easier. also use mild temperature water to make it liquid, not cold nor hot; and don't drop salt directly on yeast, he doesn't like it.
and the dough has to get sticky! add as much water as you can and incorporate it, help yourself with a spoon or with a bit of oil on your fingers when you put it on the pan. also mind the oven has to be hot at maximum already when you put it in.
i would really eat it btw

I use mild temperature water and mix it with the dry yeast. I might need more water in the future though because the dough was a bit on the dry side desu. Can you recommend bear yeast? Idk what to search for in this case. Does it increase the doughsize better than regular dry yeast?
I do preheat my oven on max temperature (250 degrees, more is not possible)
>i would really eat it btw
Thanks, I made a lot of pizza in the past few weeks.