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He sold?
what does it mean?
Yep, its over
I don't think anyone expected differently
The SEC will literally never approve an ETF for this shit. Go ahead and screenshot this you autistic retards.
big if true
Nice. Fuck futures.
Priced in.
Also, this is good for bitcoin.
make that 9 total
wasn't this to be expected?
Why would the government support something that actually undermines the government?
I fucking hate alts so much.
Yeeeeeeeaaaaaah baby!!!!! Motherfucking clearance isle shopping!!!!
Nice trips. Also yes this was expected but I guess they could never let a good opportunity for a panic and a short go to waste.
Why would they? All these boomer government faggots hate crypto. Especially because they missed the easiest gains in history. They only tolerate it because it's still too small to really affect the economy in any way and killing it would be hard because of the decentralization but they obviously hope it's a fad that will eventually go away on it's own.
An hour ago, ETFs were the savior of bitcoin.
Pick one.
Nice digits
The people who donate to the government officials don't want it to happen until they have accumulated 51% or more of all the assets - then, the common man will be let in
>crypto is not a true ponzi yet
priced in
You stupid fucks. These aren't the ETFs people give a shit about. The CBOE ETF is the only one that matters.
when that one?
September 30th, but it could be delayed to February 2019.
the will deny it with exactly the same reasonings.
>no CBOE
dont care
Was it the same person saying it? Post a link to that specific ID claiming that. Plenty of people thought it was delusional. There's no "we" Redditfag, everyone speaks for themselves.
DA FUCK is the price of bitcoin doing
it's dancing all over the damn place. We're obviously going down over the next 2-3 days because of this news. Don't get fooled
Dozens of cryptoshill sites proclaiming the etf as bitcoin's savior
Millions of goyim are now waiting to dump at the "lower high" if it ever goes back to 7k.
It's over.
Fuck the CBOE. All this shit was explicitly created to fuck these people over, and you think the government is going to approve this shit? It's also been crippled to destroy any chance of wide adoption. Without wide adoption, there's no chance of enough organic volume to dampen whales manipulation, not to mention the massive stack held by Chinks who happily washtrade the price to wherever they want and exchanges stop hunting, Tether printing etc. And so that leads to an unstable market (ie barting), which further destroys any chance of it going anywhere. There's a reason that so many people are pinning their crypto hopes on smart contracts & dapps taking off, any chance of outjewing the Finance jew with cryptocurrency died a few years ago.
Cryptoshill sites != Jow Forums retard. It's over yes, but it's been over for a while & anyone with 2 braincells to rub together knows it.
>It's over.
it's not over until i say so
can easily find dozens thinking the etf will save bitcoin