Tell me how easy you get a gun in your country
Japs is fuckin hard
Mostly it's impossible
Tell me how easy you get a gun in your country
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Impossible ever since that school Andy Murray was at got shot up in the 90s and parliament cucked our handguns away from us after
It's as easy as going to your local Walmart.
Its easy but guns are for bitches. We often kill ppl with knives or jiu jitsu
>Join gun club
>or do hunting
>apply for licence
>here are your guns sir, but store the ammo in a 2nd save
>pass hunter exam
>pay game management fee
>apply for a permit
>if the police deem that you can hunt the animal you specified with the weapon you applied permit for they grant permit
>go buy gun
>be reserve officer
>be in reserve actives
>buy gun
>go online
>arrange a meetup with stranger
>buy gun
You need to apply for permit where you specify what you'll use the weapon for, and then you'll be granted a licence to buy a gun that fits your need. Nothing more nothing less.
To be honest
I admit my mistake
Ive been thought countries other than jap are widely available
I think you just go to the store and buy a gun.
You could need some note from doctor or police but that should be all. Do not know a single gun owner.
Latvians love to fight and drink so a gun in the mix is just trouble
Practice a bit on the range
Apply for permit
Bring proof about hobby
Pass background check
Hope that the commissar doesn't arbitrarily deny your application
Buy gun
Combat gun not get, only non lethal. But it's also easy to get a shotgun.
>tfw no 30rd mags any longer
you can get a gun from a doctor? man euros are onto something with this free healthcare
These Russian accent posts are the best
You're misinformed, you get to still buy 30rd mags if you wrestle with extra bureaucracy and settle for 5y permits instead of indefinite ones or if you have had your guns prior to jun 2017. You can look at the filename to figure out if it applies to me
literally do the paperwork and don't be a criminal or massive sperg. It's not as easy as the US but it's not impossible if you can fit a safe and don't have an extensive criminal record.
>note from doctor
Reading comprehension
>free healthcare
You mean prepaid health care!?
Also we have payed you have...just we don't make people buy the X ray machine if they just need one pic.
its a joke homie, "i was only pretending to be retarded"
but my reading comprehension/dyslexia did make me think "the doctors give you a gun" for a sec
It's all good.
that's 999,99 dollars for medicine
Cash or credit?
>Japs is fuckin hard
>Mostly it's impossible
Why do you want a gun in Japan?
Isn't AK47 included in combat weapon?
It's so easy to suiside in any time
to shoot yakuza of course
Average hard
This is the next step. 5 years you have a smooth bore gun, then you can buy conversion AK and sniper rifles, good shotguns and so on. This is of little interest, only for large weapon lovers or hunters.
Also in the pic is a toy.
But terrorists you have easily gets lethal weapon like ak47
>don't commit crimes
>don't be crazy
>go to gun shop and ask for a licence
IIRC that's how it works
I will be killed by rocket attack
Illegaly. I'm sure Yakuza have some guns too
But you get easier than us
Yes its easier for us to get guns. If you just want to try to use a gun there's a bar for that in Tokyo IIRC. If you want to kys just go in the forest like other nips kek
that would be epic
how does Switzerland manage to stay terror-free when literally every single one of your neighbors is riddled with cockroaches?
We have Muslims too. I suppose its because we never did anything to them (we're neutral) and life here is good so people tend to forget about those bullshit. Also government probably spy us all and if someone is suspicious they arrest him and send him back
But muslim population is grad‧u‧al‧ly increasing
You would get a gun freely not easily down the road
Acturally, it's not that difficult to get a shotgun for hunting purpose in Japan.
Maybe it takes half a year to get one, but it's perfectly possible, as long as you are mentally healthy.
I need to pretend otherwise
But I want handgun
I wanna get a style whenever I can escape
Many abandon religion once here. Also most of our Muslims are slavs or turks and those aren't real Muslims t bh.
>You would get a gun freely not easily down the road
I'm not sure I understand what you mean sorry
Let me change the topic
How easy can you get drugs ?
Weed cocaine acids and heroin etc
Very easily. Maybe if you're a foreigner is a bit harder to find acid if you're not at a music festival. In general you can just ask to any young people and they'll probably help you find some. If you go to a techno/house party its sure you'll find something.
What I said don't apply to your country
Most of Muslim in the country is secularism like Albanian and turkey
Thank and ask more question
Please tell me ordinary opinion for using drugs in your land
In jap to use drugs is evil
If using it within relaxation propose
This depends. Weed is seen like wine or beer nothing too bad. Hard drugs are different people could think badly of you, especially if you do heroin. Among young people in parties etc is accepted and a lot does it. There are events in which everybody knows there are drugs involved (electronic music parties) and if you go there 80% will be high on something. So I'll say even hard drugs are tolerated in a certain cases. When I've visited Japan I noticed some "infiltration" of drug culture and also some people doing it. Maybe with time laws will change even there.
I go to Walmart right now and buy one and it’s 10 pm
Reasonably easy i think if you're in a club or have a hunter's licence.
Or you can go to the islamic distribution centers in Brussels for your AK47.
I want alien to propagate the toleration of certin kind of drugs
This country is safe
But not freely in every way except for porn
>All documents
>Practical test
>Theoretical test
>You can buy 7 guns I think
>every 10 years you have to do it all over again
average difficulty
What's the gun culture like in Japan?
armchair soldier
disgusting military nerd culture
Do you know YUKAWA beheaded by Isis
That's it
>Do you know YUKAWA beheaded by Isis
>That's it
I make misposting
He is a result of armchair soldier
Military otaku
What kind of gun are we talking about?
You can buy pic related in Poland without any license, you just have to be at least 18yo
To arm girls with rlfle and handgun is popular among nerd
Let me emigrate to Poland
I мoгy speak Russian нeмнoгo
The hardest part is getting the money required to buy even the shittiest of guns
Otherwise you just need to register the gun at the weapons' agency
No military calibers without express authorization though
Is that what all that crazy WWII waifu shit is about? It always amazes me to see war criminals as preteens in skirts.
This is dead meat YUKAWA haruna
In spite of military otaku just like watching military anime'
He planed to establish PMC
MacArthur said japs are twelve age children
This is why our most of japs forgot own sin
You should slaughter all management including Hirohito
You should watch GATE
When you see So many otaku praising That gruesome naive anime'
You will understand Armed little bitches were much loved by japs
Very easy. I went to the store, filled out some forms, and walked out 30 minutes later, rifle in hand. Pistols have like a 1 month wait period though.
Gate is pretty nice but imo, Rory is an unnecessary character. Basically a loli filler
why does JGSDF not commit war crimes inside the gate though? They can get away with it because of no outside observers
Why is handguns so difficult to get?
Aren't big ones more perilous?
No. Rifles cannot be hidden in a jacket and have more uses outside of self protection. It is much more difficult to purchase a handgun and carry it in my state, but this is considered to be unusual in other parts of the country.
Why is there so much focus on little girls in otaku culture? Is this considered strange to mainstream Japanese tastes?
>go to store
>tell them what you want
>fill out 10 mins of paper work for background check
>form submitted electronically to FBI and state police
>background check clears in 10 mins
>pay for the gun
In reality
our japs will do the some thigng as about 80 years ago
Japs can't have a conscience,a self-thinking,a puritanism and a justice
Japs was judged whether to do it by only just order and observers'eyes
Meinstream considered guns as Yokuza weapon or American movie
There are not gun culture in jpn
fair point
Wish they release a third season/chapters. I want to see some JSDF action but Rory has to go though
I love it, it reminds me of a story in fimfiction where france went to equestria and muscled the world in their interests.
If you're a fucking idiot you can go through all this bullshit for a CHANCE of getting a gun license
or you can just go to one of your local junkies and he will probably have an illegal gun stash, and will probably be willing to give you a gun for some drugs and a little bit of cash.
After a 3 day waiting period; you have to be 18;
without a felony to buy a shotgun or boltaction rifle.
Without waiting period you can also get the same guns at 16; if you have a hunting licence and your parents are with you at the shop.
very difficult you have to know criminals
Dont kill yourself pussy
I bought this gun on the internet and it arrived in the mail, so pretty easy.
I can't believe that easily available
>tfw export RKs never ever
>I can't believe that easily available
Land of the free and all that. Big brown boxes of freedom on your doorstep.