Why are americans like this?

why are americans like this?

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Donald Trump

Cold war propaganda I think


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Why don't we do that then?
Boomers are dumb. Just let them watch their MKULTRA programming beaming out of their 60 inch LED tvs

because china is a capitalist state? Just ask them lel

there's nothing wrong with a planned economy

why are americans like this?

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The big difference is that Nordic countries can afford to have pretty unregulated markets and "free" shit because ultimately they aren't huge exporters. If the US adopted the Nordic model unions would be stronger AND the pharma industry would collapse. Also holy shit that screen cap of NK is fake as hell. Also also Ho Chi Min city is basically a mini nation onto itself the rest of nam is rice paddy commy shitholes but HCM has been one of the most degenerate metro areas since the 80s.

Of course it is. China just continuing the old commie tradition of building Potemkin villages to impress tourists.

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>Nordic countries can afford to have pretty unregulated markets and "free" shit because ultimately they aren't huge exporters.

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Sure, planned economies is how things worked pre industrial revolution but now the model is outdated since there is a consumer class that can more efficiently determine equilibrium.

Tourism in China?
It's almost inexistent

>Sure, planned economies is how things worked pre industrial revolution

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Nordic model allows unemployed immigrants and NEETs living off taxpayers's money without working at all, under the name of "social safety". Would you want that?

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Planned economy is something that happened after, not before the revolution.

There isn't a single economy in the current world that isn't extremely regulated

>Why don't we do that then?
Fuck, I hate low IQ posters.

As someone who lived in China, it's stupid to define the country as just "Socialist", "Capitalist", "Communist" ect.
In some ways it's not particularly socialist. For example, healthcare is only partially subsidised by the government, and there are no state pensions.
In other ways it's very socialist. For example, the railway system. The design of the locomotives to the mining of the iron for the tracks to the growing of the rice for food all somehow has state involvement, be it that the company that produced the iron for the tracks is a state owned enterprise, or the CEO of the corporation that farmed the rice is a Party member. In theory a state owned enterprise means that it has to answer directly to the government and in theory the government does this on behalf of the People, but we all know this isn't always true so in this regard I'd use the term that Deng Xiaoping used when China opened up 40 years ago; "Socialist with Chinese Characteristics"

Do Americans really think this?

it's billion vs trillion my dude, there's a reason why the us has a trade deficit with nearly every country and is still the #1 economic powerhouse of the world.

China since the 80s is more like Yugoslavia or Hungarian "goulash" communism than anything.

Socialism with chinese characteristics is basically just early Russia marxism-leninins

The countries which are closer to providing or which currently do provide single payer and other social supports have traditionally been very careful to restrict citizenship. When a country restricts citizenship to most of those who can pay a decent amount of taxes, then it can afford to offer free or less expensive health care, pre school, college tuition, maternity leave and so on.

>What's Mercantilism?

Mid-20th century Sweden had eugenics and Nazi-tier race laws, it was certainly not something Tumblr would find acceptable.

That's not really planned economy.
During the mercantilism you had a much more free market than in any modern country
who cares about Tumblr?

A planned central economy wasn't possible before the event of 20th century communications.

because Sweden had everything done with nobility systems and capitalism, then built further with cheap Finnish migrant labour.
socialists only crawled out of the woodworks to shit on it and create no-go zones with massmigrating religious fanatics from outside Europe.

It definitely exists.
International tourism?
The numbers aren't massive. 28,000,000 international tourists excluding Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan. That's less than the top 7 European destinations and not much more than all North African countries combined.
Internal tourism? It's absolutely massive. You go to literally any point of interest in China and you're guaranteed to see at least one group of tourists all wearing the same shirt and hat being guided around by a guy shouting in to a microphone

>Of course the PRC isn't socialism, it's state capitalism.
>The market's free, people are not.

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>state monopolies isn't really planned
>price fixing isn't really planned
>subsidies to make stop rising competition isn't planned
>tariffs isn't really planned
>adam smith didn't DIRECTLY reference how planned mercantilism is

what the fuck are you on about pekka?

sweden has at no point in history been socialist.
it did however become livable in the postwar period thanks to socdems

Ironically there were some arrests earlier this year where Peking University students who ran the Karl Marx club got arrested for protesting for better worker rights

Complete utter braindead nonsense Social Democrats were full on protectionist, anti immigration up to the 70s while the oppositional parties were pro immigration by the 50s already,.

Incas made it work.

>Nordic model allows unemployed immigrants and NEETs living off taxpayers's money without working at all

Not a big problem. Everyone struggles to get a job sometimes. Does this mean you should live in the street? Because then you can never re-join the job market.

>unemployed immigrants
This is an unintended consequence of that. You can't deny welfare to someone just because he's black or arab. But think about it. If you remove the welfare, you remove it from whites too

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>anti immigration up to the point when it stopped being Finns and started being "refugees"
makes sense.

Get rid of minimum wage and middle men bureaucracies and the employment problem solves itself. You are a honorary nigger if you live off government checks.

Or, well, the fact that you didn't get into either world war and could get rich selling things to those countries that had been ruined.

I wish we could invent a virus to kill the socialist scums like the unemployed on welfare OP.

Marxist clubs and study groups in China are strictly regulated and monitored. You can't obtain copies of Marx, Engels, Lenin, or Mao's writings there aside from versions that are edited to meet whatever the current party line is and only party upper echelons are allowed access to the unexpuraged versions.

it really makes you think doesn't it

>america why don't you use the same system as everyone else
>why don't you model yourself after demonstrably less successful nations

by that logic every country's success or failure should be attributed to historically contingent factors rather than political systems.

To a certain extent it is and political systems are a product of it.

>You can't deny welfare to someone just because he's black or arab
Why is this about race or religion? I would be pissed simply because they haven't contributed to the system. Crazy that people can go into a new country and eat up a ton of tax money then leave without contributing anything.


You're literally describing current America.

Yeah, shit sucks. I would enjoy a return to capitalism sooner than later.

sure... suree...

but it is capitalism.
free market never existed


How do westernoids cope with this?

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We must seize the organs of people who meditate.

Mixing up in- un- and non- is excusable for non natives, come on now.

want to know who opened the floodgates? the moderate party

It wouldn't work because of all your niggers.

The oil baron era was pretty fucking unregulated until fags busted it up. You can't say the US is capitalist but then also say it fulfills every tenet of mercantilism. It's one or the other.

>unregulated market
That's not true even for today but in the past we kept our textile industry alive well into the 1970s by having sky high taxes on foreign clothes.

Do Chinks think this is a metropolis?
Just look like a provincial city in Japan

What I would give to have the mentality of the Japanese economy. So many eco cucks slow things down in the US and boomers cling to their precious suburbs.

>What I would give to have the mentality of the Japanese economy
A 30 year unending economic depression and you being a slave to the company with 18 hour work days?

*stagnates for two decades*

Yes if it means 3 of those hours are getting shitfaced with my manager and ignoring my family while every vice is available to me in capsule form.

So many Japanese dudes will put up with things like being slave labor at animation studios just so they can draw their favorite waifus.

>boomers this boomers that
Millennials are the largest generation in the US and the largest voting segment. When are you gonna start taking responsibility for being utter shit?


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Gerrymandering means that it's still mostly boomers who decide the presidency. The same applies for most congressional seats. Lots of suburban districts filled with old people sitting on their houses and waiting for their value to increase so they can sell it to a multinational corporation and retire.

Why get rid of minimum wage?
I hear that waitresses in the US make 2 dollars an hour and live from the tips of customers.
In my eyes, that basically means they are not better than homeless people begging for change. But in your eyes, they are better because they are working for their money. Except they are not actually getting paid, so why work? This is why minimum wage exists

I swear every argument with an americunt against muh ebil socialism goes in a circle like that

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The justification for no minimum wage is that companies will be able to hire more people and you will be paid through experience so you can get a higher paying job in the future

Your country didn't have minimum wage until 2014 and it was doing just fine, minimum wage is the literal definition of pointless feel-good legislation.

Not really, it's the young who decide elections most of the time because old people already have their political preferences set in stone and aren't likely to change them and they have high turnout rates. Young people are harder to get out on election day and they're more likely to vote for a new/novel candidate. So a candidate that appeals to the youth vote usually wins.

Lolwhat? Nordic economies are, relative to size, much more reliant on exporting than the U.S. The U.S is well known in being one of the only countries with the world that has such massive internal consumption that they don't really rely on exporting.

What is Finland's capital export

spurdos, prööös and threads about cocklust

>you being a slave to the company with 18 hour work days

Why do you still believe in the shitty meme?
We work less than Amerimutts

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All economies are planned in some way or another. Do you really think that all the massive wall mart and industrial factories run on total chaos? Capitalist market is one that runs on basis of decentralized/anarchic producers planning without coordination. Even through there isn't a general coordination in capitalist market, the each firms have to plan in one way or another.

Chinks and Gooks draw anime now.
Japanese becomes a director.
That's why recent animes have a low quality picture.

Planning is necessary in any society as even cavemen have to coordinate labor with free association.

What do you mean by capital export?
The size of the U.S economy is 21.3 trillion and their exports (according to MIT's atlas) are worth 1.25 trillion. That's around 10%. The size of the Finnish economy, for example - I'm sure it applies to other nordics, is 275 billion and the exports are worth 70 billion. So around 25%. U.S exports are an irrelevant part of the economy.

Because you can't have the Nordic model since half of South America is trying to move here. If Nordics have all Germans and Russians crossing their border their social safety nets would collapse.

>All economies are planned in some way or another.
>Even through there isn't a general coordination in capitalist market, the each firms have to plan in one way or another

Nothing to look forward to but fucking your dakimakura and Abe preparing you for the inevitable war with China.


*sucking Amerimutt's dick but still poor*

Thats dumb as there can't be a half born baby. There is no middle ground for socialism and capitalism in the same way there's no middle ground between a full born baby and an unborn baby. Even if the baby is being born, it is transitional into something another instead of a particular phase. As long as the general way of society's way of production persists along with laws that come as a result, the nation is capitalist. We are able to see results of capitalist economy in China similar to America, easily showing us that China has failed to abolish the capitalist system like anarchic production.

I dont know why does everyone pretend that most of China looks like that? Or that those cities close up and not at night are quite different?

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This is fairly accurate desu. The Nordic Model can't tolerate too many unskilled workers.

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Young people don't vote tho.

>be Ch*le
>be pro Amerimutt
>hire a Jew professor as an economic adviser
>adopt his amazing Jew theory
>ruin own economy

Interesting thing I read. Although breakdowns of voters by age were not done yet at the time, the evidence indicates that in 1932, FDR overwhelmingly got the vote of Americans under 35. This was also the first presidential election where a significant number of blacks, attracted by the New Deal, voted Democrat instead of the party of Lincoln.

Marxism-Leninism was a lie that was coined by Stalin

>edgy young people with no jobs and nignogs voted for the socialist class warrior FDR
No surprise.

I'm not saying we should adopt it right now
It's just a good idea for any future country that needs an economic model

Modern capitalist firms are planned think Wallmart for example

Planning is necessary feature regardless of what society you live in as every act of human production needs planning. From the pyramids to specialization on hunting, planning needs to be involved. It's basic common sense. Communism would merely centralize these decentralized planners into a single unit without chaos of the market.

We know that Clinton, Obama, and Trump definitely had a higher percentage of under 40 voters than their opponents whose voter base skewered older.

Nordic model is based around backs of 3rd world workers and it can only exist thanks to limited conditions it has.