You can post ITT only if a girl told you "you are handsome"

You can post ITT only if a girl told you "you are handsome"

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>thanks mom

One of my female friends told me I was "cute", not handsome though.

Life is not fair. :(

I have only been told I was good looking

Ive been called handsome and beautiful and 3 girls cried for me.
I am fat, bald and not even trying. Being yourself works.
I am blue eyed though

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It wasn't a girl but an old lady once went to me on an airplane ( before we were allowed to leave after landing ) and told me I had an amazing profil straight out of a painting and other very cute complments.

It was very weird because we were surrounded by people who I feel all started watching me and honestly i'm pretty ugly, but maybe my face shape was the hot shit in the 50s

Most of my former girlfriends have only agreed to go out with me on our first date only due to my good looks.

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I've been told once that I have good looking penis, make of that what you will

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Does it count if she was very drunk and also full on aspergers?

I got called cute by crush yesterday

I was told to be a 'cute manwhore' by a girl once.

I was told that I'm cute recently

Most recent one
>have facial hair
>talk to girl
>stares at me
>"I wonder how you'd look clean shaven"
>oh that's easy, I have an older picture
>show it to her
>"damn you look good"
>"usually only guys with no chin grow beards"
>"why don't you shave?"

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Does it count if boy told me that?



Only my mum but she’s delusional

I’m ugly as shit and wish I would die

Yes, as recently as five days ago

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An old gypsy hag called me handsome once. I was at work and she told my colleague to become my gf while she can cause I must be getting a lot of female attention and girls must be fighting over me. Meanwhile Im a 23 yo khhv robot.

Got called handsome countless times, which I am. I have the holy jaw and hunter blue eyes. Recently I went to Poland for one week and a short and fat Polish girl cried in front of everyone when I left after she fell blindly in love with me.

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Reply to this post and I will tell you that you're handsome

Does a "i think you could model" count?

only girlfriends said it but never before they became my gfs i had to seduce them with my wit and hung aryan cock, eat shit handsome little shits, hope somebody splashes acid into your face, thats the only reason women want you, you are effectively women, beauty is your only quality

can see why but this is not a flattering picture



>liking girls for their looks
>being mad at guys for girls liking them for their looks
ok buddy

mentally ill

women are not men
eat shit med muppett, pay debts


Hello my handsome british fren

Hello Greece, my handsome brothers

hi, I'm a 6 at best though

When I was in eygpt I met this egyption girl who was staring at me super hard and then came and stared to talk to me and rubbing my leg. made me uncomfortable.

In high school people considered me attractive, but I was very insecure.

Now it's the opposite lol.

human instincts are human instincts
we equal good looks with good health in our minds and wanting to mate with a healthy partner is totaly fine
also being good looking as a guy is much harder then for woman because woman only consider 1/10 men above average looking

you can only reply to me if 20+ girls told you you're handsome.


I've had more fags trying to hit on me than girls

>why yes, I have been called handsome not only by mum, but also by grandma. how could you tell?

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Why isn't it flattering? Genuine question.

reporting in
I was netting compliments quite often in middle-high school
6 years in Uni and didn't get a single one though

in countries of east slavs women don't tell men that they are handsome, it's kinda weird gay shit. man shouldn't look handsome if he's straight.

One girl once told that I look like Ryan Gosling,lol,dunno is this counts or not

does being called fat in an endearing way counts?

highschool boys are too akward and shy to hit on highschool girls thats why
in uni they get constantly hit on my horny guys
i also got conffessed to multiple times in elemantary and middle school but didnt get a single compliment in uni
even though there was this one time where a girl pressed her big tits up against my chest in an elevator eventhough she couldve stood next to me

My mom told me I was a very handsome gentleman :)

What if girls told me i’m adorable, does that count?

Stfu dana.
How´s life going btw?

I only need the approval of my mother for she is the only woman that matters in this world.

Does my mum count?

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thats not my mum I should have clarified

rat face

My friends have called me that but girls still seem to like me

never had a gf though haha

i like you too ratface
you look like a fun dude

you are mutt eyed

Is that rare in the Balkan?

yes last time was last weekend

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not him but really depends on the place
some places have 100% blonde and blue eyed population and some are black haired and brown eyed
i come from northern dalmatia and most of my family there has orange/blonde hair and blue eyes
but i am only talking for croatia here, not sure for other parts of balkan

why yes, my grandmother has told that i am indeed a handsome man

I've had a few girls find me attractive. I'm totally not, but girls have strange standards.

Some girl from 7th grade told me I was hot when I was in HS, d-does that count?

Why do girls that like me try to discourage me from exercising and stuff? I'm fat and would look much better if I actually got fit, but most of the time the girl I'm with actively tries to make me not do it.

People always say "just bee urself bro" but how can i bee myself if i hate myself?

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less competition

if you improve yourself she will have to worry about you finding a better girl
women are insecure

im gonna post regardless. not like you can do anything about it.

White, Liberal Women are fucking pathetic.
Kill them all!

when you hate yourself so much why do you value your negative opinions of yourself so highly?

Most of the time they could probably get a better bloke than me anyway

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women prefer dark med bulls

Cuz they are true, i cant live a lie

I was called handsome by a guy.
And cute and pretty, ect by various girls.
Does that count?

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dont believe whats some stupid mexican thinks about you
what does he know hes just some dumbass that cant see how awesome you really are

thank you german bro i really appreciate your post

Lol this. This is the core of mindfulness, look it up Mexicanon. It teaches you to change your perception to your thoughts.

I had a dude tell me I was handsome, that count?

only if you kissed afterwards
how else are you supposed to know if hes was sincere

a few weeks ago i was at a pet store and looking at the fish, 8/10 qt stands beside me and says "neat are those beta fish" so obviously starting a conversation with whatever line first came to her head. i sperged out, said "yep" and walked away. i was the beta the whole time, been kicking myself ever since.
my family had pizza the other day and i picked up the order, as i was leaving i heard the pizza girl tell to the other pizza girl "he was cute"

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such a cruel world we live in where girls arent encouraged to agressivly flirt with guys so us shy boys get a chance at love aswell

I’ve had girls call me hot before, only my family members say handsome.

we do have a chance at love, it's just that we squander it. for example last year me and this girl at a party were hitting it off. around 1am she said something along the lines of "this party is kinda dying, i think i'll go home now. my parents are away so i'll probably have the house to myself." my reply was "awesome i love having the house to myself. i might stick around here a bit longer tho." i wanted to kms when the night was over, she was literally playing with my hair at one point.

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How the fuck, are you blind or just stupid?

stupid. my social development was completely stunted. puberty made me tall and good looking but didn't help with the austismo, i'm confident platonically but when it comes to sex/romance i have no fucking clue what to do.

Yes stewardess told me once

A girl at work told me I'd make a good couple with her friend who turned out to be hot. Don't know what to do cause autism.

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I could beat the shit out of you in seconds faggot

Um, doy

mom, sister, friends mom, friends sister, sisters friends, all say i'm handsome

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A 50 year old indian guy told me that once, does that count?

Girls are too shy to talk to me lol

same lol

>You can post ITT only if a girl told you "you are handsome"
She called me handsome and smart but I was too beta

Maybe because u all looking like deformed skinheads

>tfw everyone I've met calls me handsome

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