I simply can’t take Islam seriously. The moral obscenity of its prophet, his teachings of violence...

I simply can’t take Islam seriously. The moral obscenity of its prophet, his teachings of violence, the woman treatment etc. It’s like Muhammad wanted to unite arab tribes, made up a religion, and wrote some bullshit about fucking children and having seven wives so Arabs’s consciousnesses would be at peace.

Attached: 5E86544A-5EF7-459B-A264-605A26254903.jpg (610x435, 16K)

And yet they own the world. In ever way possible.
WW, for example, throw themselves at them.

abrahamic religions are shit

Perhaps you could post actual things the prophet or the Qur'an advocates for that you disagree with?
>inb4 meme hadiths about 72 virgins in heaven

>It’s like Muhammad wanted to unite arab tribes, made up a religion, and wrote some bullshit
What? No way!

Christianity at least have an unreachable limit of moral perfection, God, The Saint Spirit and The Son. I mean Jesus was the one to say ‘turn the other cheek’, can you imagine someone going beyond even immaterial feelings and waiting for God to take your revenge? It’s a religion of pure transcendence and spirt.

Perhaps Islam doesn't advocate it, but Muslims sure do. I thought the memri tv shit was a meme, but I there there was an Imam invited to a talk at my uni and the shit he was spouting was so retarded it was funny.

That's just the clergy nutjobs which barely hold any influence over religion since Islam isn't centralized like say, Catholicism.
Memritv is still a goldmine though
Islam teaches the same principle, the Qur'an says an eye for an eye, but forgiveness is a better choice.
Not to mention that Christianity doesn't always promote the "turn the other cheek" and it has an emphasis on self-defense, if I remember correctly, Jesus does say to "buy a sword" at some point in the bible, I don't really know the context though so maybe some christanon could expand on it

They don't have any influence over religions per say, but they do have influence over people. And that's the danger, a small group of radicals is much harder to control than a whole religious group.

islam is just everything that makes christianity bad but made it somehow even worse and with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.