Jow Forums
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International #1082
Job thread
Cheap rent
How do you say 'the eternal anglo' in your language
/lang/ - language learning general
My bf hates that I eat too much rice
Will Japan and Russia ever sign a peace treaty?
Be american war dog during vietnam war
Please tell me your height and weight by cm and kg
Sopa de snek
Do I look Finnish or Sami? My mother told me that her grandmother is actually from Finland, not Germany...
British niggas be like “hold up man I have to smoke a fag”
Who wins in a 1v1 cage match?
After a long 56 hour work it's time to relax
Post grills from tinder near you
/2sicilie/ - il filo
Muslim immigrants are ba-
Lately I've been interested in Portugal
I am a woman
How did they manage to go from 2nd most powerful soviet state to become a meme country within a few years?
Germans Volkswagen just gave a €2B factory to Turkey over Bulgaria, an EU member...
Do you love the Kurds?
Turkey Gets Shipment of Russian Missile System
I was out in the sun for a few hours and now my face looks like this
Why do white people have to ruin everything
Why have Asian Americans, Asian Canadians and Asian Australians become so widely disliked by 4channers?
In a pure white ethnostate who will become the new targeted minorities?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Did they get bullied by minorities and that's why they're so racist?
Would you live in the capital of EVROPA?
Woah... this is deep:
How does this image makes you feel?
There are four main races: white, asian, latino and black. The rest are ethnicities...
How common are cute trans girls in your country?
Why Jow Forumsis full of s o y wojaks and pepes?
/br/ - Fio Brasileiro
Tfw no saudi arabian gf to torture my cock and balls and call me a disgusting mentally ill incel
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
When will they learn the concept of empathy?
I suffer in england
Why don't white women marry smart east Asian men? AMWF children have high IQ and lose body odor and body hair
Why swedes are such sissified faggots?
Why are they so good at everything?
My village just made an inclusive roundabout
/fr/ - Le francofil
Place a welcome booth from your city here
What is the least cultured country in Europe?
Which national anthem is he listening to?
Which has the best posters?
/Med/ - Julius edition
Why can't nordicks build a tall building?
So let me get this straight. You claim that you were at work during the murder?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
College entrance exam
Why do people call Japanese cartoons 'anime' instead of just 'cartoons' and their comic books 'manga' instead of just...
Have sex
French "engineering"
/hell/ Hellas General Ελλάς
I suffer in Switzerland
Is there a PS4 made by God Japanese in your house?
People are extremely judgemental and superficial here...
(((metric system)))
Are people on Jow Forums and (Jow Forums in general) genuinely racist or is it just ironic racism?
Why do they have such a hard time differentiating "their" and they're"?
What's the difference between baltics and slavs?
琉球独立 Free okinawa アイヌ独立 Free Ainu 核兵器 Nuclear weapon 原子爆弾 Atomic bomb 人間宣言...
You wake up as a jap, what do you do?
European union and germany
Racism against Samis need to stop right now especially on the internet!
Who benefited the most from this exchange?
Do you have this animal in your country?
Why do people like fat cellulitis twerking negress asses so much when this is the perfect female type of butt?
White people be like
This is the worst thing an Australian ever did to New Zealand
Why the fuck won't those rude assholes over in Europe fly the Australian flag on their buildings? Looking at you Norway
Seriously this board is absolutely retarded...
How do you Italybros feel about breaking pasta
Tfw no eesti bf
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Best music
Should I go see him in prison? Do you think they'll let me?
Mom found the furry porn folder
Australia is literally filled with chinks and other subhumans now...
First thing that comes to mind?
Kurva anyátok
Doing STEM university
What is this called in your wet smelly pussy?
You have been banned from all boards for posting >>108283015, a violation of Global Rule 5:
Isn't it weird that, with the exception of Japan, only and exclusively white countries have imposed sanctions on Russia...
I wish I was English every day of my life
Your cunt
What was your country doing in the 90s?
Tfw your country signed a treaty in 1874 to give $5 to each native person every year
M*Loids on Jow Forums
Make yourself, Jow Forums
Would you fight for your cunt?
Could he pass as a local in your country?
Korean ilbe guy in Denmark
Go outside
Why do hungarians put their last names first?
Really makes you think, doesn't it?
How are y'all doing lads? I decided to ride a bike and take some pictures of local places
How do you feel about the clownworld meme?
ITT: We trigger Yuropoors
Good morning Jow Forums!
Q & A on Azerbaijan
Here's a map of Africa if whiteoids had never stuck their noses where it didn't belong...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
How popular is international chess in your country ?
/lat/: Hilo latino
Do you love guns, Jow Forums? Is it necessary to have guns in your country? What guns do you have?
White supremacy
What are they? I don't understand. This is extremely calm country, no any news about them. Are they Brits...
Korean study thread
Sverigetråden - Libbe upplagan
Could I pass as a local in your country
Live in New England
Daily reminder that mestizo literally means mutt
What is your fav movie Jow Forums?
Early history
Since most foreigners on this board seem to speak pretty good english I have to ask:
Name my band
Is he right?
What type of mutt are you? Persian father and English/German mutt mother here
Just stopping by to say fuck all you racist incels on this hateful website
Suck it mutts
Yellow fever is a mental illness
Do you like Americans?
Why yes, despite being a native English speaker, I confuse homophones, commonly misspell words...
When will anime and manga become mainstream?
Why gooks have square blockhead faces
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Interesting maps
Chinese Girl DISAPPOINTED with USA - Expectations vs. Reality
Culture Pals /cp/
This guy is Xochipilli, Aztec god of drugs, party, dance, games, prostitutes and homosexuals
Post average thots from your country
World debt = infinite to MENA
Post eyes
What happened in Canada?
A-user?! Are you still alive?!
Why are there many homosexuals in Europe and America?
/fr/ - le francofil français
Is there someone else here not proud of their country but rather be happy of the culture you were born...
Why are white women always so jealous of Latinas ?
Post your favorite song that is neither in english/japanese nor in your native language and rate
Arak or araq (Arabic: ﻋﺮﻕ) is a Levantine unsweetened distilled spirit (≈40–63% alc/vol or ≈80–126 proof)...
Be brownoid
Havent showered in two weeks
Please rate her
Your cunt
What's your favorite Islamic country?
Your kunt
I like to sniff my cat. It smells good
What are some evil things that America has done that Americans might not be aware of?
Let's post about China and in Chinese
Things Americans really do
What's the point of having a gf if she's not white, young and pretty?
Israeli education minister calls intermarriage rate of U.S. Jews "second Holocaust"
Why is Britain the only one fighting back in the West?
1. country
Read reddit thread on saudia arabia changing laws to give women more freedom
I suffer in the United States of America
Holy shit
Does your cunt have Five Guys in your mouth?
What's your country's view on redheads?
Is it common for girls in your cunt to be promiscuous? or are most pure virgins?
How will Iran ever recover?
Wtf is wrong with people who want to move to the USA
Y*nk**s will never get this feel
2/3 Americans are fat
What would have happened if the refugees getting into Europe had been 90% young adult women instead of men?
There's only one race: The Human Race
What could i get for you, sir?
Be wageslave cashier
Evangelion :OOO
This is pronounced wooch
*outsmarts every single porn whore*
Are you a pagan chad?
/v4/ + friends
Can you believe whatoids and roaches are trying to steal African history? Why are they like this?
The absolute state of paris
/lang/ - Language Learning General
What is America's definitive city?
/cum/ + friends
Hilo latino de emergencia
/ita/ il filo
Hello, in this thread we post socialist music from our country
Every flag posting ITT will forever not receive racist banter from me. I feel magnacimoasme
I walk a lonely road
HIV rate in Russia is actually just 1%
None of us really knows how the stuff we use daily , works
You might not like it, but we are all latin speakers, r1b ydna, catholic rooted culture brothers
Wh*te """"people""""
Would you accept Venezuelan refugees in your country? They really hate socialism
What's your ideal woman Jow Forums? I'm curious about how it might vary around the world...
Are Latinxs optimistic about the future of their countries?
/luso/ Fio Hetero e Feminista
Brazil - Dystopian USA
Choose your favorite Turkish flag
Banned? again? hold on baby, let me restart the router
No we won't close our re-education camps
Why is Europe the main tourist destination in the world? How do Euros deal with tourists?
/fr/ - le francofil
Does your country even have great artists like Norway?
Do you treat latinos different based on the degree of their admixture?
Is Berlin worth visiting?
Racemixing is not ba-
So what are you guys doing all day?
Which Americans cities do Europeans like?
What do you think when you see this wonderful flag?
Metal countries
So why are we (galicians) the most moorish region of Spain ?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
If you’re under 5’10” (178 cm), are you considered an adult in your country?
1. you're cunnee
Tfw fat
Google trends of the last 7 days. This is definite proof of which regions in the US are white
What race are mexicans?
One chance at life
What's some unconventional methods to stop smoking in your cunt ? It's taking a serious toll on my health...
Imagine being unironically fired from your job for insulting Asian Masculinity
In 2 days i will be going to Spain and lived the rest of my life there
Atheist parts of Poland are more ciminal than religious ones
Do you realize that Latin girls are the hottest in the world?
*flies right next to your ear*
Your kitty
Fetishes of Jow Forums
Korean boys are meant to be GODDESSES
Islands are the continents of the sea
Tfw suffer in the first world
Yeah, I main a PlayStation
I guess the UK does have some pretty based lads after all
I don't drink coffee
This girl at a hookah bar flirts with you
Risk Thread: Set the World on Fire edition
Why do Russians do that thing with paranthesis?
How do the white people of Jow Forums feel about this?
Whites and mestizos larp as Amerindians here
Uhm, user, you aren't going to let that plastic from your straw just blow away are you?
Meds are pathetic brown manlets living in squalor
Why are ancient Greek men depicted as having black skin while ancient Greek woman are depicted as having white skin?
What is your opinion on Japan?
Post average girls from your country
Your cunt
Where can I find a gf like this?
/ita/ - il filo
What is Jow Forums‘s favourite alcoholic beverage?
Asian girls vs. European girls
Why yes im socially left and economically right
My fellow Norwegians!
What would Joseph Stalin think about his American granddaughter?
Sverigetråden - nya upplagan
Culture Pals /cp/
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2213.1
Light eyes in Spain
Wtf, it's just like Ohio but with frenchies
Why do Spaniards do this it sounds gay as f*ck
Why yes i hate civilization, i prefer living in the w--- AAAAAHHHH NOOO PLEASE DON'T EAT ME
Please God
/fr/ - le francofil reptillien
I want a Russian gf
What is the most most coolest Design flag of the past? (not the current one)
Mfw all Russian lovers from Jow Forums are just a bunch of leftist criminals that download pedophilia from there
Is it true that asian girls have tighter pussies?
Are you transgendered? Does your country grant them rights?
From today's march on Washington
American fashion
How much will the average american bitch take in order to marry me so that I can have the nationality?
Africa is 2x bigger than Europe (with Russia included)
Ideal Jow Forums gf
Getting rid of a fetish
Here is your bill bro
Kill 16 million russians during the 1918-1923 invasion financed by the americans
Non-Romance countries are honestly shitholes to me
Is Brazil Heaven or Hell?
White women are the best. My brown penice can't get enough of them
I like euros. I think they are cute
If you were running for President of the United States what would your platform be?
His country doesn't have land in at least three different continents
Do you support short rights?
Why are Americans like this?
Post your body
Here is a photo of my girlfriend who I have sex with
/ita/ - il filo
Got accepted by the Medical University of Sarajevo and my GPA and enterance exam score were high enough that the...
Las malvinas son argentinas
Why so many people on Jow Forums are against tattoos and piercings and call them ‘degeneracy’...
Risk continuing
This is the most popular american breakfast
I like my coffee same way i like my NIGGERS
Racists used eugenics to sterilize THIS
An American kettle
Tfw no Japanese gf
These Chinese tourists are planning to visit your country this summer (or winter if you're a southron)...
So Europe abandoned them?
Who are the worst tourists you get in your country?
You are so annoying, just shut up
Is it true that Americans think that being 6 feet tall is above average?
Some say this country is bad. Some say it is heaven
A June 2019 report from the United Nations says the world's population will rise from 7.7 billion today to 9...
I want a Japanese gf
D-do women really browse this board?
Jow Forums stories
I'm sorry about the Nanjing massacre
Americans name their state when someone asks them where they're from
/hell/ Hellas General Ελλάς
Manlet gets rejected for being 5'0
How Do You Europeans Tolerate Tourists?
Why are you all so hateful?
Do Americans
/ita/ - il filo
Based or cringe?
Feet of Jow Forums
Do Kurdish girls really do that?
I hate anglos
Where are you from?
Why do they hate each other so much? They share so much history and culture
Why do they do this? Baltics were the among the wealthiest places in USSR if not best place to live after Moscow
Korean be like: lO-0%olI0Ю01
One shot at life
Poles made hole in building and think they are smart and better than Stalin`s architectors
/fr/ - le francofil francophone
I've never had sex or even kissed a girl
Based animals:
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
Sverigetråden - Melankolisk upplaga
1.your country
Ilbe guy just posted now what he is doing in Scandinavian country
/ita/-il filo
No more meds, only mass graves
Your country
Get arrested by police in Argentina
Why yes, Romans were blonde Nordic aryans
Why is Southern Europe such a decaying shithole? Is it because they are too lazy to care?
What does it take to satisfy the modern woman sexually
Will you buy lots of British products after brexit to support our economy?
Should Indo-Europeans have a sense of fraternity...
What is your first thought when you see this flag?
Alright boys, which one?
Rush b
Please buy liquorice from Norway!
/ro/ - Firul nostru
Attention, white boys with yellow girlfriends!
Why do Swedes do this?
I know this is some Honey Boo Boo shit, but how many white (pale skin but not Asian...
Your country
Belgrade Waterfront
His penis is under 16cm
Is bullying common in your country? it's something we see in movies and think what the fuck wrong with westerners
Do women do this in your country?
I want to believe. Do you want to believe?
What is your favourite Indian state?
Haha DOOD you should like, totally legalize and get weed dood, it's like, the best thing haha
Be american
Scientists all agree that there's no differences between human races
What the fuck is wrong with Americans?
This is where the middle classes live in South Korea
My ancestors :)
I'm visiting Germany this summer
Screencap your phone, phonefrens
Is Finland the most boring country on Earth?
Do you have an Jow Forums crush?
Opinion on Albania?
Sverigetråden - dkn ingen annan märker att det är sida tio
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2213
Imagine being that much of a cunt that every single side in an all out war turns against you
If your cunt has neonazi rallies then it's third world
Weiber wegbuxen /inzöl/ ehemals /deutsch/
What's life in russia like?
/v4/ + friends
Do you have leftists/communists in your cunt?
How do you write your 7?
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Have sex
Racists hate this and want to sterilize this
Going to Germany for the first time this year, will be staying in Neukolln, Berlin
I want to stop eating meat but Finnish vegetables taste so bland. If I was Spanish I could be a vegan...
Just a flag of Imperial St. Petersburg Yacht Club, founded in 1718
The worst racist nation Spain
Are Japanese austronesian?
Who has contributed more to humanity?
His country is in EU
Burrows into your skin
Your cunt
Kurva anyátok
Is there a way out of depression?
Which race has the most incels?
How are you preparing for the Asian Century?
Risk Thread: USA USA USA edition
What is your first thought or thoughts when seeing this shape?
Mid or I feed
Oh look, the eternal *nglo tries to start another world war by false flagging
Eurasian brotherhood
Which countries do have best queens?
Rate this Korean fried chicken
Why do we call it Germany instead of Dutchland?
Redpill me on Norway, Denmark, Nederlands, Austria, and Switzerland...
I hate my wh*Toid genes so much. Why didn't I inherit chad mongol hair genes? I have a thin hair and balding at 23
Friend is inviting me to be (not joking) a bounty hunter after he saw a bank robbery and there are posters everywhere...
I don't know who this guy is, but he looks like he's made of CHEESE hahahaha
Why is Russia concerned about the west but is butt buddies with China...
Is kpop really that popular among teen girls as korean media says?
I suffer in california
Of course I have legitimate claim on this land! Thousands of years ago my ancestors stole it fair and square...
I'm Rome. Rome conquered Italy!
Israel doesn't have a right to exist
Whoever thinks black people eat a lot of watermelon has never met Chinese people
Western culture was a mistake
This iq map of Russia
Still can't believe he's dead
Redpill me about racemixing why is racemixing bad?
Why does my breath always smell so fucking bad, even after flossing and using mouthwash?
I want an Jow Forums bf to pump me full of semen
"hola guapo como estas?"
Why do asians constantly complain about racism?
Whats better being black or being mexican?
Which state is best to live in Canada?
This kills the EU experiment
/Flag/ + /Extraflags/
What are the elderly like in your country?
Look at mom
First thing that comes to mind?
Wh*te nationalists are pathetically trying to raid /his/
Why don't Italians ever grow up?
Im tired of seeing spics everyday, what country should I move to?
Do you think LGBT rights will last?
Mariya Takeuchi 竹内 まりや Plastic Love
I suffer in buenos aires
Has there been a greater fall from grace...
Israel is 20% non Jewish Arab, what is this comic trying to say?
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
Racism in spain
Can we talk about niggers for a minute? why do they act like apes? is it because "whitey stole they errthang"?
Japan 201X
Is this r/asianmasculinity the country?
Does your cunt have an incel problem?
Terrorist support nation
1. UR cunt
How do u measure up
Are there any benefits for a CHI to get dual citizenship with Mexico?
No, you are not north american
/fr/ - le francofil
Who else here doesnt drink alcohol anymore?
American ""cuisine""
If dubs i die in my sleep tonight
What do you mean there are philosophic arguments for g*d??!? NOOOOOOOOO
Sverigetråden - Fällupplagan
Would you like to find love in Colombia?
Are all countries and cultures equal?
Your country
Your cunt
Be completely unimportant Japanese passenger on the Titanic, only Japanese person on the ship
Why mexicans commit so many crimes in the usa?
If your eye isn't this green you can't consider yourself white
Why is this board so obsessed with Finland? Are they the celebrities of this board?
I recommend trying out a Chicana gf, they are actually very based usually
Tell me how easy you get a gun in your country
Thank you all for being my family. When I felt sad I would go here. Thank you for helping me smile when I felt no end...
When I say slavery, you say sorry
What are they then? First world? Second world? 2.5 world?
Europe is embarrassingly small
/lat/ Hilo latino
Rank the slavs
/ita/ il filo
User...Chad beat me again. Can I stay here until he's cooled down?
This was California ~60 years ago
Do you like us?
What happens here?
Das rite white boi
On 7 July...
Which would be considered more attractive in your country?
If Islam is wrong then explain how did it mention the human DNA, the big band theory, Gene's, Theory of relativity...
Why are white Americans so good looking? My theory is it's the natural selection of ambition and genetic diversity...
Japanese rape babies in KOREA
What goes on here?
/balk/ too early for bed edition
Have you ever been in a streetfight? I have. This is me on the right
Okay everyone is saying that germans are racist, germans are worst...
Ever notice how we always have to adjust for inflation; we never have to adjust for deflation...
The real races of Europe
Why don't Europe's larger nations annex all the little non countries like Belgium or Liechtenstein?
Do you smoke?
ITT: Overrated countries
Can manlets ever recover?
Do germans live a comfy life? i've read that they get taxed like 50% or more and the average salary is like 1K euro
EU russians
Why does it seem like you guys hate East Asians more than Latinos, Arabs, Blacks, Indians,etc?
/fr/ - le francofil
Do people in your country make awful comic strips?
No we won't close our re-education camps
How do you call this in your country?
You’ve gone too far this time, Sweden. Now you will feel the consequences
Immigrants humiliate Swedish boy, put gun in his mouth and force him to dance
Who was the greatest occultist in the history of your country?
What do you guys honestly think of the French Foreign Legion?
Which does France have more in common with
Do blondes have blonde armpit, buttcrack, and nose hair?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Tfw was 4'11 during my teen years
Where exactly did the stereotype of Russians being extremely racist come from...
This startles and frightens the European
What's your opinion on Merkel and will you miss her when she's out of office?
Your worst physical defect
How do Latinxs view different European nationalities?
This is a german man, at least according to our (((media)))
/ita/ - il filo
Whats up faggottss!!
Are you guys virgins? how old are you?
Would you fate a mexican?
How prevalent is bullying among teenage German girls?
What was your country like in the 2000s?
Why is Arnold Schwarzenegger's bastard son that he made with his Colombian maid soooo alpha?
Finns need to produce 100 points of ID before they can buy alcohol
My parents are forcing me to get a drivers license
Americans call pizza 'za
American girls
Itt post interesting pictures from around the world
Imagine being allegedly one of the tallest and strongest nations and still being such bitches that it takes a skinny...
Swedish niggas be like "dinner is served"
Is there a worse place
Just who is "Jannie"?
Least racist culture
Anyone here genuinely like their country? Just came back from asia, damn I miss how clean american air is
Do you think Germany's plan to create a giant sea in the middle of Africa would be possible to achieve today?
/deutsch/ im Titel, /Mimon/ im Herzen
One chance at life
I am this cat
American cinemas have butter fountains
Ooopss se me shitposteo
I post on Jow Forums
Guess the country thread
This is so accurate lol
Is Germany going to be alright?
Why the balkanic countries are so terrible to live in?
/deutsch/ ehemals
Oopa gandam style
/v4/ + friends
Can I pass as a local in your country?
I was talking to a Spanish friend and she said she has a fetish for Colombian men...
My computer was hacked when i was posting in this thread as the only Polishflag: >>108210650
How are manlets treated in your cunt?
Would you racemix with a Colombian girl?
The good refugee
Sometimes the fact that I'll die alone creeps at me out of nowhere and gets me really angry for a few minutes...
Asian Americans/Canadians/Austrlians
He lurks the board... He could be anyone of us
Wine >>> beer >>>>>>>>>>> spirits
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
Would Jow Forums nuke a city?
Americans will defend this
/ita/ il filo
Does your country like thicc girls?
Today the Bahamas Celebrates it's 46th Anniversary of Independence from the United Kingdom
Name a person from the country of the poster above you
Is it true that Jow Forums is majority white?
/fr/ - Le fil libre du pays réel et de la francophonie
/lat/ - hilo latino
Are they bros or what? How do they view eachother?
Is this race mixing?
How do you say "Brazilians are a bunch of violent apes" in your language?
Is your country slurping Muslim cock?
I have my doubts about letting Albania enter the EU
How do you say "imagine the smell" in your language?
Whoa, an Jow Forums-related package just arrived in my mailbox
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Bro a giant spider has caught me in its web!
Would you hitchhike around europe?
You were diagnosed with schizophrenia? Stop believing these stupid doctors man
Mfw can get pussy in English speaking countries easily because of my accent
I don't get hype with swedish men
Do asian really do this?
God I wish this was me
In a one on one war with no NATO or outside interference. Who would win? Albanians or Serbs?
I can't postpone it any longer, goodbye for all eternity
Would you date an Italian alternative girl?
Argayntina and uruqay think they're majority white
Do you read with an accent when you see a post from a cetain flag
Immigration General
What’s it actually like to live with minorities?
Lithuania? Poland? Estonia? Ukraine? Romania? Germany...
Feel sad
Daily reminder that if you don't love Krteček, you are a terrible human being
Why is french accent so attractive in women?
Stop calling me roastie
Reasons why French is a superior language to German
Pussy vagons of Jow Forums
Is there any black person posting here? I don't mean larpers, i mean a real black person
Do you losers go vote?
I heard that Barcelona is getting more dangerous day by day, situation with crime is deteorating
Why do some japanese look like pseudo hapa mixed with meds?
/ita/ - il filo
Tell me about the best cities to visit in your country
How do you call this in your country?
Literally me
1. Your cunt
Brain-borer worm is increasing
Would you live in Pripyat, Ukraine? There are few people left there
At what age do girls lose their purity in your county?
OMG, are you actually enjoying a cup of coffee? That's like wageslave-tier and totally makes you a junky!!!
Can /ex-yugos/ explain to me why yugoslavia torn itself apart and who is mostly to balme for it?
Everything is grey and ugly
I said I am leaving yesterday
Sverigetråden - Svampupplagan
I have destroyed my Casio watch, now I have ZERO Japanese products
I feel sorry for arabs and black because they are the least desirable races
You wake up in United States of America, what you do?
His country isn't Nordic
European """men""" seriously don't want this in their countries?
Is eye contact important in your country?
LOL good luck, yuros
Your country, were you raised by an overprotective mother?
Post country specific pepes
Why are they so hated? Is it because of envy?
I know in Europe the government taxes the shit out of cars and gas but do they also tax bicycles?
How did this happen? Why are swedes so attractive compared to finns and russians?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2212.2ndGenesis
Was the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands a good thing?
This is a capsicum. Why do Americans incorrectly call them "bell peppers"? I don't get it
Is green
This flummoxes and confounds the American
Nobody in Lebanon speaks Arabic
You guys remember that Chicano from here that went to Taiwan and failed to get laid...
Is this the face of WMAF?
Macedonia starts EU accession in 1 month
/fr/ - Le francofil
How does this make you feel?
Westerners be like
Something something breadlines something something communism something something freedom something something *gunshot*
Today i will remind them
Do you think that these stereotypes are true and do you agree with them?
/ita/ il filo
Do girls wear a choker in your country?
Risk thread
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Literally killing myself rn for 600€ at the end of the month, what about you Jow Forums
Is studying Japanese in university a good idea?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship