is Finland the most boring country on Earth?
Is Finland the most boring country on Earth?
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all nordic country are bland and boring.
switzerland too
But very peaceful
We try to be nice and equal for everyone and not just cater for the richfags
you can rest when you die
boring? country is not an amusement park stupid american. yes america is not boring cause you're shot and killed if you're alone at night. walking in america is like playing survival game. but not in finland. finland is safe and beautiful. finland is better than america. kys.
Finland is still the most bland out of all of them
Still doesn't explain why we have to be a nanny state or can't be cultured
swedoids are responsible for our lack of culture
Literally all of the very lacking culture is stolen from Swedes
we didn't stole it, they forced it on us
and our old customs and traditions were lost with the northern crusades
I beg to differ. I think it's the comfiest place on earth, and maybe that's boring to some people.
>nanny state
What do you mean?
Finns, is lapland worth visiting?
You can visit my lapland ;)
I don't know. I've never been there and I have no aspirations to ever go there.
Nobody cares about Finland
Leave them alone
I can't take that seriously because it puts so much weight on taxation.
america btfo
So Finland has made nothing in 700 years.
we were under sweden's rule for 700 years.
They make pretty good metal
Finland hasn't existed as a concept that long. People who spoke Finnish were just weirdos in the eastern forests of Sweden.
I don't understand how people who are out of high school can still enjoy metal. Why don't they start getting better taste and listen to jazz, classical, and avant garde stuff?
>Finnish tribes
Yeah, totally civilized
>Why yes, i do listen to neoclassical metal and also technical death metal with fuzion jazz elements
to be fair, only high IQ individuals can enjoy technical death metal
>avant garde
That would be Denmark but Finland is pretty boring too.
>Country is not an amusement park stupid american, yes america is not boring cause you're shot and killed if you're alone at night
In all eternity*
All three of those can be integrated into metal. You can also listen to all those three, plus metal by itself. What is your point?
its the scotland of scandanavia, cold, socially akward, rampant alcoholism and a fondness for knives
Scots are bros
If you seriously think any metal comes close to having the compositional quality, in terms of rhythm, structure, tone, etc. as classical does you're deluded.
dudee beethoven wuold have totally shredded it if he'd been alive today!! \m/
Music genre closest to classical and even surpasses it in complexity is electronic. So if you don't listen to prog house and techno, you're a pleb.
>mfw retards believe this
You listen music for the sound texture and compositions. You don't listen it just for mathematical complexity. That's fedora tier. Metal is fine. Jazz is gay and beat driven electronic fans should be thrown off of rooftops.
>The Nanny State Index (NSI) is a league table of the worst places in the European Union to eat, drink, smoke and vape.
They didn't even fucking look up what nanny state means huh?
Yes, both in the winter and summer, but in summer you'll have to deal with a fuckton of mosquitoes.
Depends on what part of it. Some parts have been made to literal tourist attractions to get monies from dumb mutts/gooks, but less populated areas are quite nice. Especially if you like trekking and fishing.
Is there even any structure? Most prog metal just seems like extended noodling in "weird" time signatures coupled with cringeworthy lyrics.
>Most prog metal just seems like extended noodling in "weird" time signatures
wow.. almost sounds like jazz!
>armchair musicians
How is Sweden considered less a nannystate? You have to be 20 to buy alcohol for consumption outside a bar and they recently passed a new law forbidding you to smoke outside bars.
Bit rude but deserved.
pseud detected
Is finland the most hated country or something? People always talk negative about it
Probably we are
your country is boring because the men would rather sit inside their homes and fantasize about anime girls
>Most prog metal just seems like extended noodling in "weird" time signatures
Have you listened to any classical since Schoenberg?
Imagine hating your own people this much, faggot. Except I'm fairly certain you're a swetard "bättre folk"er still butthurt you lost the language war in Finland.
t. half black non-nationalist who still wouldn't post this faggotry
Apart from Kaurismaki I know nothing about them. Their posters are often retarded or faggots though maybe that's why
Yes. Stay out.
Their posters are funny and autistic. Honestly some of the best, yet the country gets shitted on on a daily basis
I'm just repeating memes I heard here t bh. I don't know if their gayer than other posters. Only finn I know here is an alcoholic. Is Sami a common name? Or does this mean he's a Sami?
common practice period european art music
literally anything is more entertaining than classical lmao
We’re extremely hated while everyone is claiming that we’re the popular kids of Jow Forums. Truly the worst of both worlds
Finnish memes are everywhere
You've won
I think the gay thing comes from that one faggot and semi-ironic gay memeing because "haha finland gay"
also Sami is a normal name
Sami is a typical Finnish name. We call the Sámi people "saamelainen"
Finland has a jazz culture you fucking stupid and ignorant foreigner
I was going to disagree, but when I thought about it I have to admit that you are right
Most Finnish people are wild, as in forest with the animals wild. No etiquette no manners but at least it's "safe" although still, some people here get panic attacks when passing by a place like "Kontula" so whatever. Plus most women are lacking and they hide their backward animal instinct behavior behind bullshit Pride parades and Unicef talks in schools. The country is highly monopolized but even then if you did start your own business, Finnish people still won't use it cause they don't need it. Fins don't like elegance, they don't like romanticism, they don't like luxury and beauty (besides some banal ugly primitive flex items like buying an Audio and a shitty LV bag to your Asian bought wife).
It's a culture of snitching where every third Fin is a snitch who is afraid of having "Kella" taken away from him who's history is lower than the singing festival in Estonia. Finnish people while having done nothing still despite the Ruskies and think of Estonians as sub-humans and blame all their retardedness and unculturedness on Swedes (who don't acknowledge them as humans)
With all that said, Finland is really safe and I recommend bringing your kid to live his life before High school and then GTFO'ing before his psyche is fucked forever.
Yes, but everyone knows that they are just trolling us with the stuff they are making, though some Stockhausen and Cage are interesting.
these girls seem to have fun there
nailed it
Okay, but how is that relevant?
Yes. Avoid Finnish ”cities” (the museums are cheap and nice but otherwise the cities are ugly and bland). The nature in Lapland, Saimaa etc. is very beautiful and the main attraction for tourists in Finland.
Helsinki isn't that bad if you visit one of the nicer parts. Though it's very disappointing compared to basically any European capital.
Their language is unlearnable, I hate that.
How will USA ever recover?
(and that's a good thing veliseni)
You complained that we don't listen jazz, classical etc
true and based
How much of a brainlet are you?
t. eri
It’s a comfy place to live but a terrible one to visit.
Enjoy trying to get employed with your liberal arts degree.
He didn’t, pälli. He just (correctly) pointed out that people who listen to metal are brainlets.