Who was in the wrong?

Who was in the wrong?

Attached: eddie and lao.webm (640x360, 2.47M)

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The racist gravel.

The chink for not knowing the colonialists didn't teach them anything because they were using them for hard labour

>niggers are children and can't learn by themselves

The Leftists are the real racists, truly.

Attached: download (1).jpg (1170x653, 70K)

the damn chink, and his stupid smiling face as he insults someone about shit he doesnt know.

what? explain

i wish i could've raped the girl in the construction site.

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>Hate chinks because they want to nuke Trump's campaign
>Hate nigs because they ruin white men's lives
Shit. I can't decide who to support.

>it took humans hundreds of thousands of years to create a simple combustion engine

Woooooooooow talk about brainlets. Why do we tolerate such a retarded species upon this Earth? If I were around back then, it would have taken me a second to figure out how it works.

Yang, he was the nigger of the story.
Eddie was busting his ass for that gravel and that chink fuck was only complaining and talking shit.
Unlike Eddie, Yang didn't even bothered learning the country's language.

The democrats treat non-whites like children who need wypipos helping hand in everything.
It's easier to reverse engineer something that already exists. Asks the Chinese.

t. underage retard with no understanding of engineering talking about shit he has no idea about

don't u have school kid?

>It's easier to reverse engineer something that already exists.
why people haven rebuilt a pyramid yet genius?

>it is harder to invent the wheel the second time around while you have an example of a wheel lying in front of you
>it is harder to copy paste from stack exchange than to write your own original code

You're brain dead or an Indian programmer.

A pyramid is a giant stack of stones. What is there to reverse engineer?

I am pretty sure Yang knew (at least a bit of) French. I swear I remember he spoke French once.

i find it funny how whites point out the fact that african countries are shitholes to justify colonialism (especially rhodesia and south africa), while in reality those countries are failed states because

>i am going to argue about something i have zero knowledge on AND use false analogies

do fat and dumb losers from the americas really do this?

>while in reality those countries are failed states because
>nonwypipo eternally childlike humanoids need wypipos helping hand always

Yours is another justification of colonialism.
All China got from wypipo was opium and look at them now.

Attached: _The_White_Man's_Burden__Judge_1899.png (933x652, 1.14M)

Go back to India, wagon wheelin copy pastin fraud.


focus on finishing high school before trying to argue with adults. your immaturity is extremely noticeable in the fact you lack the ability to form a proper or coherent argument.

what is expected from an state is to educate it's citizens, not use them as cheap labor

Yeah, no.

You shoudl all read about Albert Schweitzer and his views on the Africans. There were people doing their best to help them.


Or examples like this

There was obvious exploitation, but also a lot of teaching that just wasn't giving any fruits.

imagine the smell in your curry infested dorm room while you copy paste from your chinese classmates while they sleep

>citizens are the children of the state
>the working class cannot and has never organised itself against their capitalist overlords

Niggers are always wrong.

before ww2 they would have get destroyed by the europeans.
and then when they finally did they failed miserabely because they had 0 civic and professional experience.

okay why isn't Greek fire reinvented then?

>soviet union
>most of people who were educated either fled the country or were killed/imprisoned
>basically a state full of lower class workers and peasants

>country is ravaged by war, economy is fucked even more and railed for weapons, not consumer goods

>spacecrafts, atomic energy, other engineering wonders

So don't tell me that the richest continent of the world can't give birth to one successful country at least just because wypipo didn't teach a black bvll anything.

>why we cannot copy paste something we don't have an example of anymore partly because it was burned up
Come on now. We have napalm by the way which functions similarly.

>Most modern scholars agree that Greek fire was based on either crude or refined petroleum, comparable to modern napalm.

>lets ignore the fact that all these things became a reality in 1960 because of all the enslaved german scientists and stolen blueprints they made during the war


didnt know yang went to africa.

Why do white people have to ruin everything

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Do you really think China isn't currently exploiting Africans for material gain, fucking Zhang?

Besides Mansa Musa's empire and the Christian Ethiopian state, Africa has unfortunately almost always been a shithole. That is, if you consider sub-saraharan (black) africa to be separate from Arab Africa, because places like Syria, Egypt, Libya, etc. have always been a part of the Roman/European sphere of influence.

The underdeveloped part has always been sub-Saharan Africa, which should be the focus here. And it has just been continually abused by every power involved there, including my own country. Liberia was founded to get rid of black people from the USA. And you know what happened? American blacks formed an "upper caste" who ruled over native blacks when they arrived, like some fucking dark joke. That was since the 1860s, when Abe Lincoln formulated the plan and then he got assassinated; since then Liberia has been an utter shameful clusterfuck. They've produced such individuals as "General Butt-Naked" who has a VICE documentary if you want to look that up, it's just ridiculous. It's sad to say, but American blacks just reverted to the same behavior Christian Whites and Jews did during the triangular slave trade. They fucked over their own brothers and sisters.

>try to elevate alongside exploitation

>nah let's fuck everyone into submission without any philosophy or education, because we're a giant lot of bugmen

white man good yellow man bad

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>Finnish flag.jpg


USA took about 40% of German scientists/engineers, the USSR took 60%

As much as I fucking hate nazis, this is the truth of the matter.

>>try to elevate alongside exploitation
Yes the Berlin Conference was certainly on discussing how to improve the common African lives!

The European for plot killing every African leader with enough IQ when they got too dangerous to keep the average African like retards:
Lumumbas, Sankara, Khadafi etc..


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It's all relative, Chang. The white colonies were looking for self-sufficiency, but that was interrupted by the triumph of anti-colonial powers (USA and USSR) during WW2. So they had to cut ties quickly, such as the Suez Canal Crisis.

Meanwhile, what China has done to Africa is unforgiveable. They have displaced local industries, annexed ports, and promised local infrastructure projects while betraying various governments by building asbestos-laden hospitals and schools. What the literal fuck. We banned asbestos here in the 1970s, and the USA isn't known for banning things ahead of the EU and such.

Simply put, China is ripping Africa off and I hope to utter god that they realize how evil you pieces of shit are ASAP. It took Africa about 2-3 centuries to throw off Europe and I hope it takes them less than 1 century to throw off you evil Chinese. Speaking as an American, you authoritarian imperialist dicksucking faggots can take a 1 way trip to a giant pit of spikes.

which is why France killed Gadaffi, and why the rest of the world blames us for Libya (Thanks asshole)

Thats not how it works retard
>there are people who unironically believe this

Slave state of mind

Retarded underage zoomers who browse r*ddit all day educate yourselves.


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>chink developpement

sheesh i really feel bad for the black dude. he seems to understand the Chinese dude's comments and actually believes him but he's depressed about it or resentful about it.

based Fr*nch, we need to make a new alliance with Vietnam and contain this level of imperialism ASAP. Vietnam already has a 90% approval rate of the USA, far above most countries we are "allies" with, so it shouldn't be too difficult

It's just a matter of accepting concessions and helping to clean up Agent Orange and such (which we already are)


Here's the full video before you make a full conclusoin

Yeah fuck chinks

>>most of people who were educated either fled the country or were killed/imprisoned

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Cheat code : nazi engineers and east germany

50+ posts and nobody posted this.

Attached: chinese african banter.webm (640x360, 978K)

It was the case back then, it's still the case. They are the biggest hypocrites, I don't blame their altruism, because they are like teenagers. They are like young morons.

Attached: quote-i-repeat-that-superior-races-have-a-right-to-establish-colonies-because-they-have-a-jules-ferr (850x400, 57K)

Mentally handicapped shits of int butthurt about the superior development and philosophy of Chinese people.

Go kys

>most of people who were educated either fled the country or were killed/imprisoned

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t. Bollore employee

Based Eddie:
>can speak Mandarin, French, Swahili, and English

Cringe Lao:
>can speak Mandarin

He's right.

absolutely redpilled Eddie

Can I ask you why ?


Sure thing mutt. China’s leading the world in human development while all America has given the world in the last 10 years has been wars, a destabilised Middle East and the resulting refugee hordes coming out of it.

And let’s not forget pushing degeneracy in the rest of the world either

Because you seem to think black people are inferior so they need your help to develop when they are everywhere in french economy and only corruption financed by french industrials and politicians in africa holds them down

yeah well the thing is it pisses me off how people say that abloo bloo bolsheviks killed all the smart pipo and completely ignore the fact that russhittian empire had 20% literacy at best by the time 1917 happened

>China’s leading the world in human development

>China’s leading the world in human development
Hahahah holy shit
Let me lead you into a concentration camp in Xinjiang you utter fucking retard.

Wow, time reversed back, based.baguette au frommage.

That's literally quite the opposite. You're an imbecile. I hope it's because of this thread and it gets on your nerves so your reading skill has a bad time, learn to read basic informations, you spastic.

Oh boy 2014

Since then Paris has went from a functioning city into half a war zone and half a rubbish strewn refugee camp that’s suffered multiple terrorist attacks while China has actually managed to clean itself up

Butthurt Uyghur

Those 20% left or were killed.

Yes, China’s been leading the world in HDI growth and economic growth.

I guess that's the price to pay when Peter the Great and even Catherine the Great did not follow suit with Europe in following the Industrial Revolution

But I suppose I cannot cast stones in glass houses, because the USA, Brazil, and Russia abolished slavery approximately within 1 decade of each other. I think the difference is that the USA had a fresh start and ostensibly "founded" itself on Enlightenment principles, even if those principles only really applied white men who owned land. Whereas Russia was a much older entity that had a lot more political baggage and could not be changed as quickly.

Lmao go take a trip to the literal concentration camps on the border dumb mutt

>while China has actually managed to clean itself up

having thousands of people executed every year and putting babies in concentration camps doesn't count as "cleaning up"

Croatia, please tane in more refugees and give them welfare.

>people flooding into a country
Of course we're going to process them to determine whether they deserve refugee status, you fucking chink retard.

>Xinijangese trying to leave China due to oppression, lest they practice their own culture
Oh wait that's clearly a reason to lock them in cages as they try to leave for Turkey or another country

Fuck you, you piece of shit chink bastard. The USA is a gigantic flaming pile of shit but somehow we are more just leaders of the world than you bugmen piece of shit. Even Russians would agree with that. Ukrainians aren't fascists, you are.

Stop the racism against chinese please

I'm not Croatian

Chinks are literally lower than cockroaches though

Its stupid to say black people can learn heavy industries by self teaching, no one ever did that even chinks needed russian help to get it and starved when they backstabbed them, african colonies never had that help because of the francafrique deals where africa gave the ressources and french brought them the crafts

This was 3 months ago. Not mentioning the mini krach because of the retarded chinese economic policy that had to be resolved by strong government measures because chinks cant into finance


If Chinese don't want criticism maybe they should stay inside their bubble and not send wumao 50 cent pieces of propaganda-sucking shitheads outside.


Fucking npcs

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I was answering the Canadian who said that the leftists were real racists. Enough internet for you today.

Go back to Hong Kong. Oh wait, your countrymen who actually have balls are protesting the CCP's retardation; you're just a ball-less cuck who screeches atop a clay mountain.

People who are so far gone on their path of degeneracy and have just started cutting boys dicks off and started letting cross dressing paedophiles play with children in libraries ain’t fit to lead or rule in any capacity

Yang is an ignorant dickhead

>why yes I get my news from Baidu and the CCP, how did you know?

Attached: 21860272-cockroach-spray-with-spray-cans-over-white-background.jpg (1300x866, 72K)


Because EU finance policy works better....lol.

Why do you have a Croatian flag then, vacation?

Yes any Chinese who stands up to mutt retardation and insults is automatically wrong and the only good Chinese are the ones who tow the western narrative

>hinks are literally lower than cockroaches though
I don't think so, their standard of living is improving exponentially

visiting the gf

You validated his position on leftists where he implied black people could learn heavy industries by themselves

not since our trade war. chink standard of living is entirely predicated on theft of intellectual property from us

Imagine being this much of a Schizo.

This board features like at least 80% possible legit paranoid schizophrenics.

Oh so you're a retard and a newfriend who doesn't even grasp the basics of the codes here. So I sum it : enough internet for today, improve your reading skill, come back and lurk more before podting again.

>Xinjiang has been that cesspool of Afhgani-Islamist degeneracy for about a millennium

>but suddenly it matters when Baba Xi's Belt and Road goes through their goat-ridden shithole

Don't even try to conceal your intentions Chink. God forbid the USA has always despised the USSR, but at least they were anti-imperialist just like us. China is different; China has always been an egotistic self-concerned pile of dogshit, incapable of concerning itself with global harmony. All it wants is local harmony, and that will be its downfall. Even Russia will oppose that, not that I have a high opinion of Putin.

Lol, you stupid really think that little trade war has been and will be beneificial for you?
Good luck at continuing to be a double digiit IQ mutt.