Explain me the point of Iraq war. Why did they invade somewhere more relevant instead of ir*q

Explain me the point of Iraq war. Why did they invade somewhere more relevant instead of ir*q

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Israel demanded it.


Oil and money?

Why didnt they invade somewhere else more relevant and important like turkey or iran.


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Israel should be more worried about syria or iran.

Read this
Mutts are scary


Basically Saddam done dabbed on his daddy once and Dubbya couldn't let it go

Bush 2 had to do Iraq War part 2

Because irans military was at the time about twice the size of iraq and turkey is a nato ally

Then invade Russia and CSTO

good luck with that

le monke...

Cant they have nukes

To free Iraq from sanctions.

americans had to bomb something after 9/11, afghanistan was not enough for them to satisfy their blood lust

So what too cowardly for ww3 and picking fights with a more capable and equal opponent?

>The family announced that Ziegel died on December 26, 2012 after falling on ice
>In early May 2013, after an investigation of Ziegel's death, Peoria County Coroner Johnna Ingersoll said that death was caused by alcohol and drug intoxication, not by the fall.The analysis showed that Ziegel had a blood alcohol level of .123 and a level of morphine indicating the presence of heroin was 540 ng/ml.
What an American hero eh?

That photo is kino af

Her face says it all

Brainlet answers. The real question is, why wouldn't the USA want to invade Iraq? You have to control it for hegemony over West Asia, and boxing in Iran was supposed to be a bonus, though that backfired laughably.

in all seriousness what the us really wanted was saddam's stargate.

Attached: 1485212605962-US_Soldiers_climbing_the_Ziggurat_of_Ur.jpg (1024x683, 201K)

Fucking Americans, why do they monopolize all the ancient ayy tech?


No you idiot republicans wanted it Cleetus

Republicans are the Jewish Party of America.

The US couldn't find basement dweller bin Laden and needed a win after 9/11.

war isn't about memes like cowardice, it's about political and economic capital

> gets divorced
>become a heroine and alchol addict
>government didnt help with that

>Yeah I think this is based.

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>Explain me the point of Iraq war. Why did they invade somewhere more relevant instead of ir*q

was before fracking happened and flooded market with oil.
we wwere running out of oil. iraq had oil. we wanted iraq to be pro american.
so we basically won the war. sort of.

>usa wanted hegemony in west asia
why do we care about this region?

Sub-100 IQ troglodytes

I don't buy the "war for oil" meme. Where is the actual oil? Why didn't the price of gas fall in the 2000s? Why did the dollar get weaker and weaker that decade?

blood for oil is a meme
it was for israel
simple as