>We're NOT fucking med, I swear, fuck off with this
>ethnic french are closer to germans and british than subhuman meds
>The germans raped the ethnic french in 1940 so that means we are not brown anymore so stfu.
>Don't add me to your sandnigger list I have blond hair and blue eyes.
>an average french is whiter than a shitlian and iberian subhuman.
>No, we're not latin either.
We're NOT fucking med, I swear, fuck off with this
Why are they doing this?
Only northern larpers do this
That's what happens when you don't HAVE SEX.
Celto-Gaul here, not Med and not Germanic
>wake up
>still not French
French bastards went out of their way to conquer Canada and Caledonia. But not ITALY.
We are worth less than the niggazes from senegal.
Please end this torment.
It's true though
t. fair hair blue eyes
All my family has light eyes and most of people in the northern half of France as well, the climate is not med the architecture is not med literally nothing is med so why would I accept to be called med? The French are similar to the Swiss in terms of pigmentation and yet the Swiss are never called med
>Celto-Gaul here, not Med and not Germanic
whiter than you, mehmet
>It's true though
>t. fair hair blue eyes
>All my family has light eyes and most of people in the northern half of France as well, the climate is not med the architecture is not med literally nothing is med so why would I accept to be called med? The French are similar to the Swiss in terms of pigmentation and yet the Swiss are never called med
Top Ten Pranks That Went Way Too Far
Who's that handsome french lad?
Stäng upp, v*T """"man""""
Nor*Ka kvinnor är för KARA BOGA
Are you all obsessed with us french bvlls in norway ? I'm coming to trondheim, oslo and some countryside this summer I hope I'll make mu way with local women
Excuse I am a somali refuge who came here to snatch n*rdic strawberry pussy from wh*te """man""".
Hej min bror
I can't tell the difference between you and someone from Ethiopia. Oslo is an Indian, pakistani, polish, afgan infested shithole. Suit yourself comfortable.
stfu and kys somali nigger
Bonjour my african brudda from the mediterranean sea
I think it says more about krauts
French is a latin language therefore we are latin
simple as
Looks like we can't help but to trigger people LOL
No way this map is real, especially respecting Eastern Europe
80% of your population disagree with you though.
t. never been to france
I was just as surprised
I went to Paris and there were africans trying to trick into buying their shit expensive "jewelry".
Very poor resolution
Also double checked
Light eyes map correlate the best with overall whiteness although that map overestimates the figures for Southern Europe, it was made by a Bulgarian btw
Are there still people who can pass as Norman in Normandy?
Or is whole France infested with Nig nogs and arabs?
spainiards are whiter than shitalians lmao
You'll see a lot of nogs but 90 % of the population is still native and this region didn't receive many Italian and other Southern Euros unlike in some other regions
my latin brothers :)
my latinO brothers :)
is it true that there are no more whites in europe?
why do Germanics think that people want to be them?
imagine being a northman thinking you are master race when its actually danes
>I'm not a fucking Med reeeeeee
>I went to Paris
Paris=rest of France.
>Paris=rest of France.
Paris isn't even France dude
Frenchmen disagree on everything.
I'm from Normandy, some of my friends could straight up pass in Sweden.
But most of us look like the standard northwest Europeans.