Why are aussies so fucking sexy? I don’t whether its the accent, the devil-may-care attitude, the wildman spirit...

Why are aussies so fucking sexy? I don’t whether its the accent, the devil-may-care attitude, the wildman spirit, the accent, the fact that every one of them seems tan and fit? They drive me crazy. Does anyone else notice this phenomenon?

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You’re not wrong, though they always act so ironic it’s hard to approach them

honestly, are they the hottest men on earth? quite possible tbqhf

Christ I hate you fagets.

top bantz m8

that's gay bro, haha

haha just a joke bro hahaha its not like i want to fuck an aussie or anything that’d be so weird haha

I want him to raw me so mucn

Average aussie is a fucking chinese.
Why don't you post their pictures then?

shut up mongolian boris

The Aussies on here prove you wrong.

>gay people

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You can't hide the truth Jose

They’re not so bad. They’re the worst tourists on earth, but it’s charming in a way

I've got a good tan but I'm still fat. Still blushing tho.

aussies on this board are fags
aussies on Jow Forums are some funny mother fuckers

Most Australians are either overweight or disgusting meth heads, the Australians are attractive shit is just a meme, most are hideous.

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He's talking about the men, the Women can suck on my armpit for all I care about

>there are no average people; they're only divided into attractive or subhuman... no middle ground
Have a go at this fuckwit.

I am white as a sheet

And you also made false teeth