make that 9 total

wasn't this to be expected?

Why would the government support something that actually undermines the government?

Attached: 1503851725931s.jpg (125x102, 2K)

I fucking hate alts so much.

Yeeeeeeeaaaaaah baby!!!!! Motherfucking clearance isle shopping!!!!

Nice trips. Also yes this was expected but I guess they could never let a good opportunity for a panic and a short go to waste.

Why would they? All these boomer government faggots hate crypto. Especially because they missed the easiest gains in history. They only tolerate it because it's still too small to really affect the economy in any way and killing it would be hard because of the decentralization but they obviously hope it's a fad that will eventually go away on it's own.

An hour ago, ETFs were the savior of bitcoin.

Pick one.

Nice digits
The people who donate to the government officials don't want it to happen until they have accumulated 51% or more of all the assets - then, the common man will be let in
>crypto is not a true ponzi yet

priced in

You stupid fucks. These aren't the ETFs people give a shit about. The CBOE ETF is the only one that matters.