He still makes american hate threads in 2019

>he still makes american hate threads in 2019

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Americans deserve the hate. (just as almost every one else).

Is Slovenia comfy in summer ?

I don't hate americans, i just think they're incredibly unintelligent

I don't hate americans, I just hate trump

You're no longer Slovenian, Melanija. I bet you can't even remember how to make štrudelj. Now go back to cucking Donnie boy.

if 35°C heat every single day sounds comfy to you...

I don't hate americans, I just think they do funny dumb things a lot

>he doesn't make american hate threads

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and too humid

I don't hate Americans I just hate Democrats


I don't hate americans I just wonder if they really

begone mutt

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Speaking of which, DO they really?

>yeah, so what?

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I don't hate Americans, I just want their country to stop existing

You're coming with me.

I like the fact that only irrelevant countries are doing those threads

Shut the frick up no one asked for you to defend us.

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They are cancer who impose their own degeneration on the rest of the world

i dont have americans, i just hate their "culture"

I hate Americans and everyone else, they all deserve death

I don't hate Americans, I hate the USA and what it stands for

How does that mutt cock taste?

t. Shinji