ITT: Times your country got "culturally enriched" by the religion of Peace (tm)

ITT: Times your country got "culturally enriched" by the religion of Peace (tm)

>He also said he had heard of one especially grievous account: The father of one victim had told him that his son had been disemboweled and castrated, with his testicles found in his mouth.

>“They had cut off his testicles,” Fenech said during testimony.

>“Some of the bodies found at the Bataclan were extremely mutilated by the explosions and weapons, to the point that it was sometimes difficult to reconstruct the dismembered bodies,” said investigator Christian Saint.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>“There are people decapitated, swollen and disemboweled. There are signs of sexual acts committed against women and knife cuts to genitals. If I am not mistaken, some of the eyes of certain people have been removed,” the witness said

>Leftists will defend sandn*gs after this

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i think eagles of death metal have to publish some books about this
is that published?

We had three incidents.

1. In 2004 Theo van Gogh got stabbed for making an anti-Islam movie
2. In 2008 we had a Afghani jihadist that lived in Germany. He stabbed two American tourists at the central station of Amsterdam, before he got shot in 9 seconds.
3. This year we had a terrorist in Utrecht, who killed 3 people in the tram. A large manhunt started where they closed down the entire city. And he was caught the same day. He's currently on trial.

they unironically deserved it for what they did to Libya.

the french are also two-faced. they maintain a "nice" and "humanitarian" welfare state just like other europeans. however, unlike the rest of us, it's completely reliant of ongoing neocolonial exploitation. your comfy lives are based on other peoples' suffering and misery.
this was a just and fair wakeup call for you subhuman cunts.

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2. was in 2018 I mean.


most ''great'' european nation were founded on blood of the less forunate ones.
they all deserve this

>it's completely reliant of ongoing neocolonial exploitation
False. Nigger.

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french are worse because they larp as the saints of europe. the stereotype of the "gentle" french is all-prevailing in contemporary culture.
it's seen as the "peaceful" country that was unjustly attacked during the world wars. french philosophy is seen as "soft" and "humane" compared to the german one. the list goes on.
they are two faced devils.

so what's with the false revisionism that they were cutting testicles and raping dead bodies like we don't know what actually happened and how they were actually far removed from the people in the theatre?

I don't blame all Christians for the Lords Resistance Army do I.

Nobody cares who Muslims blames for anything.
Like nobody in the entire world likes Muslims, no matter where they go

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imagine being religious in 2019. The absolute state of middle eastern IQs

are you the pajeet "dane"?


>his testicles found in his mouth
I always knew the french were faggots, but not to this point.. until death.

I'm glad this is happening to France after all the damage you did during the Napoleonic Wars. It's payback time, bitch

900,000 killed Spa*iards weren't enough.



It's ridiculous my Iberian friend

No, I'm one of the few ethnic Danes here

Which one qas the dude that has killed the priest cuck that gifted the muzzies part of his church territory so that were able to build a praying center there and the other one that has killed his boss by beheading it and tried to blow up a big gas container that was present on the site? Oh an many such cases.

Based, no sympathy for the french.

We need a great fire

Cafe siege, various other mudslime happenings and everyone goes on about rowdy Africans in Melbourne.

>french philosophy is seen as "soft" and "humane" compared to the german one
Because it is, you faggot. The modern world wouldn't exist if the French revolution hadn't convinced the general populace, one guillotine after another, that they had natural rights by virtue of being human. You see human dignity and democratic representation as a self-evidence but the world was never like that, be it Islam where society was completely vertical caliph-> sultan -> vizier -> omda -> everyone obeys, be it Christianity where noblemen, Church and king decided everything, be it the Confucian civilisations where everyone obeys and admires whoever is in power because of Mandate of Heaven, the Mandarins, the Communist Party officials or whatever. Modern Western values (liberal democracy, individual freedoms, political representation for everyone, laws based on reason instead of mythology, separation of powers etc) are an anomaly and WE OWE THEM TO FRANCE. Fortunately the West conquered the world and these values are recognised universally but it was all France's work. German artists and philosophers invented their faggy emotional Sturm und Drang and Empfindlichkeit as anti-reason (i.e. anti-French) movements.


you are the one being replaced by my african brothers

I'm not your friend, celto-germanic scum
