Do girls wear a choker in your country?

do girls wear a choker in your country?

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less so than a couple of years ago

only whores

Some do, just like tattoos.

So all Russian girls wear them

GOD DAMN, I love those.

And it is a good thing

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Can any liberated girls explain why having pressure on your throat is exciting?

I wear them because I think they're cute.

They look good with sweaters or t shirts and don't get in the way like other necklaces. Plus they're trendy now so I can find them everywhere

Chokers are so 2000.

Stop pretending to be a roastie

No, isn't that some 90's thing?

choker = black belt in dick sucking

Still make my penis hard like in 2000

Ok grandad.

Why were the 2000s so based brehs?

Some. It was also popular 2 decades ago and then disappeared for a while.

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what a beautiful angel

only "bi's" (lesbians)

would you kiss her?

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That's the blowjob black belt


Based post

Only edgy-tumbler girls

so where does Kalindra post now?

Nah but they did like 4-5 years ago
