Are there any benefits for a CHI to get dual citizenship with Mexico?

Are there any benefits for a CHI to get dual citizenship with Mexico?

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Do they even allow dual U.S. Mexican citizenship ship?

free college

yes, retard

yes, if you get mexican citizenship and move to spain for 2 years you can then get spanish citizenship. and with spanish citizenship you can work and live within anywhere in the EU visa free

sí, retardar

yea mexican college

you get to rape girls in california and drop the bodies in baja

i don't know lol

>yes, if you get mexican citizenship and move to spain for 2 years you can then get spanish citizenship

source: your hairy ass

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as far as i know, not really. I was mexican first but after getting the dual american citizenship i used it more as a novelty, "look I'm a 100% real mexican!", just to flex on chicanos who can't speak spanish but say they're mexican (i hate those kind).
when I turned 18 they made me chose one or the other and naturally I chose american, but with a mexican passport I might get nicer reactions when traveling. I'm not a weeb or anything but Japanese like mexicans and I think i'll get better reception there if I said I was mexican. and also this country is getting crazy so I should have thought about it a little harder

Yes I have it, you can go to school, get a job, find a place to live. Also easier access to Cuba and Iran. Those are the benefits.

I’ve actually been mulling this over as a hypothetical path after getting mexican citizenship

how does a chicanx get mexican citizenship?
2bh I just want to fug the sjw girls in the universities or maybe live in a coastal village. I won't do any crazy shit i swear. I visit every other year or so and mexico seems to get nicer and nicer and I come back here and it gets worse

-You can travel to North Korea, Cuba and Iran
-You can travel to many South American countries without paying the expensive gringo visa tax
-in general customs officials from countries that the US has bad relations with won't give you as much shit.

You need your passport and the birth certificate of at least one of your parents that were born in Mexico.

it's on wikipedia dumb spic
go to your local consulate and ask

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Wait, can I do this if my parents are now naturalized US citizens?

I thought Spain didn't allow dual citizenship?

As long as they both are alive and born and raised in Mexico, yes
only with certain countries it's allowed

>2bh I just want to fug the sjw girls in the universities
*Gets accused of rape and thrown in prison*

Spain allows it for Iberoamerican countries, but one thing to know is that just because a country doesn't recognize dual citizenship doesn't mean you can't have it. It just means that. The country won't recognize it.

that's gonna be a yikes, both my parents are from mx but my dad came here illegally. my mom was a resident because of her father, and while I never specifically looked for her birth certificate i had to go through her box of documents once and I never saw anything like that.
could my parents just go back to mexico and get a birth certificate? theyre us citizens now. or could I just somehow go myself? i look spic enough and I speak spanish like someone from the capital and i even have a foreskin

>only with certain countries it's allowed
Are the US or Mexico one of those countries?

>could my parents just go back to mexico and get a birth certificate?
yes. if they're Mexican citizens they can get request it. Worth seeing if their family in mexico has it, which isn't uncommon.

you sound so cringy

>made me choose one or the other
...afaik both countries allow dual citizenship. I have both.

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idk how it is with spain but there are eu countries that allow dual citizenship, and some that don't. just get dual citizenship from one of the pro-dual ones and then you can go live in spain

thank you. I was always the quiet kid and even shy in my online posts but now I get (you0's all the time, and people notice me irl

this thread is cringe, just google it you inbreds its not the fucking hard.

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>and people notice me irl
why? did you stop showering?

Can I get Mexican citizenship if my father is American born but has dual citizenship with Mexico via his parents??

i honestly don't understand how this works. I was born in germany and so was my sister, she got dual citizenship and had to choose, but I didn't get shit. I also had a friend who was born in a Costa Rica vacation home (his parents were rich american boomers) and he had to choose but he just kept stalling and eventually they stopped asking

Yes, you can visit Cuba

Is your mom white?

She is also American born to Mexican parents but she never got her Mexican citizenship

Well I was born in Guadalajara and I didn’t move to the US until I was 19. After living here the required amount of time, I became a US citizen and nowhere in the process was I asked to give up citizenship or choose one or the other. I still travel with both passports and it’s never been an issue. I don’t know why you or your sister were made to choose.

no, he has to be born in Mexico