Do you read with an accent when you see a post from a cetain flag

Do you read with an accent when you see a post from a cetain flag
For example
Spain:i read it really fast with a high pitched Spanish accent
Britain:i read with a half cockney
France: i read with an arabic accent
Germany:i read with turkic accent
Do you anons also do this?

Attached: 1561567925021.png (888x894, 520K)

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no I suppress subvocalization to read faster and deal with my irlen syndrome

France: I read with a gay accent

Wtf is that
That is just normal French

speed reading's first step, eliminating the inner voice during reading and relying on near-total vision based reading

despite criticism you can retain very good levels of comprehension

İ do that too. İ always have to laugh when İ read Indian posts

No i ment what is irlen syndrome

I read with my accent. :(

Manda vocaroo em inglês

oh, a mild form of dyslexia where you have severe sensitivity to the white background in text, its usually improved immensely with colored overlays or glasses

its existence as a disease is heavily disputed by ophthalmologists but there are countless sufferers online

>I suffer with Irlen Syndrome

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i unironically suffer with it, its extremely annoying and headache inducing

oh, I had an undergrad in a class I was teaching once who had documentation to receive their homework/examinations etc... on colored paper with some extra time
never knew why or anything (she was a good student), interesting to know what was the reason

now this is why the west is truly brilliant, appropriate accommodations for students to help them fulfill their potential

here you'd receive beatings for being dyslexic and a colossal fuckup in class, and further beatings at home from unsympathetic parents

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>appropriate accommodations for students to help them fulfill their potential
while this is somewhat true, I've seen many individuals in education positions be apathetic, and I've seen parents who clearly beat their autistic children (I also taught elementary school for a few years)
what I mean to say is that it's not consistent and it's really up to the person who's responsible for teaching, the college class was in a major city and the elementary school was in a DC suburb, but I imagine it can be pretty bad in flyoverville

that's some valuable insight you rarely receive on Jow Forums, thanks for taking the time. But I think more parents despite becoming a bit hypersensitive are waking up to non-neurotypical behaviour, and the rest of the world through media can start following suit

>But I think more parents despite becoming a bit hypersensitive are waking up to non-neurotypical behaviour, and the rest of the world through media can start following suit
I agree, things are generally moving in a positive/optimistic trend here with regards to disabilities (from my experience). Hope treatment of students improves in your country eventually, man.

I read every post with my own inner voice.

thank you sir, cheers


How's it feel to know I subvocalize all your posts in a midwest american dialect?

Attached: 6D599DA1-DE27-4243-88E1-A4B5BCD3C160.jpg (421x618, 31K)

Good because that is also my accent

Discribed your inner voices, mine is a Plain monotone with the most neutral English possible