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roastie rode the cock carousel and settle for a religious chadlite


What, christian women also cober their heaf?


absolutely blessed


hard yikes

sure, gods love hats

>jumping from extreme to extreme
classic i dont have an identity so my lifestyle becomes my identity

Why is she wearing a hijab?

I wonder what her next life accesory will be?

>having faith is extreme

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>extreme 1: shaved head
>extreme 2: wears a scarf
wow we must truly be ever vigilant of the dangers of extremism

O*thodox are basically just larping jews.

White women can’t be saved, once a ho always a ho. They are doomed to hell. May God smite them with fury

she was lesbian before God and now straight, is it extreme to be straight in Netherlands?


can't make a housewife out of a whore

Only in some special masses and some celebrations, here they use this

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Christianity is as cringe as feminism

How do you know she is from holland?

What the fuck is wrong with that dude, he must be gay