How can barbarians even compete?
How can barbarians even compete?
By not being godless heathens.
Plato before Socrates?
Not my photo. Find out who made it and take it up with him.
if you consider anglos as germanic they pretty much invented the modern world, internet, computers etc..
The ideas behind computers are much older than you think, give Greeks credit when it’s due
Woooow they invented toys that's amaziiiing
That is partially true. But how can they even compete?
Without those toys, you wouldn’t even be posting here you filthy spic
How can you compete, though?
How can you even compete,knowing fully that while yout ancestors made your nation famous ,you and your nearest ancestors made it a joke with your sisters and mothers giving bj for kebab money?
Diaspora Albo/Turk.
Neither,but even if were,are my words false?
Aside from the latter part he's not really wrong. Greece has one of the greatest histories in the world, but today your country isn't really anything to brag about (obviously that's mostly thanks to your politicians and bankers but they're your people too).
Everyone has his ups and downs, it happens. After we got our independence we got back on our feet fairly quickly and life in Greece was very good until recently the downhill is less than 20 years and the really bad part is 10. I'm confident that we will come out of it stronger than ever. Compared to the rest of our history this is a walk in the park.
Yes the banking bubble collapsing in USA 2007 hit you and Iceland hard, but that's also because of your financial policies.
It's all good. With the fear of sounding racist the only thing that scares me is all the non-Greeks. We always had gypsies and anatolians, but they were in their own communities and didn't really interact with society now not only they do, but they are getting involved with politics too.
Christian theology owes its existence to Neo-Platonism. Many of the important Church Fathers (St. Gregory of Nyssa, St. Augustine, Boethius, etc.) were educated by Neo-Platonist philosophers
>in politics
may the lord have mercy on your souls
he is lying
Am I now? Check Syriza's members. They have Afghanis, Turks and a few Gypsies.
>tfw want to learn greek
>tfw it's not that useful "in the real world"
please become more relevant
learn ancient greek
havent seen any afghani or gypsy or anything else in the parliament.
gr*eks can eat my shit
You're a mutt anatolian greek speaking a horse language from Asia.
You haven't? You should check again. They are in Syriza's team.
Germans are pretty much the only ones that properly implemented idealism after the hellens.
Check the calendar. Europeans are fucking pathetic.
and f*nns can eat my cum
Greek is very-very hard to learn and is only spoken by around 15 million people. Learn Spanish instead.
or something worse. a turkalbanian
when will this meme die? greek is not that hard of a language to learn. it is for an english speaker cause their language is basically a simplified creole.stop with this shit
Based brown brothers
everyone believes their mother tongue is exceptionally hard to learn
What? That's extremely vague and it doesn't sound right to me.
Could you be more precise?
literally all the Phoenicians compete better than than you because that's who they claim to be descendant from
Okay, I get it.
>Hur dur we invented computers n shiet.
Mikey Angshire was a proud Englishman.
I thought they were white. They always talk about how white and christian they are. They called me a shitskin million times
Fuck off white dog. My Hellenic brotherkins, are brown and PROUD
we arent white and you are a shitskin. is it hard to understand that with your turgayish brain?
You bitches are saying this all the time not me. Greek posters here always talk about how white they are.
We are Meds and you are a sandnigger. Simple as that.
I think they competed with large numbers and persistence or something.
First three on the list were held in high esteem by Christian church fathers since, well, ever.
>greek post something
>roaches appear
Reverse happens when we post something
you mean when you post bait obsessing about us
>anglos invented computers
Please swap Socrates and Plato. I'm having a mild panic attack.
This is a Greek bait right there
Agreed but isn't Gnosticism closer to Neo-Platonism? Also, don't forget Heraclitus and his thoghts on the Logos.
>Turk can't tell flags apart. Thinks everyone is Greek, because he is obsessed.
by crushing your empire...multiple times
Get fucked
What an ignorant thing to say. Christianity wouldn't exist without Greek philosophy.
It would exist, but it would have harder time to spread as rapidly as it did.
Greek Philosophy and its vast array of terminology, and its understanding made it far easier to formulate doctrines of Christianity and to explain them to non-Christians
Not to mention industrial evolution, countless advences on chemistry, electric, mecanical etc.. Germanics long surpassed stupid meds living on 10yr old "glories''
>literally WE WUZ
that device isn't even remotely close to what a modern computer is capable of. That's like saying Mesopotamians invented the car by virtue of them discovering the wheel. Meds get bent out of shape if a nord tries to claim ancient greece or rome but refuses to acknowledge that, for better or worse, the modern world is largely a Northern European creation.
Westernized Christianity is pure cancer.