We're NOT fucking med, I swear, fuck off with this

We're NOT fucking med, I swear, fuck off with this

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J’ai le gay.

>n-not a drop of med blood

Attached: jacques-chirac-fete-ses-ans-quel-est-etat-sante-ancien-president-republique.jpg (1136x853, 198K)

thats the gascon phenotype, not shitalian

shut the hell up medBVLL


Fuck off, we are med BVLLS

literally looks like the average italian, mbatu

Everyone see your country as Italy 2.0. I'm why, but you assume I'm a negro because of my flag. Does it matter?

>We're NOT fucking med, I swear, fuck off with this

Attached: 1490834822967.jpg (1392x1600, 202K)


>no-not a drop of arab blood

Attached: SIPA_00891347_000027.jpg (650x455, 49K)

Southeastern france is literally IN THE med sea

Found the shitskin

you must be iberian of italian diaspora, fuck off

>not a drop of arab blood

Attached: l-attore-francese-jean-dujardin-238358.jpg (600x751, 55K)

We are not meds. Purest Frankish (Germanic) genes. Pic related, me and my sister

Attached: 30581687_1233926096743746_7235749519743254528_o.jpg (1536x2048, 191K)

What are you gonna do about it whiteboi?

Attached: 87.jpg (299x230, 15K)

What about Germs then?

Attached: 912199dbae39915a3089d6f33e1c20cc.jpg (1412x1990, 297K)

>we're gauls
>we're meds
>we're germanics
>we're all french, no matter the skin color

the light is manipulated on this picture to made him look darker, and even with that taken into account he looks far more white than your subhuman deputy

>France has no med genes. Very few speak romance in France.

France is unrelated in race to you sandnegroes.

not with that nose, mbatu

Attached: 801x410_xvmfcac79c2-937c-11e5-8efc-9d8285eaf550.jpg (801x410, 42K)

Actually we are true franks, stop we wuzzing frenchoid

None of these are french but shittalian (arabs) in france.

Not ITALance
Get the fuck out

How dare you call me mbatu fucking subhuman shitskin, even niggers are whiter than it*lians. My skin is as white as the snow and my eyes as blue as the sky. Can you say the same ? Fucking insect

100% med
0% white

Gosh I love being med

Attached: IMG_20190629_212929.jpg (2448x3264, 1.33M)

When will the french begin removing shittalians and meds from.their lands?

I'm from the North-East

>here's your french people, bro

Attached: 1280382487-junge-mann-links-zeigt-auf-einem-foto-mit-macron-ausgestreckten-mittelfinger-bM5rBe8wPTwB (1024x576, 43K)

Tu ressembles à François Ruffin

swarthier than me and i am med

Thats still not frankish homeland pierre

how hard did the romans rape the gauls back in the day?

>How dare you call me mbatu and blah blah blah
ok, I call you mbappe instead

Attached: 1558716157587.png (398x376, 193K)

Croations are the most based race in the world. Tall and strong. Wish I were born a proud DINARIC BVLL

but we can't, we've reached the point of no return. We're overrun with Iberians,Italians,Niggers,Arabs. We're beyond salvation

>Openly wanting to be inferior

Attached: wojak noears.png (450x473, 65K)

based Bonaparte

i am actually 200cm tall, it isn't a meme

In which fucking logic are meds superior to germanic/celts ? Tell me one (1) good reason why you shouldn't be considered a subhuman

I wish I were croatian so bad
You are all so fucking tall and have a strong body. Instead I was born a manlet.

Attached: 1562085638238.jpg (206x245, 11K)

there are lots of short croatians though, i am definitely not average but i do see people close to my height when i do actually go outside

Shut the fuck up Muhammad

they missed that train about 2000 years ago LOL

Dont ask me ask the germs who made this

Attached: meddd.jpg (563x848, 100K)

In which region of croatia do you live ?
I guess dalmatians are the lanklet of the countries

my family comes from the same place luka modric is from and he's short, but yes, dalmatia

Hitler copied the MED facism.

>Started the first european empires after the Middle Ages acros the Sea
>heavily assimilated everyone they come into contact with
>copied off the Meds and did it worse

More celtic. But Franks settled in the area too.

I'm a Provençal Med BVLL unlike you nordboi

Attached: Marcel_Pagnol_1931.jpg (430x517, 46K)

I have the dame height as him. But this guy is pretty handsome. Is his phenotype common in croatia ?

I literally speak the frankish language: ITS CALLED DUTCH

At least you have hair now. Lots of men over 30 will turn bald.

>missed the train 2000 years ago
One day the gaul will not stand the occupation of the invaders on his land no more and shittalians will be kos

Every single pasty dutch shitter claims being 1/4th french in an attempt to sound exotic. I think the weather’s in the south hot as fuck and when I went to France I was the whitest looking.

Youre a n*gger

Created Evropa

u not germanic nigga

greeks were germanic at that time

yeah, but he's oddly short, my mother looks very similar to him but she's orange haired and her hair is a bit curly
also he's considered ugly here in croatia

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>youre not germanic nigga
>youre a MED!

Attached: QwwonEx (1).jpg (1000x1600, 660K)

t. 1/1204th German

no mate, they ARE the shitalians now

What are you even doing here goblino

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>french are shittalians now

Attached: M2Tskao.jpg (311x624, 29K)

I'm 83% germanic, have a bit of subhuman blood but they're obviously mistaking, with the recent update it went lower, the next it will also we lower until it reaches 0%

Attached: Screenshot_104.png (416x682, 22K)

>french are meds
>this is how you look like!

Attached: 1390478641_d8c490068e_z.jpg (640x551, 81K)

cuccato duramente LMAOOOO

>est eu
>east asian and native american
you are a disgusting mutt man, not a problem really but do a reality check

>you are a MED!

Attached: 0d9e70dd56d1c6b217a78a85e1a2f698.jpg (900x675, 57K)

fucking insects, this isn't 100% accurate anyway with this I'm far more white than any fucking Italian here

She's hot.

do you have a dalmatian pet dog?

Attached: un-chiot-dalmatien-fait-le-buzz-sur-internet-grace-a-la-particularite-de-sa-truffe[1].jpg (445x278, 79K)


we're reaching levels of cope that shouldn't even be possible

stay strong Arnaud Tobleroni

Meds are superior though

im porcelain white but even if i were a nigger it wouldn't matter, no kind of test inaccuracy can legitimate your muttification

Incel, have sex. Wonder what you cusmkin face look like

be very careful

Attached: 1.jpg (1169x817, 175K)

no, i have a croatian sheepdog

yes we are

effortless false flag but Jow Forumsards will fall for it anyway lol

T. Med animal.

I look like this, I already used this picture in the other thread

Attached: IMG_3215.jpg (480x640, 91K)



Grow your hair brother to not look anti social.

Also go to the gym and do push ups/situps

Sorry I don't take any advice, I'm busy with my Jow Forums life

>*you are a med hah--*

Attached: tvw_lights_out-300x300.jpg (300x299, 11K)



Baldness is white. Subhuman hedgehog

>Baldness is white. Subhuman hedgehog

Attached: 24ceeabd30d6482dab35cfbddc7870ab.jpg (560x700, 44K)

>black hair
>negro nose and lips