How much debt do you have from college/university?
How much debt do you have from college/university?
none, I am a proud neet.
Its ok to get debt if its in STEM because you will eventually pay it off and come out on top.
Too bad my stem degree is useless unless i pursuit academics.
around 20k€
~25k last I checked
Payments are on hold while I finish my PhD
Probably would be more economical for me to master out and get a data science job
Zero but i'm a bit dumb at the end
I will need a $3,500 federal subsidized loan for this year of community college to pay for my living expenses. I hate that I have to do this but if I work, my grades may suffer. My plan is to apply for scholarships to pay for these loans.
Are those subsidized loans? Are you letting interest accrue?
How does that happen in Finland?
>Living in a literal shithole
>Studying engineering
>Government still pays everything and gives me around 200$
lol you have it better than most first world countries
Some are, some aren't, right now I am as I send money to help my sister out so she doesn't have to deal with as much in loans. When she graduates next year I'll start paying them off again.
And I have €20.000 savings.
if you graduate in time in finland (4 years), you only need to pay ~75% of that 20k€ back. so it's "free" money
I'm living in a fucking refugee camp
The only thing good about this """country""" is educating people then sending them all over the world instead of trying to fix the country itself
University is 75% of $22,421.50 in Finland?
Only 30k
Is that what happens? One of my professors was Jordanian
no it's free, but student loan is optional. i also receive 700€ of student and housing grants every month
8k that was down to 7k last year but now is 8k
Yes, Gulf countries depend a lot on our diaspora and we generally send them everywhere
I'm just happy our diaspora aren't subhuman like Syrians, Iraqis and North Africans
You won't find Jordanians on the top of crime lists in the west
Jordan/Iran/Lebanon/Yemeni/Morocco/Armenia/Azeri > Iraq/Turkey/Other Maghreb > Syrian/Saudi/Afghan
is how I'd rate mena diaspora based off my experience growing up in DC and being in academia
Some might be different in Europe, I've never had an issue with Turks, but the euros here seem to so idk.
Oh, Israeli's are pretty cool too, I'd put them with the top group except for the z*onists, but the only zionists I know are americans
Entirety of the money I spent on my masters studies went towards printing my work and commute.
Mommy and daddy paid out of pocket.
Diaspora in America are immigrants who seem to be doing better han refugees
But in Europe it's Somalis/Iraqis/Syrians/"afghan refugees fucking things up
11k euro
After that I stopped loaning cold turkey.
I study at my uni for free
You hear that, burger?
State-funded, that is.
None because my parents paid.
>attending university
You cuck
What degree?
Nada, parents will pay in full.
yo is fasfa free money?
just avoid the meme degrees
medicine still pays good
$50K. I'm halfway through my degree.
I was so poor they paid for me to go to my state uni, had this + regular scholarships that pretty much everyone gets
Same than this guy
Shut up zoomer, You are studying adabi and will end up with a meme degree
Imagine being in debt. It's like having a negative patrimony
None. My sister and I were trust fund babies.
>his government doesn't pay for him to study
""first world"" countries
pure cope
I study abroad in britbongistan
Nice try subhuman
It's only a matter of time before you are nothing but a +1 on the numbers of i*Aqi sex offenders in the west
Your people are apes who want to fucking anything with a hole
>Not having rich parents
$150k for my law degree. Kill me now
Interest is a bitch, huh?
Should have studied medicine cuckboy
That's easily 300-500k debt though and it's over 14 or so years. Absolutely fucking not
>he fell for the law meme
Well it's not so bad. At least you'll have comfort knowing robots can't steal your job.
Are you stupid or what?
How the fuck subhumans like you even manage to get a degree?
0€ for my law degree
What are you talking about? I got a degree by going to school for 7 years and getting one
>He doesn't know NYU med LITERALLY charges $0 tuition
oh nononono
we already have tecnology to completely eliminate law jobs for at least 20 years
How can a robot steal a lawyers job?
0 because i'm scottish
Yes, how did you manage to pass through the exams? Was part of the 150k that you foolishly spent part of the bribery?
But why would you want to be a doctor though? The job is terrible, the hours are terrible, nothing about it is worth 14 years a school.
And getting into NYU is damn near impossible, it's an elite school. Getting into medical school at all is extremely hard.
No you don't, monkey. Doctors will be automated before lawyers do
Any software can analyze all the laws and make the corrrect choice.
We don't need judges anymore.
Zero. It's paid off already
Around 16.000,- Euro's
I have 6000,- in savings. I don't know how in the hell I'm ever going to get 10.000,- Euro's. It depresses me when I think about it.
how the fuck does that SAAS program get all the funding?
What will happen when majority of jobs get automated?
Why would you want to be a lawyer? The pay is shit, even the most junior doctor makes at least $200k, the hours are horrible, the paperwork is insane, and people fucking see lawyers as scum.
I honestly have no idea what you're ranting about. I passed the exams by studying and then taking them. It must be different in Huezilla land where everything is extremely corrupt.
Professional degrees in the US are expensive. Law isn't the exception. Med school can easily cost half a million by the time it's all finished. A MBA can cost 60k+ as well.
Imagine taking on $150k debt, lmfao.
Only people with rich parents should become lawyers.
>Med school can easily cost half a million by the time it's all finished
I wouldn't say easily, the average debt is something like $300k
basically this. My parents paid, looking for a job to sustain myself. Most of my friends did the same.
Hours are horrible in corporate law, which I don't do. Pay is bad in public interest and government law, not private law. Paperwork isn't bad when you literally went to school to read and write.
Good lawyers become rich parents.
Starting salary for a first year associate in NYC is 190k at most firms
I'll join the local warlords army
user, you're 150k in debt. I assumed you were some kind of retarded baboon
How much can you expect to make starting? I know docs have to do a residency is at least 3 years, but it's worth it.. they'll make at least $200k
it's just the very low IQ barrier, labour intensive ones that will be threatened
we won't have automation taking over jobs as complex as plumbing even, not for a long ass time
Here the limit is 10k. If your receive more than that you only have to pay back those 10k.
none, because scottish university tuition is free.
People need to adapt. Labor jobs are gonna be the first to go then up the ladder until human input is absolutely required and the job cannot be done otherwise. So people need to go back to school and learn something else or valuable.
I am going to have roughly 16k in 2 years.
Tho it's interest free and I can propably pay it back all at once.
$0, I got a scholarship.
If you are a good student here in Bosnia the government pays everything for you.
So i basically have to pay nothing.
New and more specialized proffesions that we don't know yet will appear
$20k from room and board shit the last four years, i should have just got a job and paid for that but i was lazy. I am going into engineering though so it shouldnt be too hard to pay off
For corporate law? Up to 190k in major cities. 100-160k in house depending on the place. Peanuts if it's government work but you can get loans forgiven which is why people do it
Im on the same boat, but my parents are upper middle class, not rich
Assuming you tough it out and stay to become a partner, you can easily make 500k to a million. That's called an equity partner
about 10k dollars
I studied language abroad
breddy noice
haha murican loosers i've got no debt. Government even paid me some money when i studied
Imagine being a Yurocuck and using taxpayer money to study something retarded like languages and then not getting a job with that degree. You literally stole money from your fellow countrymen
£0 because it's not really debt in the traditional sense, it's more like a tax on earnings. I'm not obliged to pay it back unless i'm earning £15k and then it's as a percentage of my income. So £0 yeh
Keep paying the government money you cuck
Imagine being an Am*rican and getting into insane debt to study something retarded like languages and then not getting a job with that degree and then pay off that debt your whole life. What a bunch of retards
I'm being real though. Don't you feel guilty for taking tax dollars to study meme things? How do you justify it?
So far 0. Never had a debt yet.
If you go into debt to study something without a guaranteed Jon after then you're a retard. That's what SJWs do when they study humanities.
STEM and professional degrees have jobs at the end of them.
i'd rather """steal""" money from tax money than get into a debt slavery and be a wagie to pay it off