Based Denmark celebrates the Fourth of July

Based Denmark celebrates the Fourth of July

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No one celebrates the poop of poopstates


Attached: 133810420_REUTERS_People-attend-the-American-4th-of-July-Independence-Day-celebrations-in-Rebild-Nat (480x300, 40K)

poopity poop states of poop muttica

No poopies here

Attached: Rebild.png (2339x1551, 3.14M)

United Sharts of Trumpinistan

oh no

Attached: 1557682889012.jpg (179x170, 10K)

repoop fartstival

Those are based Danes fella

Attached: based danes.png (1339x749, 1.4M)

Denmark? More like Shartmart lmao


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Wtf. I don't wanna live here anymore now.

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wtf, why??

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honestly, i'd rather celebrate ramadan and fast for a month than celebrate amerimutticas independence

I don't want to be Americanized. Unless you guy's start celebrating our constitution day or something, then I don't like it.
Tbh i'd rather celebrate the 4th of July. Atleast we'd grill like any other Danish summer day.

How utterly rude

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No one wants to be americanized and celebrating someone else's independence is really odd.
Japs are the exception, though.

Attached: sweden hills.jpg (1200x900, 467K)

Funny 'cause you're slowly becoming more and more Americanized every year and your languages turning into English dialects.

I'd rather celebrate a Swedish holiday than 4th of July.

>your languages turning into English dialects
That's a small subculture of rednecks. The only american thing about them is that they like hot dogs, drive old american cars and have dixie and american flag symbols on their stuff.
Also, no one really likes them.

you don't even like us??

Attached: JJg1Uyb.jpg (480x480, 40K)

You think this guy would be more civil considering how many Scandis settled in the Midwest. He probably has a lot of cousins in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, etc.

no one likes you

It's just some sad Tumblr feminist in Stockholm, which is ironic because SJWs are usually the most Americanized people anywhere and would probably just consider Swedish culture something stupid and reactionary.

No problem with you people, I just don't like Americanization and your foreign policy.
3rd cousins are irrelevant

Rent free


I unironically went to eat ribs at a local grill today, because there was a discount event, due to July 4th
Happy America Day

Attached: 1466624858981.gif (654x637, 667K)

From their website:

"Rebildselskabet er den forste dansk-amerikanske venskabsforening og har i dag bestået i mere end 100 år. Gennem vores arbejde onsker vi at markere værdien af frihed, venskab og sammenhold mellem Danmark og USA."

Danish-american friendship association that's existed for more than a hundred years. Based.


Had visitors from Minnesota two weeks ago. I told them that Tucker Carlsson is part Swedish. They didn't like Tucker :^(

They also didn't know how much Swedes/Scandis had contributed to America either like the didn't know that Greyhound Lines was founded by a Swede or about kelly Johnson. Tho they knew about Mossberg, Nordstrom and Wahlgreens. They didn't even know that Buzz Aldrin were 50% Swedish either.

Absolutely based Denmark

we expect to be handsomely compensated for this embarrassment

>Greetings from the Unites States
Is she an alien or something?

Attached: 132121851844.jpg (400x400, 85K)

A Dane made this. Actually Scandinavians have contributed with a shit ton of things to the US. The famous Quaker man and Coca-Cola santa is made by a Swede. Several Nobel prize laurates comes from Sweden. Mossberg and Keltec were founded by my peeps.

Attached: rush.png (1001x493, 923K)

>They didn't even know that Buzz Aldrin were 50% Swedish either.

why didnt more swedes immigrate here?

Fuck off cobber.

No idea. But in the beginning of 1900 there only lived more Swedes in Stockholm and Gothenburg than in Chicago. Lots of buildings in Chicago are built by Swedes and lots of railroads are built by them too.

Your valour stealing is absolutely fucking pathetic. Pull your head in, mate.

>Your valour stealing is absolutely fucking pathetic.

Are you one of them asian lads in Australia who doesn't care about race? Got no concept of volk? Pathetic. Watch some pajeets playing cricket instead.

Attached: christer.jpg (2000x900, 307K)

They weren't hit as hard by poverty, plague, lack of space, etc, like the norwegians were

Ernest O. Estwing, Swedish-born, founder of Estwing Manufacturing Company

Oscar Hedstrom, Swedish-born, co-founder of the Indian Motocycle Manufacturing Company

J. Erik Jonsson, Swedish immigrant parents,[90] co-founder and former president of Texas Instruments Incorporated, mayor of Dallas and philanthropist

Eli Lilly, philanthropist and founder of Eli Lilly and Company

Rudolph A. Peterson, Swedish-born, President and CEO of Bank of America

Buzz Aldrin, pilot and astronaut, Lunar Module Pilot on Apollo 11, the first lunar landing[100]
Richard I. Bong, US Army Air Force and Medal of Honor recipient
Arleigh Burke, US Navy Admiral
John A. Dahlgren, US Navy Rear Admiral
John Ernest Dahlquist, US Army four-star general[101]
Eric G. Gibson, Swedish-born, US Army soldier and Medal of Honor recipient
Roger Hanson, Confederate States Army General
Gregory G. Johnson, US Navy Admiral
Charles Linn, Swedish-born, Captain in the Confederate States Navy[102]
Oscar Malmborg, Lieutenant colonel in the Union Army[103]
Charles Momsen, US Navy Vice Admiral
Charles J. Stolbrand, Swedish-born Brigadier General in American Civil War
Ivor Thord-Gray, Swedish-born, mercenary soldier

>They weren't hit as hard by poverty, plague, lack of space, etc, like the norwegians were

Wrong. Up in Norrland it was wide spread famine. They even had to cut flour with birch bark and the politicians in Stockholm didn't want to send emergency rations to Norrland because they feared that they would become lazy and dependent so instead they starved. I wonder what those Swedes would think of Sweden today when we have Somalians and Arabs getting free apartments, money, healthcare for doing jack shit while raping and robbing us. Times change.


En meget stor procentdel af Sveriges befolkning udvandrede i 1800-tallet.

We wuz migrant workers.