Would Jow Forums nuke a city?

Would Jow Forums nuke a city?

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where is the red button?

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>tfw wanted to carpet bomb the entire south but the "launch multiple" button wasn't working right and idk how to get more than one
If someone could help with that who knows the site better would appreciate.

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>believing in nukes

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iroshima and nagasaki were a hoax

as long as it's london

Yes, I would nuke s*Ngapore. Three times just to make sure it's completely gone

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You're retarded if you would. The consequences of the use of any modern day nuclear bomb would affect literally all living human beings across the globe. Even if you could nuke one city with a guarantee of no retaliation, the radiation and social consequences of that nuke alone would cause untold damage to human civilization everywhere.

this is what believing in nukes does to people
total soja overdose

I would Nuuk Greenland

>implying it wouldn't be a net positive to wipe out all human life

The US alone preformed over 1000 nuclear tests and some of them were open for the public to come see.

Your bait is shit and you should feel bad.

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No. There have been thousands of nuclear tests done, and most weapons in use today is actually relativly small. (Improved targeting systems has reduced the need for large warheads)

oh yeah because the average person can definitely tell what is and what isnt a nuke you fucking nerd, go shill somewhere else

Nothing else could produce that large explosions. A one megaton nuclear bomb literally equals a million tons of TNT. You cant airdrop a million ton of TNT from a single aircraft.


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and you know that because some gay science bitch professor told you that

>Science is fake news!!!

Okay, Im out. Fuck this and fuck you Achmed.

>didnt choose the tsar bomba and check out for radioactive fallout
>could have been 7 000 000 less chinks

wow there buddy watch the racism, this is 4channel and not r/the_donald, keep that shit in there

Mr. House will save it anyways

t. Ahmet Abdüllahi

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name one other man made device the russians could have dropped over novajia semljya that could be felt in finnmark 900km away. a fart? not even bresjnev drank that much.

okay there Alex Jones

of you dont believe in historical events, how can you believe in anything at all? do you believe your mother gave birth to you and not some random crackhore? you cant remember after all...

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I haven't been alive when these things allegedly happened, you stupid boomer
Also again, could have just been any big bomb, no reason to believe in TOTAL RADIATION FALLOUT, UNINHABITABLE FOR THE NEXT 6 GORILLION YEARS
come the fuck on, retard/shill

>I haven't been alive when these things allegedly happened
You might as well say that absolutely nothing happened before you were born.
>come the fuck on, retard/shill
Roman empire? Never seen this one with my own eyes, might be a hoax tho.

Solipsism sect welcomes you, mr Truman

Just pointing out how your example is retarded. You can also stop switching VPNs, shilloid

Boт тeбe cтpoчкa нa киpиллицe. Гaнc, пиздeц ты eблaн.

so now it's the russian bots

no, it's useless

>all this attitude
So this is some new trolling technique in the making, or you just that retarded?

it was a bit tedious this time but usually the nuke denial works out great, go try it on /sci/

Beijing or Shanghai too

Because fuck China and fuck Hawei too, I hope Huawei is now dead and buried.

I just solved Europe.
Yep. I'm thinking Based.

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