Big Gheg bull edition
Big Gheg bull edition
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>In September 2007, he resumed his homophobic speech, stating that if he becomes president of Romania, he will "get rid of all homosexual and lesbian clubs" and create special neighbourhoods for homosexuals and lesbians, so that "they can stay there and leave us [alone]". He also referred to gays as "sinners" and said that "they should go to the priest if they have problems in their head".
>In September 2007, Becali sparked controversy when he insulted parliamentarian Lavinia Șandru, stating that she should "go and become a candidate for the ring road, not for the European Parliament", a veiled reference to prostitution.[46] He has also remarked that a woman "has no more value" after she has given birth to a child.
>In 2012, Gigi Becali refused to sign French football player Florent Sinama-Pongolle on the basis that he was black
>His political views are nationalistic; he declared himself a follower of the Pre-World War II Romanian Legionnaire Movement and called for the canonization of Corneliu Zelea Codreanu.
>His 2004 electoral slogan "I, Gigi Becali, swear to all Romanians and to God that I'll make Romania shine like the holy sun of the sky" ("Eu Gigi Becali, jur în faţa tuturor românilor şi în faţa lui Dumnezeu că voi face ca România să strălucească precum soarele sfânt de pe cer!") is taken from the testament of Ion Moţa, one of the founders of the Iron Guard.
Ok this is a peaceful thread now
Why didnt we push on the Turks after BW1, werent they basically done for anyways? Imagine Constantinople now being the free state capital of all southern orthodox nations, brotherhood and trust wouldve prevailed over upcoming wars, communism would not have stepped in the region.
The papist fears the orthodox.
muh wars nigga muh naцionalisam
Grow up turci
I can't wait for Papists and other religious "people" to die out as well.
>all those last names ending with -ov and -ski
fucking traitors
and now for some saints
Ladislaus of Hungary
Stanislaus of Szczepanów
Stanisław Kazimierczyk
Stanislaus Kostka
Vladislav of Serbia
Zdislava of Lemberk
and now for some astronauts
Mirosław Hermaszewski
Vladislav Volkov
Vyacheslav Zudov
Why yes, I have Albanian blood, how could you tell?
by the mugshot
From your living quarters
the most cheekiest thing i did
Я нaдyй, дяяядo, кaвaaaлa
cлeд тeб дa викнa, зaпeя
пecни юнaшки, пecни хaйдъшки,
пecни зa вeхти вoeвoди.
our king was a greedy anglo retard
All those slavs that lived here before the tatars came (from which you are descended) roll in their graves when you identify yourself with a turkic tribe. Bulgarian brainwashing precedes the serbian one (the bulgarian ethnos ie tatars+slavs+thracians) was not created and is not present in macedonia, the people declared as such to avoid death. That is what we mean when we say that we are a seperate people, even some areas of bulgaria (pirin,thrace etc)shouldnt declare themselves as bulgarian, since no mixing with tatars took place
My future sons' names are in this list
Holy shiit, big happening
Listen to the first few minutes
Also, i really like Zoran Zaev, he seem unironically like a honest politician
Cин cъм нa зeмя пpeкpacнa,
Cин cъм нa юнaшкo плeмe.
didnt bugars went for Carigrad? why did they stop?
I'm impressed Zaev can hold a conversation in English, but didn't notice the young voice of the Poroshenko larper who would sound like a grandfather
i honestly didn't know politicians would talk this openly in a phone conversation.
>there are Bulgars that like the vl*choid menace
Pathetic and disgusting every single Bulgar should spit in their face if they see them
retard alert
t. jealous southern brother
I am certantly not jealous of your pathetic slave history
Bulgarians people have nothing to do with thr*cians and subhumans alike
I think the west threatened with war.
Shouldve let them come and see how theyd suffer hundreds of thousands of deaths of their soldiers here.
Oh xpozed hello, I see your feelings towards Romania are as strong as ever
you wake up in Pripyat (belgrade)
A young ripe 18 year old Macedonian girl came to passport office in Blagoevgrad in Bulgaria
"My grandfather was Bulgarian, give me EU passport" she demanded
The bulgarian official checked the records.
"Hmm, there doesnt seem to be anything about him here, but I am sure we can figure something out, wink wink" as he unzipped his pants
The macedonian girl was taken aback, and blushed.
"But you can't, i have a boyfriend in Skopje!"
The Bulgarian caressed her on the thigh and lifted up her short skirt
"We will worry about that later."
Seems pretty reasonable to me desu prob what happened in the past
"A nation with a population of less than five million and a military budget of less than two million pounds per annum placed in the field within fourteen days of mobilization an army of 400,000 men, and in the course of four weeks moved that army over 160 miles in hostile territory, captured one fortress and invested another, fought and won two great battles against the available armed strength of a nation of twenty million inhabitants, and stopped only at the gates of the hostile capital. With the exception of the Japanese and Gurkhas, the Bulgarians alone of all troops go into battle with the fixed intention of killing at least one enemy." --- David Johnson, British correspondent, 1st Balkan War
If you want to wewuz as thracians, we can wewuz as dacians. If you want to wewuz as prab1lgari, we can wewuz as cumans.
>slave history
Wallachia was the last remnant of the Second Tsardom that remained after you got conquered by the turks. So who's the slave, b1lgarboi, when we acted as a second homeland for those Bulgarians that ran from Turkish yoke and put the groundwork of the revolutionary movement not south, but north of the Danube in Romanian lands?
How did we achieve this? What is the difference between a Bulgarian man 100 years ago and today? I do not think, as a modern people, we have this in us anymore.
Im not xpozed
We are not wewuzzing as thr*cian its only the brainwashed retards that believe modern pseudoscience that do that, vl*choids were never respected in both empires and all of your nobility was of cuman turkic origin you people never ever had a ruler of your own blood.
>hurr durr if Bulgaria or Greece take the straits they are gonna become too powerful, that's why we have to make sure they stay in the hands of a muslim empire.
what the fuck was their problem?
I personally blame capitalism and anime
>The battle had major and key results in Serbo-Bulgarian relations, planting the seeds of the two countries' confrontation some months later. The Bulgarian censor rigorously cut any references about the Serbian participation in the operation in the telegrams of the foreign correspondents. Public opinion in Sofia thus failed to realise the crucial services Serbia rendered in the battle. Accordingly, the Serbs claimed that their troops of the 20th Regiment were those who captured the Ottoman commander of the city, and that Colonel Gavrilović was the allied officer who accepted Shukri's official surrender of the garrison, a statement that the Bulgarians disputed. Subsequently, the Serbs officially protested, pointing out that although they had sent their troops to Adrianople to win for Bulgaria territory whose acquisition had never been foreseen by their mutual treaty,the Bulgarians had never fulfilled the clause of the treaty requiring Bulgaria to send 100,000 men to help the Serbians on their Vardar front. The Bulgarians answered that their staff had informed the Serbs about that on 23 August.
Meh, not gonna bother with an irrational, hateful fag. Think what you may.
>The friction escalated some weeks later when the Bulgarian delegates in London bluntly warned the Serbs that they must not expect Bulgarian support on their Adriatic claims. The Serbs angrily replied that was a clear withdrawal from the prewar agreement of mutual understanding according to the Kriva Palanka-Adriatic line of expansion, but the Bulgarians insisted that in their view, the Vardar Macedonian part of the agreement remained active and the Serbs were still obliged to surrender the area as agreed. The Serbs answered by accusing the Bulgarians of maximalism, pointing out that if they lost both northern Albania and Vardar Macedonia, their participation in the common war would have been virtually for nothing. The tension soon was expressed in a series of hostile incidents between the two armies along their common line of occupation across the Vardar valley. The developments essentially ended the Serbo-Bulgarian alliance and made a future war between the two countries inevitable.
What a dick move
no one cares about gay battles subhumans
Communism ruined the mindset, capitalism took our honor. Chalga-culture took our self-respect, mafia took our trust in the state institutions, russophilia/-phobia tears down the population into two opposing fronts.
It is not too late yet, but we are running out of time. We can only hope for a miracle and a leader to rise out of nowhere and lead us ahead.
>We can only hope for a miracle and a leader to rise out of nowhere and lead us ahead.
begai ottuka ve
Yeah no
Pic related I have hopes for. Left is Lozan Panov, somehow the only non-corrupt judge in the supreme court. On the right you see the corrupt minister of justice, look at the disgust Panov has in his look for him, and the naive, guilty look of the minister. He is ashamed of himself, he feels so displaced and disgusted by his own fakeness, that he would prefer to disappear in a bottomless pit rather than standing opposite to the the only man not giving in to corruption.
Macedonia for the Macedonians
>The Serbs answered by accusing the Bulgarians of maximalism, pointing out that if they lost both northern Albania and Vardar Macedonia, their participation in the common war would have been virtually for nothing.
niggers. kosovo and rashka are nothing? fuck off. plus the agreement was pic rel
The one on the right has a very agrarian face
This macedoniaboo needs to fuck off
Jesus christ, Is there anything more pathetic than inhabitants of soon-to-be-extinct-shithole?(formerly Turkgaria) You should try to fix your plummeting birthrates and general regression of your rotten putrid hole instead of whining about what could have had happened 100 years ago.
No, you retard. Welcome to the post imperialist powers diplomacy and politics. We also could flatten your shitholes within a week but the westerners won't let us, eeh shame.
Send your sisters to here Istanbul, so that they could see buildings that are not grey commieblocks, first world living standarts, and a cock that is bigger than 12cm.
Thats what he probably is, a corrupt, agrarian yes-sayer, who doesnt do his job. Honor means nothing for these people.
Is that the equivalent of a Bugarofil for you guys?
How does it feel to be nowhere at home and accepted? Looked down upon in Turkey, looked down upon in Albania? How does it feel to be a stateless baboon, nowhere welcome, nowhere accepted, forever doomed to be a rootless minority?
Opinion about Hristo Ivanov and Radan Kunev?
Why do Balkanions think no corruption=rich country? lol
literally ikibey the lazy-turk
You don't fix depression by trying to bait people online, sufferbey
Basically Serbs were reduced to a coastlet while Bulgaria would emerge as a big power in the balkans, so serbs refused to surrender Macedonia
>looked down upon in Turkey
That never happened to me your literal son of crack whore, Albanians are loved in Turkey and I literally never met anyone who hold grudge against the Albanians.
Frodo & Samwise
They never intended to honor the pre-war agreement in the first place, hence the secret treaty with Greece.
lol who is "we"?
Serbs don't have the pussification problem Bulgarians do.
Serbis kiled everyone , Croats, Bosniaks, Shiptars. They fought all of NATO at once while Russia left them alone.
Serbs = new Balkan Gods
I prefer them over any government post 1945 Bulgaria has had. At the same time I dont like them. To me Hristo Ivanov is a soft pussy, when he was minister of justice he couldve shown fighting spirit and try to push for his reform. Yes it wouldve been smashed every time, but every small change he couldve accomplished for the better wouldve been an improvement. Instead, he just quit and ran. What can we expect from such people? Or better, what does he expect to find IF he ever manages to come into power again? That now they will bow down to him and allow him easily to make changes, threatening half the elite with jail? It wont happen, it will be fierce, dirty, ugly, hard - if you arent prepared for it, dont even try. Radan does and says what his liberal western overlords tell him to say, I cannot approve of that either. Gay marriage - yeee, 10 genders - yeee. Guy has no opinion on anything, he just copies the western standpoint on things and I dont like that. This whole Russian means evil and shit like that I dont like. Have an own opinion, have a rational opinion, try to think out of boundaries society has set you, see whats best for Bulgaria, not for Russia, the US or the EU. He is not capable of that, both of them arent.
Hey fellas, im at a loss here, I can't find Serbia on this map in 814, where was it?
>Tatar Bulgaria
>Same as modern day Slav Bulgaria
We wuzzing my friend?
Stop projecting your miseries and your lack of success in your sexual lives on me, no I'm not one of you, no matter how hard you wish.
Me and your mother's bulls.
They are hated like gypsies here, I know this from Turks (real ones, unlike your gypsy trash version your parents made up for you). When times are hard I can always look back at my roots and feel sense of existence, must be hard for you not having anything to look back on. The reason you are in Turkey nowadays, is that actual Albanians kicked and forced your whorehouse ancestors back of Albania back then, probably because you were Ottoman whores to an extent that bothered even the local Albanians. Imagine being this, the descendent of sellout whores. Sad sad sad
they have two states, and both of them got clay but they refuse to annex montenegro. Why?
>iranic Sarmatians that made a christian nation of mostly south slavs
>same as modern slav christian bulgaria
why not?
You savage
Montenegro is NATO, Angele.
And they got their shit smashed by NATO&Albanians&Croats simultaneously. Do you really want to get fucking curbstomped by everyone neighboring you, earn their rightfully deserved hate, get ethnically cleansed like insects, and be a laughing stock of the peninsula for the upcoming decades?
*plays accordion*
>being legitimately retarded makes you "a Balkan God"
Kek, makes sense.
>celebrate an ancestral homeland where an important battle happened for you(kosovo)
>that land is not even in your country atm and its populated by the enemy
Nah in truth serbs are probably the most cucked nation in balkans atm
Do you expect any sense of logic from serbian bootlickers?
If one doesnt have ambitions he cant feel bad of not reaching them, yeah, thats an easy way to live. Congrats
stfu gayboy
>celebrating a battle you lost
Lmaooo even more cucked
i'm talking about 1913, Kamene
Tyтypyтyтyтypyт pyтyтy тинaнинaнaн
It’s not only that they celebrate the lost battle, but they think because they lost the battle they deserve kosovo. Like how the fuck does that make any sense lmao
That is the least cucked thing in the whole story. A good battle is a thing to celebrate.
Radan is against gay marriage
Montenegro has an own sense of belonging, they might feel very close to Serbs, but not as exact Serbs.
Serbs are in the shit like us, why hate on them. Who even cares whats happening there. I hope they improve, I hope everyone around improves.
Is enverbey here?
>They are hated like gypsies here, I know this from Turks
>Duude I talked with few Turks online therefore your, someone who lives in turkey, conclusion is invalid
>The reason you are in Turkey nowadays, is that actual Albanians kicked and forced your
>Ottoman whores
Wait a second, do you actually think Albanians were treated like second-class citizens, and not were viziers, like Bulgarians, in Ottoman Empire? Then how come that in every period of Ottoman Empire there was at least one Albanian vizier, or commander? I can't even name of Bulgarian vizier, forget about viziers, I can't even name Bulgarian who were important figure in Ottoman Empire except Talat Paşa.
Now, don't bother me, descendants of slaves. I'm eating.
He is against gay adoption, but not against gay marriage if im not mistaken.
Fuck bros i don't wanna go extinct. . .
have sex
and without a condom too
What they celebrate is that they assassinated Sultan Bayezid in his tent before the battle begins, they literally celebrating murdering an Ottoman Sultan and then getting their ass fucked in the battlefield by Turks even without the commanders.
Assassinating(not even killing him in battlefield) a sultan is the peak of their national pride.
If you feel bad remember that at least you're not a Serve.
He himself said that he supports gay pride as a way for them to demonstrate their freedom of assembly but is against marriage since that would in his own words divide the traditionally conservative Bulgarians.
>Am i from Skopje? Nah bro, i am a provincial.