Tfw I don't have a senior Korean gf

>tfw I don't have a senior Korean gf

Attached: 89798798.png (1920x951, 1.62M)

Give the one on the left long hair and I wouldn't be able to tell which one is the gf.

What do you mean "senior".
Senior means old.

that girl is probably 50

She is 5 years older than her Japanese boy friend

but kim san . she would willingly cast weewee at stained napkin .

Attached: images(9).jpg (232x371, 16K)

isn't it pretty taboo in Japan for a man to date a woman that much older than him?

Wipe your tears, LARPing Park-kun

No, it's pretty common.
Nobody cares about it.

>tfw will never eat pizza that good