A glass of milk edition
/v4/ + friends
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Good morning /v4/
That's not milk.
t. knower
w-what is that?
how many people is needed to fill that glass
near a hundred men
if dubs I will paint models
single vidya
lazy fuck
fate decided, not me
what gaem
Ancestor Legacy
its a favorite milk by japanese women.
me right now
How do you find a German neonazi gf? Asking for a friend
>this is fat male guy according to femoids
yeah, go fate to weed...
they are correct you incel
you can see faint sixpack there. you fat faggot.
that's tramfag you dummy
Is she doing GOMAD?
No, she's doing GOSAD
I am not weed smoking degenerate
já bych se chtěl omluvit za to co jsou ti naši nadělali v Bratislavě
m-my nechtěli, to P*láci....
můžeme vám poslat pár cigošů (natrvalo), aby to tam dali do pořádku
Doesnt matter. You cant make that shitcity worse than it even is.
monkey for putting products description to eshop site
>5 years of experience needed
>university degree
>female only
>just lie
>just lie
>wear a wig
God I wish I were dead.
God I wish I were Polish
how much do they pay you
what other skill you have?
>might be between18-25 yo
yeah, I've seen plenty of these
you can escape misery by bearing my child
>life is so hard with a gf that loves you for who you are and good skills required in the current work market that allow you to freelance and live wherever you want and have a lot of free time
I totally feel you man.
sorry bulgaranon but I'm already taken desu
God I wish I were Icelandic
Doing a poopoo at the moment
Tell that Polish subhuman to fuck off and help this Bugar secure a future for BVLLgarian children.
Shut up, Manletolo.
I was the first one who said that he is living on easy mode and as always I was right
No way, Poland the Magnificent needs my help to raise the birthrates and I'm commited to my cause, and my qtek is the chosen one for such purpose, bulgaranon should find a bulgarianboo to help him desu
>Shut up, Manletolo.
You hate me because I told you the truth.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
oopsie, meant for
>my qtek is chosen one
>does not even talk with him outside of thread
>boss is asking me if I want to work extra shift again
I like money and could use them on autismo things but I will probably tell him to fuck off desu. Fuck extra shifts during summer
No u
You should talk if you are serious :3
Your loss, Argie. The Bugar here is a very successful entrepreneur involved in the production and distribution of medical products, you'd have a bright future together.
Milk is good for your health.
I don't want to be pushy and he doesn't want to apparently :(
And I'll be successful when I contribute to the glory of Poland with 14 really magnificent Polish kids
he does not want to talk with you ? :(
No out of the breads apparently :(
you tried to lure him on FB or how do you know that?
He said that here desu :(
Did you know that the Bulgarian empire had almost the entire Balkans at one time, had the first autonomous Orthodox church, baptised the Slavs, saved Constantinople from the Arabs and are the only country in the world to have the title Caesar granted by the roman Caesar? By every measurable criteria, the Bulgarian nation is worthier than Poolish.
All nice and well, but is Bulgaria the Christ of nations?, I thought so
I will ask him when he is here.
We talk with otti often on discord
He goes to d*scord? Yikes desu
No ? I mean I dont know if he does
going to watch Ducktales (2017)
Then I might do something......
No I can do that during.
What colour scheme you think would look good?
also you are not working today ?
Stop fapping
I am, but the laptop I was given is a pain in the bum and I can't connect it to internerd
this, sloneczko is Champagne socialist, limousine liberal filth.
>Hungarian media straight up went after Caputova for her Soros connection
based and paprika pilled.
>Jewish billionaire political donations BAD
>right-wing billionaires running for political office and selling everything which isn't tied down to private interests GOOD
>soros helping innocent refugees bad
>9999$ for gamer girl pee good
wh*Te ppl
the government should make gamer girl pee free
>above 15% bf fat
>below 15% bf normal
>below 10% bf fit
>they don't have a gamer gf at home to supply them with infinite amount of gamer girl pee forever
Uncle drunk himself into a stupor again
I'll go running just so I don't have to listen to this shit
based STALIN btfod sl*V(e) subhumans so hard now they suck american dick on another continent and all they can do is post frogs online
i pray to sheikh stalin every friday
release bannerlord pls
the girl is the more valuable asset
rofl have sex incel
I'm open to your proposal my little kara boga :3
imagine the smell
those were the quality posters
Thanks Piotr for that pic desu
whats your job?
performance artist
Montefiore's own works are all founded on what he got out of reading the memoirs of the children of the men in Stalin's court, and interviews with them. Literal cringe.
oh god I must have killed at least a million future generations with that picture
saw girl was fixing her panties yesterday, it was similiar view, she just shoved her hand back there and i saw the whole ordeal from like 15m
all my niggas gangbang, let your nuts hang
Do it nigga.