The biscuit falls into the tea

>The biscuit falls into the tea

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so? eat it with a spoon

Tea? What's that? Is it something you make in a moka pot or what?

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What does this post mean.

fuck the union, fuck the UK

>he puts sugar in the coffee

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>wanting watery biscuits

I started doing this some mornings for the extra sugar boost.

Will you forgive me?

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I thought this was a Karen thread

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You are not cute.

When he reads the first sentence, he does it with a british accent.

And who are you to judge, young man?

You are not cute

I guess it's understandable, i just can't do it myself
No one has stated otherwise

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Really? Oh no...

My tea is now finished. Thank you for visiting my thread, friends.

If im not mistaken it's like mate but for faggots

Tell me about mate, Argentinito
How is it made, and how does it taste?

You need some mates desu

uhhh you grow some leaves (although you generally buy them) and then put them in a bowl (called mate) and you drink it with a kind of metalic straw. It tastes kinda bitter, but some people like to drink it with honey or sugar which is called "mate dulce" (sweet mate).
I like it a lot, it also helps you concentrate, and you can share it with friends/family while chatting on comfy afternoons

it's something we drink after a good day of fucking up Argies

Couldn’t beat us, even 400 miles from their homeland

T. Cries when a nigger points him with a butter knife

We don’t have nigger knife crime like you do where you get mugged every square foot

Sounds delicious

You are cute, please continue.

You know that what you just said means to have sex in italian right

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Beep beep!

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Don’t interrupt cute posting please

Okay sorry

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It’s okay :3333

aqui é brasil poooooorra

For some reason i really like pictures of nazi anime girls. I don't understand why because i am liberal

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>The penis falls into the cunny

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I only drink frape desu

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What the heck!

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It’s really fun to learn a new language. You can make lots of friends all over the loss of the time. It’s a good thing to learn a new language.

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